Destiny 2 offers an exceptional PvP experience for players, with the option of casual Crucible matches or more competitive gameplay in modes such as Trials of Osiris. Staying current on the season's top weapons is critical with a constantly changing weapons meta. This guide will look at the 15 best weapons for PvP during the Season of Wish.
What are the best Auto Rifles in Destiny 2?
Season of the Wish was launched with many weapon adjustments, changing the PvP meta. Let’s see which weapons are the best to use in PvP activities.
15. Cloudstrike
Cloudstrike shines as a powerful option across all game modes, delivering impressive performance in PvP and proving very effective for wiping out Guardian teams in The Crucible. Using Cloudstrike is not only efficient but also enjoyable and satisfying. Its catalyst boosts PvE performance further by adding the Triple Tap perk, which returns one round to the magazine for quickly landing precision shots.
Cloudstrike Stats
- Impact: 55
- Range: 60
- Stability: 49
- Handling: 46
- Reload Speed: 40
- Reload Time: 3.22 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 68
- Inventory Size: 70
- Zoom: 50
- Airborne Effectiveness: 7
- Recoil: 68
- Rounds Per Minute: 140
- Magazine: 7
Exotic Perk:
"Precision final blows generate a lightning bolt at the target's location. Rapid precision hits create a lightning storm at the point of impact."
How to get Cloudstrike
To obtain the Cloudstrike Exotic Sniper in Destiny 2: Beyond Light, complete all the Variks Sabotage challenges until further unlocks are unavailable. Completing the A Hard Rain Falls quest from the Exo Stranger is required to unlock additional challenges. Once you finish these challenges, you will receive the Cloudstrike sniper rifle.
14. Ammit AR2
The Ammit AR2 distinguishes itself with a wide range of perks, including the notable "Dynamic Sway Reduction," which improves synergy with solar builds and improves PvP gameplay. This auto rifle is known for its exceptional range, which sets it apart in PvE scenarios. Furthermore, because it is a craftable weapon, players can customize it with their preferred perks, including the option for enhanced versions that increase the weapon's base statistics.
Ammit AR2 Stats
- Impact: 29
- Range: 61
- Stability: 45
- Handling: 46
- Reload Speed: 38
- Reload Time: 2.21 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 44
- Inventory Size: 48
- Zoom: 15
- Airborne Effectiveness: 20
- Recoil: 71
- Rounds Per Minute: 450
- Magazine: 32
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
- Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds
- Perk 1: Dynamic Sway Reduction
- Perk 2: Tap the Trigger
How to get Ammit AR2
In the Season of the Witch, the only way to get this weapon is from the gunsmith vendor (Banshee-44). Banshee has sold some amazing rolls of this weapon in the past and offers it frequently in its inventory. You must watch its daily offerings and might be lucky enough to get a god-roll.
13. Sunshot
With the launch of Solar 3.0, Sunshot made a comeback in the game’s PvP meta. Sunshot stands out as one of the rare Lightweight Hand Cannons available in the game, delivering an exceptionally satisfying experience without considering its exotic perk. With the right build, you can eliminate whole fire teams with solar blasts thanks to its amazing exotic perk. Sunshot now has a catalyst that increases its range and handling, making it even easier to use.
Sunshot Stats
- Impact: 80
- Range: 31
- Stability: 40
- Handling: 81
- Reload Speed: 72
- Reload Time: 2.45 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 60
- Inventory Size: 53
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 27
- Recoil: 98
- Rounds Per Minute: 150
- Magazine: 12
Exotic Perk:
"This weapon fires explosive rounds. Targets killed with Sunshot explode in Solar energy."
How to get Sunshot
There is no specific quest to get Trinity Ghoul. Instead, you can get it as a random reward for deciphering the exotic engrams. The exotic engrams follow a knockout system, increasing the chances of dropping the exotics you don’t own. The weekly vendor Xur also sells it occasionally, so you can also buy it from there.
12. Ace of Spades
In Destiny 2, the Ace of Spades is a highly regarded exotic hand cannon previously wielded by the legendary Cayde-6. It stands out for its two distinct perks, Memento Mori and Firefly, which increase precision damage and provide crowd control capabilities. This hand cannon provides a fluid shooting experience and an elegant design, making it a popular choice among guardians.
