15. Mute (Anti-Gadget, Crowd Control)
It may surprise many that Mute is included in this list. But that’s because the way veteran players usually play Mute is very advanced and would indeed not be great for beginners. The way veteran players play mute is to have him carry the M590A1 shotgun as his primary and the SMG-11 as his secondary. Obviously, beginners will have a hard time with it due to the limited range of the shotgun and the rough recoil of the SMG-11. However, Mute also has another primary gun, and that’s the MP5K. The MP5K is a great weapon for beginners as it’s easy to control and it even has a scope 1.5x.
The reason why beginners should use Mute is that they can learn a lot from his gameplay. Mute has four Signal Jammers and they can prevent reinforced walls from being breached. Hard breach prevention is a crucial part of Siege gameplay that beginners should learn early on. Mute’s Signal Jammers can also be used solely for intel denial as they can prevent drones from gathering intel on defender positions. And it would be great for beginners to learn early on the spots in the maps where Mute’s Signal Jammers would be most effective when it comes to blocking attacker drones from gathering intel.
What Makes Mute a Great Defender:
- By placing his Signal Jammers beside reinforced walls, Mute can prevent attackers from hard breaching them, and that’s part of Siege gameplay that beginners should learn early on.
- Mute’s Signal Jammers are excellent intel-denial devices and can block attacker drones from gathering intel, and it would benefit beginners to learn the best spots to put their Signal Jammers
- Mute has the MP5K submachine gun as one of the choices for his primary weapon, and it’s a great gun for beginners as it’s very easy to control, has a good range, and is compatible with the scope 1.5x
- Mute’s secondary gadget, the nitro cell, is a great weapon for taking out shield operators and enemies who are pushing behind the smoke
- Mute’s SMG-11 machine pistol may have a very rough recoil, but it will be a great secondary weapon for beginners for when Mute’s MP5K needs to be reloaded in the middle of combat
Best Loadout for Mute:
14. Finka (Front Line, Support)
Finka is a great operator for beginners because despite her very big contribution to the team, she’s actually quite simple to use. With one press of the special gadget button, the player will activate her special gadget, the Adrenal Surge, and it has a global effect. That means that wherever she is in the map, Finka’s Adrenal Surge will affect her teammates. And this is very important for beginners, especially when they’re solo queueing, as their lack of experience might make it so that they’re unintentionally far away from their teammates and trying to find their way on the map.
So even when that happens, when her teammates request it, Finka can just activate her Adrenal Surge and all team members will receive its buffs. Those buffs include added health points, stronger tolerance for tinnitus and blind effects, being able to walk over barbed wires faster, and quicker reload speed. When Finka activates the Adrenal Surge, not only will the whole attacking team receive these buffs, attackers who are in a down-but-not-out state will also be revived, and those suffering from concussion effects will have it removed. Attackers will also have more resistance to the effects of the newest gadget in the game, Fenrir’s Dread Mines.
What Makes Finka a Great Attacker:
- Finka would be a great operator for beginners because she’s very straightforward to use and her special gadget is easy to activate, and its effects are global
- With Finka, even someone new to Siege will be able to greatly benefit their team through the buffs from her Adrenal Surge which includes more health, faster reload, being able to walk over barbed wires faster, and among others
- Finka’s primary weapon, the Spear .308, is also quite easy to handle, especially with attachments that provide additional recoil control
- With Finka, the player will be able to revive themselves along with other members of the attacking team when they get put in a down-but-not-out state
- With Finka, the player will be able to last longer in the round as she can heal herself and other teammates through the use of her Adrenal Surge
Best Loadout for Finka:
13. Melusi (Intel, Crowd Control)
Melusi might be a bit harder to use nowadays because they made her into a heavy armored operator, meaning she now has 3-health and 1-speed rating. However, she’s still a great defender to use by beginners. Like Finka above, Melusi’s gameplay is fairly simple. She can deploy all three of her Banshee Sonic Defense during the prep phase and they’ll do their job automatically when they detect enemy presence. That job, by the way, is slowing enemies down, and that slow effect will become even stronger the closer the enemies are to the Banshee.
