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Jakob_Yall's Profile

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Available GD Points: 13
About - Jacob Lewis: Jacob (Jakob) Lewis is an aspiring part-time freelance writer, who earned an A in GCSE Literature, along with Bs in A Level Language and Literature in Stanwell High School and Sixth Form. He was scribbling down Alien versus Predator fanfictions at the age of 8, and since then he's branched out briefly into fantasy writing - earning Bs in many Creative Writing assessments, later writing on self-help, hairdressing, politics, hotel-comparison, and gaming. His early obsession with fiction inevitably turnedinto a gaming obsession in his teen and adolescent years. Hundreds of hours were poured into Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Borderlands, and Halo. The opportunity to write about gaming was welcomed. Jakob's favourite part about game-writing is delving into the lore of huge game-franchises – with Halo, Fallout, and Elder Scrolls proving to be fascinating. Moreover: Jakob enjoys inspiring discussion within the gaming community – seeing people connect through love of gaming.

Level 5 Newbie

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You earned 1 GD Point for updating your profile(on 16th Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for updating your profile(on 16th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for updating your profile(on 16th Jul, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for updating your profile(on 16th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Fallout: New Vegas(on 5th Jul, 2017)
You earned 300 XP for rating Fallout: New Vegas(on 5th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion(on 5th Jul, 2017)
You earned 300 XP for rating The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion(on 5th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn(on 5th Jul, 2017)
You earned 300 XP for rating The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn(on 5th Jul, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for submitting how you feel about "Valentine's Day will bring a massacre in 2017, “For Honor” promises bloodshed!". (on 26th Jun, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for submitting how you feel about "Valentine's Day will bring a massacre in 2017, “For Honor” promises bloodshed!". (on 26th Jun, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for submitting how you feel about "The 25 Best Horror Games Released in 2016". (on 26th Jun, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for submitting how you feel about "The 25 Best Horror Games Released in 2016". (on 26th Jun, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for submitting how you feel about "More than 30 hours added gametime with the release of Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind". (on 23rd Jun, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for submitting how you feel about "More than 30 hours added gametime with the release of Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind". (on 23rd Jun, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for updating your profile(on 22nd Jun, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for updating your profile(on 22nd Jun, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for updating your profile(on 22nd Jun, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for updating your profile(on 22nd Jun, 2017)
You earned 1 GD Point for updating your profile(on 22nd Jun, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for updating your profile(on 22nd Jun, 2017)
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You earned 1 GD Point for updating your profile(on 21st Jun, 2017)
You earned 30 XP for updating your profile(on 21st Jun, 2017)
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