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OtizAdoniz's Profile

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Available GD Points: 25
About - Innocent Otieno: Innocent is a gamer and article writer. He has had a passion for gaming ever since his hands were able to hold a PlayStation 1 controller. He really enjoys RPGs like Skyrim and Dragon Age though he is also fond of indulging in mindless shooters like Call Of Duty. He is a member of the PC master race although he still uses a potato PC to play games. Apart from being a gamer, Innocent is a prolific article writer who has written hundreds of articles on gaming. Holding a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry, Innocent has a passion for Science fiction movies and books and sometimes conducts crazy experiments in his backyard. Guns n Roses is his favourite band.

Level 5 Newbie

512 xp

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You earned 1 GD Point for updating your profile(on 13th Sep, 2018)
You earned 30 XP for updating your profile(on 13th Sep, 2018)
You earned 1 GD Point for submitting how you feel about "Lifecoach Leaves Hearthstone for Gwent". (on 15th Aug, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for submitting how you feel about "Lifecoach Leaves Hearthstone for Gwent". (on 15th Aug, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for liking the comment: What do you use? (on 30th Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for liking the comment: What do you use? (on 30th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for liking the post: What do you use?.(on 30th Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for liking the post: What do you use?.(on 30th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for submitting how you feel about "Nintendo’s SNES Is Coming Back To Stores September 2017". (on 25th Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for submitting how you feel about "Nintendo’s SNES Is Coming Back To Stores September 2017". (on 25th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for submitting how you feel about "Logan Will Be Hugh Jackman's Final Movie As Wolverine". (on 24th Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for submitting how you feel about "Logan Will Be Hugh Jackman's Final Movie As Wolverine". (on 24th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for submitting how you feel about "Why The Elder Scrolls VI should be about the Dwemer". (on 23rd Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for submitting how you feel about "Why The Elder Scrolls VI should be about the Dwemer". (on 23rd Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for submitting how you feel about "10 Best Gaming Headsets Used by Pros". (on 17th Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for submitting how you feel about "10 Best Gaming Headsets Used by Pros". (on 17th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for liking the comment: Indeed it was a tough (on 15th Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for liking the comment: Indeed it was a tough (on 15th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for commenting on 10 Best Gaming Headsets Used by Pros(on 15th Jul, 2017)
You earned 50 XP for commenting on 10 Best Gaming Headsets Used by Pros(on 15th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for liking the comment: This is an accurate list. (on 15th Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for liking the comment: This is an accurate list. (on 15th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for liking the comment: Awesome Story (on 14th Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for liking the comment: Awesome Story (on 14th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for commenting on 10 Things That Makes Wonder Woman Sexy(on 14th Jul, 2017)
You earned 50 XP for commenting on 10 Things That Makes Wonder Woman Sexy(on 14th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for submitting how you feel about "10 Things That Makes Wonder Woman Sexy". (on 14th Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for submitting how you feel about "10 Things That Makes Wonder Woman Sexy". (on 14th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for updating your profile(on 13th Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for updating your profile(on 13th Jul, 2017)
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