It’ll also be great for the player to learn early on the best places for deploying the Melusi’s Banshee Sonic Defense and where they’d have more impact. Also, the important thing is that with Melusi’s Banshees, it’ll be hard, even for beginners to be caught off-guard, as they will produce a distinct sound when enemy presence triggers them. This makes them great early warning devices as well as crowd-control ones. Another great thing about Melusi is that she has impact grenades, and it’s very important for beginners to learn early on to use them for creating rotation holes, as well as the best spots for them.
What Makes Melusi a Great Defender:
- All three of Melusi’s Banshees can be deployed during the prep phase and after that, the player can leave them alone and they’ll automatically do their job when they detect enemy presence
- Melusi’s Banshees will greatly slow down enemies who will come within their radius and that slow effect will even be heavier the closer the enemies are to the Banshee
- When Melusi’s Banshees are triggered by enemy presence, they will also produce a distinct sound that is oftentimes enough to warn the defenders in the objective spot, and that’s great for beginners
- Melusi’s MP5 is a great submachine gun for beginners as its recoil is quite easy to control, has a decent magazine size, and its stopping power is quite good
- Melusi can bring two impact grenades per round which players can use to rework the map, and it’s very important for beginners to learn the value of that early on
Best Loadout for Melusi:
12. Zofia (Breach, Anti-Gadget)
Zofia is another operator that you would not commonly see being recommended to beginners, and that may be because her special gadget involves switching ammunitions. Her special gadget, the KS79 Life, can fire two impact grenades and two concussion grenades. The first time you switch to it, it will always have the impact grenades ready. And for new players, that could be a bit confusing, or be seen as complicated, especially when they have to do it during a high intensity situation. Other inexperienced players may accidentally fire the concussion grenades instead of the impact ones.
However, I’m recommending Zofia to beginners because it only really takes a few games to get used to her gameplay. Beginners would benefit a lot from getting used to playing Zofia as her impact grenades are great utilities for creating entry points, which is something that players should learn and get used to early on. The concussion grenades from the KS79 Lifeline are also great tools to severely weaken enemies before engaging them as it will affect their vision negatively. Zofia’s M762’s recoil is also quite manageable when equipped with the right attachments for lowering its weapon kick.
What Makes Zofia a Great Attacker:
- The two impact grenades that can be fired from Zofia’s KS79 Lifeline are great for creating entry points and they can be used for disabling pesky bulletproof defender gadgets
- The two concussion grenades that can be shot from Zofia’s KS79 Lifeline are great for weakening enemies before engaging them as they have a wide area of effect and can bounce on surfaces
- Zofia’s M762 assault rifle’s weapon kick is fairly manageable with the right set of attachments, and it can make quick work of enemies due to its high rate of fire and damage
- Zofia can bring in two claymores per round and they’re great for protecting herself and her teammates from roamers and flankers which are the enemies that usually present the most problems to beginners
- Zofia is pretty straightforward to use as her role is almost purely offensive and is something that beginners will enjoy, as most of the time, they’ll just be shooting at enemies
Best Loadout for Zofia:
11. Bandit (Anti-Entry, Anti-Gadget)
Bandit may not be the easiest defender to use but his gameplay allows players to learn a lot about the game so I’m recommending him to beginners. Long time Siege players know bandit as the hard breach preventing defender that is oftentimes also used by veteran defenders who knows how to “Bandit trick”, a pretty advanced trick in Siege that can prevent hard breaching even when Thatcher is around. But for beginners, there is no issue if they can’t perform it. Just them putting the Shock Wires on the proper walls will already be a big help and will allow them to learn more about the game.
With Bandit, new players to the game will learn early on which walls on the objective area are crucial and must be prevented from being breached. The good thing about Bandit is that he can deploy all his Shock Wires during the prep phase and the player can just focus on other things like reworking the map, or more importantly, engaging enemies. Bandit’s fully automatic weapon, the MP7 submachine gun, is quite easy to use because of its manageable weapon kick, so it’s a pretty good weapon for beginners, and it can also make short work of enemies because of its high rate of fire and decent damage.