Exotic Perk:
"Precision kills increase reload speed and cause the target to explode. Reloading after a kill increases damage. Grants radar while aiming down sights."
Ace of Spades Stats
- Impact: 84
- Range: 75
- Stability: 40
- Handling: 40
- Reload Speed: 42
- Reload Time: 3.19 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 70
- Inventory Size: 56
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 14
- Recoil: 100
- Rounds Per Minute: 140
- Magazine: 13
How to get Ace of Spades
You can only get Ace of Spades from the Monument to Lost Lights weapon vault in the Tower. To craft the weapon, you’ll need to bring a hefty list of materials:
- 1x Exotic Cipher
- 100,000 Glimmer
- 1x Ascendant Shard
11. Matador 64
Matador may not have had the same impact in Destiny 2 as in the original, but it is still one of the game's strongest and most reliable shotguns. Matador has impressive base stats and provides a variety of advantageous perk combinations. It offers perks that improve mobility and handling and with the right perk selections, such as Threat Detector and Opening Shot, its range can be maximized to its full potential.
Matador 64 Stats
- Impact: 70
- Range: 65
- Stability: 48
- Handling: 43
- Reload Speed: 48
- Aim Assistance: 65
- Inventory Size: 45
- Zoom: 12
- Airborne Effectiveness: 2
- Recoil: 77
- Rounds Per Minute: 65
- Magazine: 5
God roll:
- Barrel: Fullchoke
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Perk 1: Perpetual Motion
- Perk 2: Opening Shot
How to get Matador 64
You can grab Matador by completing encounters of the Grasp of Avarice dungeon. This weapon can drop from all three encounters, but we highly suggest you farm the first encounter as it is the fastest to finish. The loot pool of the first encounter is also small, increasing this weapon's drop chances.
10. Conditional Finality
Conditional Finality is currently the best shotgun in the game, the first double-barreled shotgun in history. With its demon-like appearance, this exotic is unique because it can load stasis pellets into one barrel and solar pellets into another. Its ability to quickly eliminate supers using the Freeze-ignite effect is unparalleled. This shotgun's performance metrics are exceptional, and its ability to freeze or ignite opponents based on pellet impact makes it the ideal weapon for PvP scenarios.
Exotic Perk:
"Dual barrels split into Stasis and Solar damage. Landing nearly all Stasis pellets will freeze targets; landing nearly all Solar pellets will ignite targets."
Conditional Finality Stats
- Impact: 80
- Range: 35
- Stability: 20
- Handling: 60
- Reload Speed: 66
- Aim Assistance: 56
- Inventory Size: 51
- Zoom: 12
- Airborne Effectiveness: 4
- Recoil: 70
- Rounds Per Minute: 55
- Magazine: 2
How to get Conditional Finality
You can only get Conditional Finality from the final chest of Root of The Nightmare raid. You have three chances of dropping it in a week by completing the raid on three different characters. You can also farm this weapon when this raid is the featured raid of the week.
9. Beloved
Beloved, widely regarded as the community's favorite legendary sniper, has returned triumphantly, stronger than ever. It was first released during the Season of Opulence and was hailed as the best PvP sniper rifle. Beloved's popularity in PvP remains strong thanks to its low zoom, high aim assist, craftability, and the sought-after Snapshot Sights perk.
Beloved Stats
- Impact: 70
- Range: 50
- Stability: 46
- Handling: 47
- Reload Speed: 38
- Reload Time: 3.26 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 68
- Inventory Size: 36
- Zoom: 40
- Airborne Effectiveness: 3
- Recoil: 77
- Rounds Per Minute: 90
- Magazine: 4
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Fluted Barrel
- Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
- Perk 1: Snapshot Sights
- Perk 2: Moving Target
How to get Beloved
In the Season of the Witch, the only way to get this weapon is from the gunsmith vendor (Banshee-44). Banshee has sold some amazing rolls of this weapon in the past and offers it frequently in its inventory. You must watch its daily offerings and might be lucky enough to get a god-roll.
