If you are trigger happy and in search of a rifle with the ability to engage targets at long distances, DMRs are the perfect fit. DMR stands for Designated Marksman Rifle, a class of weapons that fill the gap between assault rifles and sniper rifles.
They usually are semi-automatic and ready to be equipped with scopes 8x and higher. Popular examples in the world of gaming include the M1 Garand, the SKS, and the Dragunov SVD, which unfortunately isn't featured in PUBG.DMRs play an important role in ranked and tournament matches, as you are able to deal more damage as opposed to using sniper rifles which have a much lower rate of fire. There is also a better chance to knock moving players in the open and to finish knocked players who are about to get to cover.
Let's quickly check the criteria for ranking DMRs.
Criteria for ranking
It doesn't come as a surprise that hit damage is the main factor for establishing a ranking in this series of articles about the different weapon classes in PUBG.
The same goes for DMRs. Everyone has their own subjective preferences for the choice of weapon, and the overall aim should be to improve handling of these weapons. This means that with sufficient effort, you are able to control the strongest guns in PUBG. Hit damage is a fixed number, handling isn't.Let's proceed to the ranking.
7. VSS Vintorez
VSS stats:
- Hit damage: 41
- Ammo type: 9mm
- Rate of fire: ~900 rounds/min
- Bullet speed: 330m/s
- Extended clip size: 20
It comes equipped with a suppressor and a scope already attached. So if you are in a hurry to engage in a long range fight in early game, this would be an option, besides the Winchester. You can also switch between single shot and auto fire, which makes the VSS playable in close-quarters combat.
A distinct feature is the heavy subsonic 9mm cartridge. Subsonic means that the projectile doesn't break through the sound barrier when fired. As a result, it is hard to pinpoint the direction from where the VSS shoots at you.
Another aspect is the slow bullet speed, where you can see bullets dropping quite drastically. Thus, it is hard to engage moving targets, or targets at a long distance.
Quite a few players use the VSS, but overall, it is not that common due to the low damage and limited range. It is perfectly suited for stealthy playstyles.
Bottom line:
- Comes already equipped, perfect for early battles.
- It's nearly impossible to make out the direction from where the VSS is being shot at you.
- Ability to engage in low range combat, due to the full-auto firing mode.
- Maximum effective range of 400m.
- World spawn everywhere.
6. Mini 14
Mini 14 stats:
- Hit damage: 46
- Ammo type: 5.56mm
- Rate of fire: 40 rounds/min
- Bullet speed: 990 m/s
- Extended clip size: 30
In PUBG, even though the Mini 14 has the lowest hit damage among all semi-automatic rifles it makes up with a very high muzzle velocity. This means that the bullet rarely drops at long ranges. This is why the Mini 14 is an ideal weapon for beginners, as the recoil is very low as well.
Interestingly, many professional Esport-players use the Mini 14 in official PUBG tournaments. Its comparably large magazine capacity in connection with the high bullet speed makes the rifle an accurate weapon to put pressure on enemy teams.Bottom line:
- Extraordinarily high bullet speed; great accuracy at long ranges.
- Large magazine capacity; decreases reloading iterations.
- Low recoil; great to handle.
- Find it across all maps, except Sanhok.
5. QBU
QBU stats:
- Hit damage: 48
- Ammo type: 5.56mm
- Rate of fire: 50 rounds/min
- Bullet speed: 945 m/s
- Extended clip size: 20
In PUBG, you will only find the QBU on Sanhok. It was introduced as a replacement for the Mini 14. The rifle features an integrated bipod, which significantly reduces the recoil while prone.
Overall, it is very similar to the Mini 14, with a slightly higher hit damage and lower bullet speed. For anyone who fancies the Mini 14, this weapon is the choice on Sanhok. Note that it has a decreased magazine capacity of only 20 rounds.Bottom line:
- Very high bullet speed; great accuracy.
- Very low recoil while prone.
- Sanhok exclusive, but you might be able to find it in Taego's light blue zones.
4. MK12
MK12 stats:
- Hit damage: 51
- Ammo type: 5.56mm
- Rate of fire: 50 rounds/min
- Bullet speed: 930 m/s
- Extended Clip Size: 30
In PUBG, it is a hard hitting, high velocity DMR chambered in 5.56mm. It is the strongest of all DMRs in that cartridge class. You can attach a foregrip and a compensator to manage the recoil better.