What Makes Bandit a Great Defender:
- With Bandit, new players to the game will learn early on which walls of the objective spots in different maps are important to be protected from being breached
- Bandit’s four Shock Wires can all be deployed during the prep phase and after that, the player can focus on doing other things such as protecting themselves from enemies or engaging them
- Bandit’s MP7 submachine gun is very easy to handle as its recoil is not that strong despite its high rate of fire and good damage per shot, so it’s a great gun for a beginner
- Bandit’s nitro cell is an excellent utility for scoring kills and it would be great for beginners to get used to throwing and detonating it as well as of course learning its timing
- Players who excel at using shotguns or those who want to practice it will have access to the M870 shotgun which is one of the most powerful shotguns in the game
Best Loadout for Bandit:
10. Lion (Intel, Map Control)
Like Finka in one of the entries above, the effect of Lion’s special gadget, the EE-ONE-D, is global, so it doesn’t matter where he is on the map, when the player hits the special gadget button, it will affect enemies. This is really helpful as new players tend to get separated from their team especially when they’re solo queuing and they tend to get lost in the map. But with Lion’s EE-ONE-D, they can still contribute a lot to their teammates, as the EE-ONE-D scans are a great way to stop enemies from moving, because if they don’t, they will get pinged for several seconds.
That ping will be visible to all attacking team members, so not only is Lion a great crowd control operator, he’s a great intel gatherer as well. Another thing that beginners would appreciate with Lion is that his unique weapon, the V308 assault rifle is very easy to use because of its low stock recoil. It inflicts high damage per shot, and most importantly, its magazine size is massive for an assault rifle. Its huge magazine size makes it so that there’s less chance that the player will have to reload in the middle of engaging enemies, and this is really helpful, not just for newbies but to all players.
What Makes Lion a Great Attacker:
- Lion’s EE-ONE-D scans are great at stopping enemies from moving, because those who will keep moving will be pinged for several seconds and that will compromise their position
- Lion’s V308 assault rifle is great for beginners but also for all players regardless of experience level because of its high damage, low recoil, and huge magazine capacity
- Lion can bring in two claymores per round and claymores are great for protecting yourself and your teammates from roamers and flankers
- Lion can equip the gonne-6 hand cannon as his secondary weapon and it’s great because it allows him to disable a pesky bulletproof defender gadget like a deployable shield, Banshee, or an Evil Eye.
Best Loadout for Lion:
9. Thunderbird (Support)
Thunderbird is easily one of the best support operators in the game, but don’t let her role fool you, she’s extremely deadly as well. That’s because she can equip the Spear. 308 assault rifle as her primary weapon, and it’s a deadly weapon because it inflicts high damage per shot, has a decent rate of fire, and its recoil is pretty tame, so it’s a good gun for beginners. She also has the bearing 9 machine pistol available as one of her choices for her secondary weapon, and it’s great because it’s fully automatic and is an effective weapon for finishing off enemies when the primary weapon needs to be reloaded.
But what makes Thunderbird truly great is her special gadget, the Kona Station. She has three Kona Stations and each of them can provide 30hp per heal. Their healing is limited only by cooldown, and they can all be deployed by Thunderbird during the prep phase. That’s why Thunderbird is a great operator for beginners. Because she’s very simple to use, and yet she can contribute so much to the team and with little effort. The Kona Stations also allows defenders who are in a down-but-not-out state to self-revive as long as they’re within their radius.
What Makes Thunderbird a Great Defender:
- Because her Kona Stations can all be deployed during the prep phase and they provide a lot of healing and even revival from a dbno state, Thunderbird contributes a lot to the defending team with minimal effort
- Her Spear .308 assault rifle is a great weapon for beginners as it can make quick work of enemies due to its high damage and rate of fire, and its weapon kick is also quite easy to control
- Thunderbird can equip the bearing 9 machine pistol as her primary weapon and that will allow her to keep firing a fully automatic weapon even when her primary needs to be reloaded
- She can equip the SPAS-15 shotgun which is one of the most destructive shotguns in the game and so it’s great for reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage
Best Loadout for Thunderbird:
8. Thermite (Breach, Support)
I recommended Bandit above because it would benefit beginners if they could learn early on which walls on the objective spot are important to be protected from being breached. In the same breath, I recommended Thermite for beginners to play because they will learn so much from his role. His special gadget, the Exothermic Charge, completely destroys the wall that it breaches. This is very important because with the other hard breachers, Hibana and Ace, the attackers would most of the time have to crouch or vault in order to enter the breaches they’ve made.
