How to earn star coins in the best and most fun ways.
1. Sell Excess Materials(best for starting out in the game)
Waste not want not and a great way to get started
At the very start of the game when you first get started your first task will be to clear out everything around you from night thorns to stone rocks even a couple of flowers here and there all of which you can turn around and sell with our good friend Goofy. It is a very effective way to get some early money in before you get started with the rest of the game.
1. When you first start the game you’ll only have the plateau as your starting point but even there you will have a great start up to earning money all around you will be night thorns and rocks you will need to remove in order to progress further into the game and other biomes. As you clear them away you’ll have random coin drops or seeds even materials will randomly drop as you clear away more and more thorns and rocks. Any item you don’t have a use for you can turn around and sell when you have access to your first Goofy Stall.
2. In fact the very first thing you’ll be called upon to do is open up Scrooge Mcduck’s store with the money you obtain by clearing away thorns or selling materials you don’t need so right off the bat this helps you to build up enough gold to open up his shop.
3. Another useful tool to make use of is if you can’t sell it use tutorial items to help save money one of the items Scrooge asks you to deliver is a blue piece of furniture to Merlin fortunately since I had no need for one of those furniture pieces to begin with I used that as my furniture and kept the money he gave me a neat trick I learned to use as well.
4. The best part of clearing away thorns is that they respawn daily so while you're running around doing other things take the time to clear away the night thorns and sell what materials that come available to you.
2. Maxing out Friendships
When your the best of friends
I had almost forgotten about this detail but indeed you will find each time you increase your friendship with the characters in this game you will get a star coin reward for reaching that level of friendship with them. So no need to be a wallflower even if some characters may not be your favorites it is still worth it all the same to make friends with them and benefit from it.
1. Maxing out your friendships is another great way to make money in the game not only does it give you the chance to complete quests and sell excess materials but as you get higher in your friendship with the characters you will get a star coin reward of 500 to 1k for reaching that level of friendship with them
2. With so many characters joining the game with more on the way this is a great and fun way to help you make money while making friends with your favorite Disney characters.
3. Track Down Chests
Treasure hunting with the magic of Disney
It is without a doubt an easy fun if a little challenging way to find and unearth all these chests all over your valley some of which do more than just give you gold they can also give you moonstones there an in game currency you can use to buy items in the games shop so an additional bonus to the treasure hunting the game offers to you. So keep an eye out and try to make use of your bird's eye view when you're designing your valley to help you find them if need be.
1. Just like with selling access materials you will find chests randomly all over the biomes the more you play every day these chests also afford you the chance to land star coins and earn money that way.
2. Another chest that shows up is when it's triggered when you trigger this chest you’ll have 1k every time it happens and will always happen once a day thereby ensuring you will always have 1k every time you trigger this chest showing up.
3. There are also Star Coin chests located in each of the biomes that can only be accessed by making use of the Royal Tools you use in the game keeping an eye for these is always something to also bear in mind as well as learning how to gain access to them luckily the game helps you figure out how to open these treasure chests and gain a 700 star coin reward every time.
4. Clear Night thorns
It is the core point of the game and they make it fun and rewarding as well
Clearing these horrid things from your valley is the main point as the ruler of your valley and with the additional bonus of the money seeds and materials it gives you in turn it helps all the more. Plus I for one do not enjoy seeing these things ruin the look of my nicely done up Valley so out these thorns go.
1. Clearing out night thorns is a daily and constant task to make use of in the game both as you start out and as you continue to play the game. Every day thorns will appear all over the valley and clearing them not only helps to keep your valley looking nice but also rewards you with star coins, seeds and other materials you can either use or sell at Goofy’s stall for more money.
2. It's also by clearing away the night thorns you trigger a gold chest appearing along with a orange shower of coins to appear when you clear the thorns away if you can get to all the coins that got scattered around you in time before the timer finishes the gold chest is your reward for finishing in time giving you even more star coins to go with clearing out the night thorns.
3. As stated this is a daily task and they keep respawning almost constantly throughout the game giving you more chances to harvest coins and items to sell as well as keep your valley nice and clear. It also helps to keep your valley clear for when you design it.
4. The final bonus to clearing away night thorns is that they are usually a daily task that rewards you with dream shards the more dream shards you obtain the better as you will learn the more you play the game.
5. Partner with Companions
Nothing like hanging out with your favorite characters its very rewarding
Or vindictive in some cases, I have had no qualms about making Gothel or Scar run around with me to gather or mine. I reap the rewards of it every time I do so and I get a little bit of extra fun from making them help me so double the bonus.That aside I also love deciding which roles go with what characters for example I can so easily see Goofy and Donald as fishing partners, or have the big strong Maui help me with mining or even Scrooge Mcduck we all know that duck is not afraid to get into mines for gems so it works.