8. Igneous Hammer
Despite 120 rpm hand canons getting multiple nerfs in the game, Igneous Hammer still dominates the PVP arena as one of the best hand canons. The perk pool of the gun has been updated to sync with multiple classes perfectly. Although it may not be the top choice in the current meta, this weapon performs exceptionally well across various PVP scenarios.
Igneous Hammer Stats
- Impact: 92
- Range: 65
- Stability: 35
- Handling: 37
- Reload Speed: 30
- Reload Time: 3.55 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 69
- Inventory Size: 55
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 23
- Recoil: 95
- Rounds Per Minute: 120
- Magazine: 9
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Hammer Forged Rifling
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Perk 1: Rapid Hit
- Perk 2: Opening Shot
How to get Igneous Hammer
Players can obtain the Igneous Hammer from the lighthouse chest, which can only be unlocked by going flawless in trials.
7. Fatebringer
Fatebringer is one of the oldest yet most iconic hand canons. The perk pool of this hand canon offers something for every kind of player. The stats are well-balanced with amazing range and stability, and you can also earn the time-lost version of this weapon to apply PvP mods.
Fatebringer Stats
- Impact: 84
- Range: 46
- Stability: 57
- Handling: 55
- Reload Speed: 46
- Reload Time: 3.08 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 84
- Inventory Size: 53
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 10
- Recoil: 98
- Rounds Per Minute: 140
- Magazine: 11
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Smallbore
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Perk 1: Killing Wind
- Perk 2: Opening Shot
How to get Fatebringer
Fatebringer can only be dropped by completing the third encounter ( The Templar) of the Vault of the Glass raid. The encounter has other weapons in the pool, so getting the hand cannon may take a few tries. To get the Timelost version of the gun, you must complete the encounter on the Master difficulty. Once you have unlocked the weapon in your collections, you can also buy it from the final chest of the raid.
6. No Time to Explain
No Time to Explain, the Kinetic Exotic pulse rifle introduced with the Beyond Light expansion, has undergone several changes to reduce its impact in The Crucible. Despite these balance changes, it remains one of Destiny 2's top PvP weapons. Its unique features and capabilities make it a popular choice among Guardians looking to stand out in PvP activities.
Exotic Perk:
Precision shots and shots against combatants slowed or frozen by Stasis will return to the magazine.
No Time to Explain Stats
- Impact: 33
- Range: 60
- Stability: 55
- Handling: 42
- Reload Speed: 60
- Reload Time: 1.89 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 40
- Inventory Size: 57
- Zoom: 17
- Airborne Effectiveness: 24
- Recoil: 73
- Rounds Per Minute: 340
- Magazine: 24
How to get No Time to Explain
To get the "No Time to Explain" pulse rifle in Destiny 2, all you need to do is complete the Beyond Light campaign and then visit the Exo Stranger on Europa. They'll award you the rifle and provide you with a quest called "Soon." This means owning or having access to the Beyond Light expansion is necessary to obtain this fantastic pulse rifle.
5. Mercurial Overreach
Mercurial Overreach is the spiritual successor to the legendary Revoker, a Pinnacle Sniper Rifle from previous years. This 90 RPM Sniper Rifle deals Arc damage and is a stat powerhouse. Furthermore, the ability to roll stocks instead of an origin trait boosts its stats, making it the best option among Adaptive Snipers. In The Crucible, Mercurial Overreach shines like a beast. Its outstanding stats, solid and unique perks, and clean scope contribute to its growing popularity among Guardians, outperforming even the popular Beloved.
Mercurial Overreach Stats
- Impact: 70
- Range: 65
- Stability: 54
- Handling: 52
- Reload Speed: 50
- Reload Time: 3.03 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 63
- Inventory Size: 50
- Zoom: 40
- Airborne Effectiveness: 5
- Recoil: 75
- Rounds Per Minute: 90
- Magazine: 4
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Fluted Barrel
- Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
- Perk 1: Snapshot Sights
- Perk 2: Opening Shot
How to get Mercurial Overreach
Mercurial Overreach was the reward for the PvP Competitive Playlist in a previous season. Unfortunately, there is no way to obtain this gun in the game right now.