Crouching and vaulting to enter an area may leave you vulnerable for a second, and that’s why Thermite’s Exothermic Charge is so great. Attackers can just simply go through the breach that he’s made and push. Players who are new to the game will learn the best walls to breach when playing Thermite, and of course, his Exothermic Charges can also be used for breaching reinforced hatches. Thermite also has excellent offensive capabilities since his 556XI assault rifle inflicts high damage per shot and has a very manageable recoil which is always great for new players.
What Makes Thermite a Great Attacker:
- He has two Exothermic Charges and each of them can completely destroy an unreinforced wall, making it so that attackers won’t have to vault or crouch when entering the breaches that he’s made
- Thermite is a great operator for beginners because they’ll be able to learn the important walls to breach when playing him, and that translates to learning more map familiarity
- Thermite’s 556XI assault rifle is great for beginners but also for all players in general because of its high damage, low recoil, and compatibility to a wide variety of attachments
- Thermite’s smoke grenade are great utilities for covering the attacking team’s defuser plant attempt, and this is one of the most basic tactics that new players should learn early on
Best Loadout for Thermite:
7. Wamai (Anti-Gadget, Trapper)
Wamai is a great defender for beginners and one that players should continue to play even long after they’ve graduated from their beginner stages in the game. That’s because Wamai plays a very important role in defense, and that is to neutralize the attacking team’s throwables and projectiles. Wamai’s special gadget, the Mag-NET, as its name implies, pulls an attacker projectile or throwable and neutralizes it. Wamai starts with one at the start of the round and gains another every time it finishes its cooldown. In total, he can deploy six Mag-NETS per round.
This is very important, because without an anti-projectile utility like the Mag-NET, it would be too easy for the attackers to kill defenders with their frag grenades. It would also be easy to blind them with stun grenades, and obscure their vision with smoke grenades as the attackers push and take control of the area. That's why Wamai is always a great operator to have. On top of that, his MP5K is a great weapon because its recoil is very easy to control and it’s compatible with the scope 1.5x which will allow players to see their targets well, and of course, that will up their accuracy by a lot.
What Makes Wamai a Great Defender:
- With Wamai in the defending team, a total of six attacker projectile or throwables can be intercepted and neutralized, and this is one of the best ways to protect the defending team members
- Wamai’s MP5K submachine gun is great for beginners and veterans alike as its weapon kick is very easy to control, is compatible to the scope 1.5x, and it inflicts a good amount of damage per shot
- Wamai has access to the impact grenades and they can be used to create rotation holes or counter shield operators like Osa or blitz
- Wamai’s keratos .357 handgun is not only great at fragging opponents due to its high damage, it can also be used to create lines of sight on soft walls due to its high destruction rate per shot
Best Loadout for Wamai:
6. IQ (Intel, Support)
If a new player is trying out Siege and they’re solo queueing, it can be extra hard, especially when they’re not familiar with the maps yet, and the objectives were not scanned during the prep phase. Luckily, with IQ’s Electronics Detector, the new player can easily detect the objectives. Not only that, they will also be able to scan all other electronic devices that the enemies have. This is very important because it will allow the new player to learn so much about the game, because Siege’s gameplay heavily involves the use of utilities, and most of them are made of electronics.
With IQ’s Electronics Detector, the new player will learn the usual placements of electronic gadgets in the map, including the ones that are there by default like the CCTV cameras. It might be quite challenging to use IQ at the beginning because she can only use her pistol while her Electronics Detector is active, but the gameplay knowledge that the player will get will benefit them in the long run. The good thing is, IQ has claymores which she uses to protect herself while she’s scanning enemy electronics with her special gadget.
What Makes IQ a Great Attacker:
- IQ is a great operator for beginners because her gameplay will teach the new player a lot about the electronic gadgets that defenders have and their usual placements
- The IQ player can protect themselves with her two claymores while they’re using her Electronics Detector to scan for enemy electronics and trying to disable them
- IQ can use her P12 handgun when her Electronics Detector is active, and that will allow her to still engage enemies in a gunfight and it will also allow her to shoot the electronics that she’s detected
- Her 552 Commando assault rifle can be equipped with a scope 1.5x and that’s a great scope for the distance that IQ would usually engage her enemies in which is close to medium range
Best Loadout for IQ:
5. Frost (Anti-Entry, Trapper)
Frost is a great defender for beginners because, well, let’s face it, beginners tend to die quickly, but with Frost, even when they die, they can contribute a lot to the team, and even score kills. That’s because Frost can deploy three of her special gadgets, the Welcome Mats, and when an opponent steps on them, that opponent will be trapped and rendered useless until they get rescued by their teammates. When this happens to the last attacker in the match, that attacker will instantly die and that’s a kill for Frost, even if she herself died early on in the round.