1. Not only is it a lot of fun to spend the time working together with your favorite characters, they in turn also help you by working together with you to perform various tasks throughout the valley.
2. Each task itself is rewarding and a great way to not only make money but also increase the friendship you have with your companion. Assigning each character to help you with the tasks you do with them increases the friendship they have with you and in turn the higher the friendship the greater the bonus.
3. The bonus that helps you as you do your tasks with them is each time you say garden for crops you have a chance of having that partner increasing the harvest every time you harvest your crops in your garden each and every time they do this increases the harvested amount and you can continue to do this every time to reap the rewards for it.
4. In exchange not only does it give you more to sell at Goofy’s stall but the other benefits to access harvested items from each of the tasks you do also holds future benefits to you in the future. In the end both you and your partner benefit from the time spent together making the game that much more fun. I for one love nothing more than dragging Gothel around as I gather fruits and flowers and such.
6. Mine for Gems
We Dig Dig Dig from early morn till night
I am not kidding either you could quite literally spend your entire time mining deposits all day long with your favorite character. It's that easy and straightforward to do. The only time it got a little irksome is for quests gotta love when the random ratio is never in your favor when you need that one specific gem for quests and such. But outside of that it is a very easy and very laid back way to make money for sure in this game.
2. Just as with farming Mining gems is another task you can do in the valley and with a companion helping you really benefit from it every time you mine for gems in the game.
3. Each of the biomes in the Valley has four ore deposits in each biome said deposits have the chance of dropping various gems every time you mine them. And when you are partnered with a companion just as with the crops you harvest your partner will also help you by increasing the amount of items dropped from the deposit every time.
3, The additional bonus to each deposit is it only takes up to five maybe ten minutes before the deposit is reset allowing you to harvest more each time you mine them. You can do a full circuit around your valley to gather as much gems and ore stones and coal from those deposits as you can. After which you can store for building items to sell at Goofy’s stall or you can sell them as is.
4. Another additional bonus to mining is you run the chance of harvesting what is called Shiny versions of each of the gems in each of the biomes Shiny gems are worth even more then the normals ones so harvesting as much as you can of those will greatly benefit you in making money in the game as well.
5. The other perk to mining is you also run the chance of triggering an orange shower of gems showing up for you to collect on top of the gems you’ve already collected and having your partner help with their own bonus harvest of whatever gem or ore you collected from your deposit is also a huge help.
7. Catch and Sell Fish
Fishing with Friends a Hyuk!
This method takes a bit to get used to as you get to time it and until I personally got the timing of it right it kinda irked me some but once you do have the timing down it is a lot of fun and a decent way to make money in the game. There is also a potion that also enhances the Fishing rod you get with the rest of your Royal Tools. However I will warn that the only drawback to the potion is if you need any of the lower tiered fish for quests this potion makes that a bit of a chore to get to. Plus they did have a bit of a bug on how long it takes for the potion to wear off. I think they saw that problem so hopefully it's no longer an issue but still something to bear in mind.
1. Another fun way to earn money is catching fish and selling them. As with mining there are several rivers, ponds and a full ocean to fish out of in each of the biomes and again as with mining you can catch as much fish as you want to turn around and sell at Goofy’s stall.
2. The same rule with farming and mining also applies with Fishing, partner up with a Disney friend and they will also help you to catch more fish every time you reel one in helping to once again increase the amount of fish you catch and can then in turn sell.
3. The other fun part about fishing is that on occasional like with the orange coin shower you will on occasion trigger a similar event with the fish if you can run around and get them all your welcome to try I have and never gotten to all of them in time but regardless it still rewards you with even more fish for you to collect and sell as a reward every time this happens.
4. A final and further bonus to the fish is you can hold on to some and turn them into food which can also benefit you and your friends in the valley as gifts and can also be helpful with making money that way as well.
5. Another bonus is if you save up enough you can have a Fishing boat set up for you to collect fish for you every time you go over to the boat one make sure it's filled with fish you can check every time to be sure and collect the fish the boat has harvested and sell the fish from that as well. All in all it is another fun and pretty relaxing way to make money once you get the hang of it plus I always enjoy fishing with Goofy or Donald as I do it.
8. Harvesting Canola(perfect crop to build up with)
Great Crop to get started with and to use as the inbetween for another crop
This was also my method to earning money before I got to the King of the Crops after all. Until you can get to said crop you do need a way to afford the seeds to buy it so this crop is a great middle crop to make use of until you can get there. Plus again with the fast growth feature of your watering can when you apply its potion to it also helps with this as well.
1. Gardening/Farming is without a doubt the most effective way to get money in this game and starting out with the cheapest one when you gain access to it is Canola.
2. The price for seeds for this crop is 35 star coins so once you have made enough space in any of the biomes you grow your crops in buy as much canola seeds as you can and plant them into the plots you made using your shovel.
