
Goes with the pseudonym of Lynn Aerith, Lynn has always been interested in games and writing. She first encounter her love for games when she was still sitting in first grader of elementary school, further more she fell in love with stories and writing when she was in her sixth grade. She then continued to hon her skills in writing to become who she is today. She now work as a storyteller for a local game company, a work which she is devoted to. She does not solely working for the writer division, she also helps in the game design section.
As someone who dedicated herself in writing and gaming, her creative thought let her produce a great number of story and poetry. For her professional life, Lynn has write numerous articles for the company she works in, the articles cover knowledge in game industry as well as for the project she currently working in. On her free time she is a geek who love to analyze games, especially the stories and lore, and give out personal opinion about the games she plays. The genres of games she is fond to are RPG, MOBA, Platformer, FPS and simulation. Her adoration for game lies within the tale that would let her emerge in the world yet to know, there where she dive deep to the breathtaking sea full of discoveries.
The world of game is a vast one, writing about games and engage in discussion is one way to open new perspective on the game, venturing the possibilities, for her that is the most satisfying and rewarding part.
As someone who dedicated herself in writing and gaming, her creative thought let her produce a great number of story and poetry. For her professional life, Lynn has write numerous articles for the company she works in, the articles cover knowledge in game industry as well as for the project she currently working in. On her free time she is a geek who love to analyze games, especially the stories and lore, and give out personal opinion about the games she plays. The genres of games she is fond to are RPG, MOBA, Platformer, FPS and simulation. Her adoration for game lies within the tale that would let her emerge in the world yet to know, there where she dive deep to the breathtaking sea full of discoveries.
The world of game is a vast one, writing about games and engage in discussion is one way to open new perspective on the game, venturing the possibilities, for her that is the most satisfying and rewarding part.
LynnAerith's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Final Fantasy XIV
Top 3 Favorite Games