Being able to contribute a lot to your team in Siege even when you’ve been taken out is a great morale booster for any player, especially beginners, and that’s why Frost is highly recommended. Her unique weapon, the 9mm C1, is also great for new players as it’s very easy to control while also capable of inflicting high damage to enemies per shot. It can now be equipped with a scope 1.5x which will allow players to see their enemies clearly and will of course enhance their accuracy. Frost can also now equip the ITA12S shotgun as her secondary weapon which will allow her to rework the map with rotation holes and lines of sight along soft walls.
What Makes Frost a Great Defender:
- She can render enemies useless and dying by trapping them with her Welcome Mats which can be placed below windows and unsuspecting spots like beside entryways that opponents will not expect
- With Frost’s Welcome Mats, even when the player has gotten killed early in the match, they would still be able to contribute a lot to the team, and that’s a huge morale booster especially for beginners
- Frost’s unique weapon, the 9mm C1, can now be equipped with a scope 1.5x and it deals heavy damage per shot, and it has a very manageable recoil that players won’t even need a vertical grip for it
- Frost can also now equip the ITA12S shotgun as her secondary weapon and she can use it to create rotation holes which are very important in ranked and new players should learn about it early on
Best Loadout for Frost:
4. Sledge (Breach, Anti-Gadget)
Sledge might be a bit harder to use now because they made him a 3-heath 1-speed operator, but I would still recommend him to beginners because like many other operators discussed above, new players will be able to learn a lot about the game through playing him. Sledge’s special gadget is called the Tactical Breaching Hammer, and it allows him to destroy breakable surfaces with one hit from it. This means that with one swing of his special gadget, he can create an entry point on unreinforced walls and hatches. He can also destroy Castle’s Armor Panels with one hit, and of course that applies to ordinary barricaded doors and windows.
While learning about entry points will be great for new players, the main reason why I’m recommending Sledge to them is because of his vertical play capabilities. With his Tactical Breaching Hammer, he can destroy large portions of the wooden floor above objective spots, exposing the defenders below, and while that might be viewed as an advanced technique by many, I say that the earlier a player learns about the verticality of the maps, the better. Knowing what’s below the floor you’re standing on helps a lot in Siege and could give the player more options for attacking.
What Makes Sledge a Great Attacker:
- With one swing of his Tactical Breaching Hammer, he can destroy a large portion of an unreinforced wall, creating an entry point for him and his teammates
- Using his Tactical Breaching Hammer, he can keep destroying the wooden floor above the objective spot. That will expose the defenders below to being fragged from above.
- He can bring in two frag grenades per round and they’re great for scoring some easy kills on enemies hiding in corners, and they can be dropped by Sledge from above when he’s on a vertical play
- His L85A2 assault rifle is fairly easy to control even for a beginner, and it has heavy stopping power and decent rate of fire, so it can be very effective at fragging enemies
Best Loadout for Sledge:
3. Kapkan (Anti-Entry, Trapper)
As mentioned in Frost’s entry above, it will really help boost a new player’s morale when they’re able to get kills even when they’re dead, and no other operator can do that for them better than Kapkan. That's because his special gadget, the EDD, are basically traps that are deployed on entryways. Even one EDD can deal a massive amount of damage to an attacker. Two, and especially three of them will be fatal even to a full health operator. Kapkan has five EDDs and he can now deploy multiple in one entryway. This makes Kapkan a very deadly operator despite having fairly straight forward gameplay.
With his EDDs deployed, even if he gets taken out early in the round, there’s still a high chance that he’ll score kills. And since all of his EDDs can be deployed during the prep phase, the Kapkan player can concentrate on other tasks like reworking the map, which he can definitely do with his impact grenades, or focusing on engaging enemies, which he can also do effectively because his choices for his weapons are excellent. For his primary weapon, he can run with the 9x19VSN submachine gun which is easy to control and has very decent damage, or he can run with the SASG-12 shotgun which is one of the most powerful shotguns in the game.