Bottom line:- High velocity; great accuracy at long ranges.
- High damage; comes close to the 7.62mm rifles.
- It spawns across all maps.
3. SKS
SKS stats:
- Hit damage: 53
- Ammo type: 7.62mm
- Rate of fire: 40 rounds/min
- Bullet speed: 800 m/s
- Extended clip size: 20
In PUBG, the SKS is a DMR with higher damage that takes most attachments out of all rifles in that class. Once equipped with a light grip, compensator, and a cheek pad, recoil will be greatly reduced.
It is not as effective at longer ranges as the previous DMRs on that list, but the higher damage partly makes up for it. Thus, if you have a 7.62mm assault rifle as your main weapon, it might be worth trying the SKS.
Bottom line:
- High damage; typical for 7.62 mm weaponry.
- Many attachments available; great to stabilize recoil.
- Spawns across all maps.
2. SLR
SLR stats:
- Hit damage: 56
- Ammo type: 7.62mm
- Rate of fire: 50 rounds/min
- Bullet speed: 840 m/s
- Extended clip size: 20
In PUBG, the SLR can be seen as a stronger version of the SKS with a harder to control recoil. There is no grip attachment available, making it harder to use.
It has a higher bullet speed, providing a slightly better accuracy at long ranges.Bottom line:
- High damage; superior to most other DMRs.
- Spawns across all maps.
1. MK14 EBR
MK14 EBR stats:
- Hit damage: 61
- Ammo type: 7.62mm
- Rate of fire: ~700-750 rounds/min
- Bullet speed: 853 m/s
- Extended clip size: 22
In PUBG, it is the most powerful semi-automatic rifle and the only DMR that can switch the firing mode to full auto.
However, high hit damage always comes with harder to control recoil, and the MK14 EBR is no exception. While it is certainly an advantage to fire on full auto in close- to mid-range combat situations, the missing ability to attach a grip contributes to a very strong recoil which is extremely hard to control. It also has a limited magazine capacity of 20 rounds, which depletes quickly on automatic fire.
Thus, the MK14 should be used with a compensator and cheek pad to utilize the most aid in terms of handling. Even then it is fairly hard to get a grip on the recoil on full-auto. Using the bipod while prone further reduces recoil.
The high muzzle velocity in connection with the high hit damage makes the weapon the most capable DMR in the game. This is why you only find it in airdrops. It produces a distinctive sound, so you will always know when someone is using this weapon.
Bottom line:- Highest damage of all DMRs; get the most out of each shot.
- High bullet speed; accurate at long ranges.
- Full auto mode: there is the option to use the MK14 as an assault rifle, which is only recommended for more advanced players.
How to get the MK14 EBR:
- Airdrop only.
General tips and tricks
Here are some general tips and tricks for using DMRs:
- In Duo or Squads, it is advised to use DMRs to deal maximum damage in a short time.
- You are able to change the zoom on a 6x scope down to 4x, and on an 8x scope down to 6x, providing you with flexibility to adjust to different combat situations.
- Strive to find a silencer for DMRs, which makes it harder to spot you while going nuts on the trigger.
- Going prone greatly reduces recoil.
- Make use of the canted sight with the MK14, which is effective in close-quarters combat.
- DMRs are excellent tools for providing suppressive fire.
DMRs play a crucial role on the vast maps of PUBG. While sniper rifles can be lethal with a single shot, DMRs provide versatility unmatched by other rifles at long ranges.
Hitting a moving target is much easier with DMRs, as you have around 20-30 shots before the magazine is empty.Additionally, it's easier to finish off downed players with deadly follow-up shots. This is why many professional Esport players opt for DMRs in the official tournaments.Ultimately, your choice of weapon will be guided by personal preference and playstyle. With practice and the right attachments, any DMR discussed in this article can become an effective tool for navigating the battleground.
Further reading on weapons in PUBG:
PUBG Best Handguns (From Worst To Best)
PUBG Best SMGs (From Worst To Best)
PUBG Best Assault Rifles (From Worst To Best)
PUBG Best Snipers (From Worst To Best)