3. In addition to the crop itself making you money every plot you made to put the crops in also helps as each time you dig up a plot you also have a chance to drop one or two star coins every time so it's an additional mini bonus every time you make plots for your garden/farm.
4. As with Mining and Fishing partnered up with a companion also helps with the harvest of this crop as your partner will also increase the amount of Canola you harvest every time you collect your Canola which you can harvest every 35 minutes and sell for over a hundred star coins and the Canola itself stacks up to fifty each.
5. In addition to the harvest itself and your partner's additional harvest you also have a chance of getting the orange shower effect on your harvest as well increasing the amount of the canola you collect as well.
6. The Final bonus to gardening/farming is on occasion as you collect your Canola you also have a chance of triggering a Golden aura showing up at that harvest spot when it happens keep harvesting until the aura fades while doing so you can keep harvesting that same crop of canola over and over until as I said it fades adding to the harvest with that bonus.
9. Pumpkin Harvesting
Having your very own Pumpkin patch has never been more fun
I’ve never been more happy to restart a game then when I learned of this method to making money I charted my way into the Forgotten Lands and never looked back since. I will admit the four hour wait is a tiny drawback but with the latest update to the game that is no longer a worry. The game came up with four potions that can be applied to your tools and when you apply the watering can potion you get an instant harvest of every crop you water with your enhanced watering can. Rendering that one hiccup completely moot. So trust me when I say this is the King of all crops and the best way to make money for sure.
1. Gardening/Farming is without a doubt the most lucrative way to make money in this game but the golden crop of them all is without question the pumpkin I myself after learning of this fact restarted my game and plotted everything to get myself to them.
2. As stated getting Pumpkin seeds is not the easiest to get but the most rewarding if you plan it right Pumpkin seeds can only be obtained in The Forgotten Lands of your biomes so getting to them does take planning and effort.
3. But again once you gain access to the Forgotten Land clear away as much room as you can plot down all the farm plots you can which as stated before also helps you to gain some star coins each time you make one so the bigger the better to help you not only plant as many pumpkins as you can but to also get more star coins for your efforts.
4. After you’ve planted and watered the pumpkins they take up to four hours to mature so plan your crop accordingly to really reap the benefits of each harvest hence as I said making sure you plant enough plots for each round of harvesting is truly going to make it worthwhile.
5. When you get to harvesting them a pro tip we players use is we set up a fenced off area and put our partner in there and make sure they can’t get out. Why do we do this? Simple, when you let your partner out they will go to somewhere within your plotted fields and do the motion of picking up a crop.
When this happens brace yourself for a Pumpkin shower every spot not filled with plot holes will soon be full of pumpkins. Run around as fast as you can to collect them before they lose their shimmer otherwise get ready to enjoy bending your character down to collect the rest over and over again. As stated when you plan it out accordingly you will reap a truly rewarding benefit to harvesting this very lucrative crop from your garden/farm and with the golden aura bonus your partners additional harvest bonus and the orange shower bonus it is very worthwhile to pursue.
10. Make Pumpkin Puffs
Guess Kronk decided to experiment with his famous puffs and they paid off
While I personally only made use of this method once myself I cannot deny it is a very lucrative way to make use of your pumpkins rather than just selling them to Goofy the second they are ready to be harvested. Plus it does help those who like me enjoy a fully complete game so having learned and mastered the Pumpkin Puff recipe is an additional bonus.
1. As if the crop itself wasn’t rewarding enough just like with fish you catch while fishing the Pumpkins you harvest in your farm/garden also has an additional reward as being an ingredient used in Pumpkin Puff.
2. Anyone familiar with Kronk’s Spinach Puffs from The Emperor's New Groove? Consider these Pumpkin versions of those. The game designers decided to have some fun with that iconic food and made various versions of it and this one is the most rewarding of the puffs you can make in the game.
3. All that you need is the pumpkins you harvest in your farm/garden and cheese and eggs which you can obtain with a little help from everyone's favorite Little Chef from Ratatouille and some trips into his world. With these three ingredients you can either make them in his restaurant or at home or make use of the campfire cooking stations the game has set up in two other locations.
4. Once you have cooked up enough you sell as many of them as you can for 1,500 star coins, definitely a bigger reward then the 600 star coins for each pumpkin granted with the stacking of either one the reward for both is still a plus so either way this crop is a huge asset to making money in this game.
5. So with the use of Pumpkins and two ingredients and luckily a neat little trick the game has where all you have to do is make the dish manually once and the game remembers the process and allows you to repeat it as many times as you wish.So until you're fresh out of pumpkins or Cheese or Eggs or you’ve run out of room in your inventory keep making all the pumpkin puffs you can and reap the rewards. All in all this will ensure you have all the money you could ever need to thoroughly enjoy your game.