What Makes Kapkan a Great Defender:
- Even if he died early on in the round, Kapkan can still score kills through his special gadget, the EDDs, which are high damage traps deployed on entryways
- With Kapkan’s presence on the defending team, the attackers will be forced to slow down their attack as they will have to check every entryway they go through for Kapkan traps
- Kapkan can also rework the map to the defending team’s advantage by using his impact grenades to create rotation holes. The impact grenades are also great for countering Osa and Blitz.
- Kapkan’s 9x19VSN is a great fully automatic weapon with high damage and low recoil, while his SASG-12 kind of has an integrated suppressor, packs a heavy punch per shot, and has a fast rate of fire
Best Loadout for Kapkan:
2. Ash (Breach, Front Line)
Ash is usually on the front lines and that can be intimidating for beginners, but the earlier that players can get used to her gameplay, the better, and beginners will find it quite fun and to play her because she’s pretty straight forward. Like Zofia in one of the entries above, Ash is an operator that is built almost purely for offense. Her special gadget, the Breaching Round, can puncture a huge hole on an unreinforced wall. She has two of these Breaching Rounds, and the popular use for them is for creating entry points.
However, since the Breaching Rounds are practically explosives, they can also be used for destroying troublesome bulletproof defender gadgets like Melusi’s Banshees, Maestro’s Evil Eyes, or even just bulletproof cameras or deployable shields. For fragging enemies, she has the G36C assault rifle which has a very decent damage and is very accurate due to its scope 1.5x. Ash can also protect herself and her teammates with the use of her two claymores, but if Ash wants to, she can equip the breach charges as her generic gadget instead, and that will allow her to destroy wooden floors for a vertical attack.
What Makes Ash a Great Attacker:
- Ash’s gameplay is straightforward and is pretty much all-out offense, so even beginners could find her easy to play, as well as fun, as she’s fast and deals heavy damage
- Her special gadget, the Breaching Rounds can create huge holes on unreinforced walls, and that could be used as entry points for attackers, but the Breaching Rounds can also be used for disabling bulletproof defender gadgets
- Ash’s G36C assault rifle is a great weapon because it inflicts a good amount of damage per shot, has a very manageable recoil, and is compatible with the scope 1.5x
- Ash can protect herself and her teammates with the two claymores in her arsenal, but if she chooses to, she can equip the breach charges instead which are useful for vertical plays
Best Loadout for Ash:
1. Rook (Support)
Rook is the best defender for beginners right now because the impact he has on the defending team is so high, and he does it with minimal effort. All the Rook player has to do is hit the special gadget button and deploy his Armor Pack. That Armor Pack will equip the defending team members with armor plates that will increase their health rating. That's it. One simple action, and the player, even if they’re new, has already contributed a lot of their teammates, and that’s a huge morale booster for any player who’s just starting with Siege. Morale is important in this game because it has a steep learning curve.
After deploying his Armor Pack at the beginning of the round, the player can do other things such as reworking the map. For that, Rook has two impact grenades, and with them, he can quickly create rotation holes. For his offensive capabilities, Rook’s fully automatic weapons, the P90 and the MP5 may lack damage, but they more than make up for it with their high-powered scopes. The P90 can be equipped with a scope 1.5x, and combined with its huge magazine capacity, it’s a really great weapon, and on the other hand, his MP5 can be equipped with a scope 2.0x
What Makes Rook a Great Defender:
- With one simple push of the special gadget button, Rook will drop his Armor Pack, and with that, he’s already contributed a lot to the defending team by buffing their health points
- With his impact grenades, Rook can quickly make rotation holes which are very important in competitive matches, and new players should know their value early on
- Rook’s MP5 will be a great weapon for beginners and veterans alike as its recoil is very easy to handle, it has a very decent damage, and most importantly, it’s compatible to the scope 2.0x
- His P90 submachine gun is also a great weapon. Although it can only be equipped with a scope 1.5x, it has a huge magazine capacity, which is great for encounters with multiple enemies
Best Loadout for Rook:
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: