[Top 10] Viking Weapons Used In Battle To Slay Enemies

Blood will be shed.

Vikings were mighty, but they needed more than their fists to win battles. Which weapons did they use? Which were most effective? Join us in exploring the greatest weapons of the Norse.


10. Atgeir

A polearm weapon used by Vikings, and likely related to the Halberd, this tool was not very common or famous, although it had others names such as; ‘mail-piercer’ and ‘hewing-spear’. The Atgeir was great because it offered; Long reach, offensive and defensive capabilities and could pierce chainmail.



9. Dane axe

A long handle axe that Vikings used, had both long-range and short-range capabilities and its long handle meant that the swing of the axe could be much more powerful than the single-handed axe. The Dane axe is great because; It offered long and short distance options in battle,  could break through shields and could cleave a whole person in two.



8. Mace

A brutal blunt force weapon that Vikings would use to bludgeon their enemies. One strong swing could cave a man’s skull in or shatter a shield. The Mace is great because: It wouldn’t get caught in the enemy’s shield, chain mail was rendered useless against it and the weight did half the work of a downward swing.



7.  One-handed axe

The one-handed axe was typically a woodcutting axe that the Vikings appropriated for battle. Although less powerful than the Dane axe, it was more versatile. The One-handed axe is great because: Could be used in conjunction with a shield, was light so the Viking could move faster and could be thrown if all else failed.



6. Spear

A long staff with a blade at the end, the spear could be one-handed or two-handed, used not only by Vikings but nearly every known civilisation. The spear is great because: Could be used alongside a shield, has long reach, could be thrown and could pierce armour and chainmail.



5. Seax

Also called a knife, it was a short blade the Vikings would keep on hand, either for a good fight in the eating hall, something to use when sneaking up on your enemies or as a last resort once all their weapons were spent. The Seax was great because: It was lightweight, useful for stealth, useful for very close range combat and could be carried anywhere.



4. Halberd

Yet another polearm weapon, that allowed Viking to take down enemies from a distance. Vikings didn’t often use cavalry so this weapon was effective against enemies that did. The Halberd was great because: It had great range, it allowed men to face cavalry and could hack or stab at an enemy.



3. Bow and arrow

A long-range weapon that could pierce through armour, either used for a primary or supporting role. The bow and arrow are great because: They had a long-range, they could pierce armour and were lightweight.



2. Bearded axe

A one-handed axe with an extended blade is often referred to as the ‘beard’. The bearded axe was great because: It was great for close combat, could easily hack a shield to pieces and could be used to disarm opponents.



1. Sword

The most famous and rarest of Viking weapons, a long blade used almost exclusively by the richest and most powerful Vikingsthey were often passed down through families. The sword was great because; It could pierce through armour and chainmail, could hack a shield to pieces and was an incredibly sharp blade.



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