The 25 Best Dungeon Crawlers for PC : Page 8 of 25

best dungeon crawlers
This Diablo 3 Barbarian isn't playing games, but we sure are.

18. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Gameplay Trailer

Swooping into number 18 with guns and grit is The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, a PC game with a rather campy name but intense combat and waves of enemy AI reminiscent to a top-down strategy game. In the land of Borgovia, gothic-cowboy Van Helsing must save the world from the clutches of evil aside his ghostly companion, lady Katarina. But be warned … You might be slaying the monsters, or becoming them.

Combining the eerie atmosphere of gothic London and the drab backdrop of mad science, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing hooks the player in with its unique looking main character and the bleak atmosphere that he runs around slaying enemies in. The monsters are ghoulish, and you are no better, having a morally grey relationship to the world around you.

Are you doing the right thing, or helping bring about the end of the world? That’s up for the player to decide, and including the development of your own anti-monster hideaway makes the game tailor itself to every kind of player.

Chain damage from your spells can take out multiple enemies at once.

Lady Katarina, your ghastly companion, shows these enemies what she can do.

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When you cross Hello Kitty and a love for pixel sandbox games with eldritch horror genres, you get me.
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