4. Rose
Rose is hands down the best sniper in the game right now. This amazing sniper has the best reticle and zoom value, perfect for almost every range in the PvP. It is also a craftable weapon so you can craft it with your perfect god roll. The stats package of the gun is well-balanced, and the stability feels insane.
Rose Stats
- Impact: 84
- Range: 43
- Stability: 45
- Handling: 60
- Reload Speed: 55
- Reload Time: 2.84 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 85
- Inventory Size: 58
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 20
- Recoil: 95
- Rounds Per Minute: 140
- Magazine: 11
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Perk 1: Perpetual Motion
- Perk 2: Rangefinder
How to get Rose
Rose was the reward for the PvP Competitive Playlist in a previous season. Unfortunately, there is no way to obtain this gun in the game right now.
3. The Immortal Adept
The Immortal, an SMG introduced with the unique Target Lock perk, has significantly impacted PvP gameplay. This SMG can efficiently take down Guardians, even within a Well of Radiance. This capability has made it an indispensable weapon for PvP enthusiasts. What distinguishes The Immortal, like many weapons in Destiny 2, is its unique set of perks. The best combination for optimal performance in PvP is combining the Rangefinder perk with Target Lock, improving range and target acquisition stats.
The Immortal Stats
- Impact: 23
- Range: 40
- Stability: 25
- Handling: 58
- Reload Speed: 30
- Reload Time: 2.28 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 39
- Inventory Size: 37
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 25
- Recoil: 96
- Rounds Per Minute: 720
- Magazine: 28
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling
- Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
- Perk 1: Rangefinder
- Perk 2: Target Lock
How to get The Immortal
The Immortals Adept weapon is challenging to acquire because it is associated with the Trials of Osiris activity. You must access the lighthouse chest to get it, which is only possible by achieving a flawless trial run. After unlocking it in your collections, you can purchase an additional one from Saint-14 by giving up your card and a handful of other materials.
2. The Messenger (Adept)
The Messenger quickly became a sensation in the PvP scene upon its release, thanks to its powerful perks, such as Desperado and Rapid Hit, which made it an immediate favorite among Guardians. The weapon's statistics are exceptional, enabling players to eliminate opponents with just two shots from virtually any range. Even after Desperado was nerfed, The Messenger continued to dominate PvP, largely due to its refreshed perk pool that maintained its competitiveness and effectiveness.
The Messenger (Adept) Stats
- Impact: 33
- Range: 66
- Stability: 54
- Handling: 31
- Reload Speed: 38
- Reload Time: 2.3 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 37
- Inventory Size: 49
- Zoom: 18
- Recoil: 60
- Bounce Intensity: 40
- Rounds Per Minute: 340
- Magazine: 31
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Chambered Compensator (Stability +10, Recoil +10, Handling -5)
- Magazine: Ricochet Rounds (Range +5, Stability +10)
- Perk 1: Killing Wind
- Perk 2: Desperado
How to get The Messenger (Adept)
Players can obtain the Igneous Hammer from the lighthouse chest, which can only be unlocked by going flawless in trials.
1. Thorn
In Destiny 2, Thorn is an exotic hand cannon with a malevolent aura, best known for its unique perk, "Mark of the Devourer." This special ability allows Thorn's bullets to inflict damage on enemies over time, with damage stacking on subsequent hits. This feature makes Thorn a formidable choice for PvP activities. Thorn appeared in Destiny 1 and returned in Destiny 2 through an exclusive exotic questline, reestablishing its infamous legacy within the game.
Exotic Perk:
"Rounds pierce targets and deal damage over time. Kills leave behind Remnants which, when absorbed, increase damage."
Thorn Stats
- Impact: 84
- Range: 34
- Stability: 55
- Handling: 65
- Reload Speed: 40
- Reload Time: 3.25 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 85
- Inventory Size: 60
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 21
- Recoil: 100
- Rounds Per Minute: 140
- Magazine: 11
How to get Thorn
You can only get Thorn from the Monument to Lost Lights weapon vault in the Tower. To craft the weapon, you’ll need to bring a hefty list of materials:
- 1x Exotic Cipher
- 125,000 Glimmer
- 1x Ascendant Shard
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