There are so many Duel Links card boxes! Which are the best?
When it comes to deck building in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links, one of the best strategies is to have a consistent deck. Combos are more effective when cards are of a similar type.
The easiest way to build a consistent deck is to invest in card boxes. These boxes come with over a hundred packets of cards and dozens of rare cards to collect, but each packet costs gems or real money.
As there are so many boxes, how do you know which to spend precious gems on? Don’t worry, I have done the legwork for you!
In this guide, I am looking at all the cards and deck possibilities within each box, and not just the rare cards.
7. Blazing Rose
Duel like Akiza Izinski; summon the Black Rose Dragon, and use its special ability to clear the field.
This box sets up a Plant-type deck but also has some Red-Eyes Dragon cards and Subterror cards. It is mostly based off of Akiza Izinski’s deck, and thus has many valuable Tuner monsters, including Rose, Warrior of Revenge, and even has Akiza’s signature monster, Black Rose Dragon.
Buy this box if:
- You’re playing as Akiza Izinski: these cards work well with her “What Grows in the Graveyard” skill.
- You’re building a Plant-type deck or Subterror deck.
- You’re supporting a Red-Eyes Dragon deck.
- You’re synchro summoning and need good Tuner monsters: there is a high chance of getting Guardragon Justicia, which has an impressive DEF of 2100.
- You want Black Rose Dragon.
6. Crimson Kingdom
This box is for any fan of vampires and zombies.
This box is useful for those with Dark-type decks and has all the cards needed for a Zombie deck. It also features some Red-Eyes Dragon cards. This box has many useful spell and trap cards, many of them designed to special summon monsters.
Buy this box if:
- You’re building a Dark-type deck, Warrior deck, or Zombie deck.
- You want a fusion deck: it comes with Dark Paladin and Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman.
- You need to support a Dark Magician deck or a Red-Eyes Dragon deck.
- You’re looking for powerful spell and trap cards: these packs have The Warrior Returning Alive spell card and the Soul Resurrection trap card.
5. Future Horizon
"The hopes of the world coalesce into a single star! Let's rev it up! Synchro Summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon!" - Yusei Fudo
For those who like dragons and synchro summoning, this is the box for you. Based off of Yusei Fudo’s deck, this box has all the cards needed to play in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5ds, including Tuner monsters and a new variation of Yusei Fudo’s ace monster, Stardust Spark Dragon.
Buy this box if:
- You’re building a Stardust Dragon deck.
- You’re supporting a Dark Magician deck: this box has Dark Magic Circle, a staple in any Dark Magician deck.
- You’re synchro summoning and need more Synchro monsters or Tuner monsters.
- You need more Psychic-type or Effect monsters.
4. Spirit of the Beast
With this box, you can build a fusion deck without Polymerization.
This box is a mini box, with only 100 packets. Therefore, there is a higher chance of getting rare monsters in every packet. This box also provides cards with devastating combos; for example, If Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda is destroyed, any Ritual Beast can be special summoned to the field, including the powerful Ritual Beast Ulti-Apelio.
Buy this box if:
- You have a limited number of gems to spend and cannot afford many packets.
- You’re building a Ritual Beast deck or a Yosenju deck.
- You want a fusion deck.
- You’re supporting a Beast-type deck.
3. Aerial Assault
Duel like the champions with a Blackwing deck!
This box is widely used by some of the most skilled Duel Links duelists. It has very complicated combos and is great for those wanting to step up their game to a new level.
Buy this box if:
- You’re playing as Crow Hogan: these cards work well with his “Blackwing Rising” skill.
- You’re building a Blackwing Deck.
- You like to synchro summon; there are several Synchro and Tuner monsters.
- You prefer complicated combos.
- You want to battle with a top tier deck.
2. Dark Dimension
For anyone who loves Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions, this box is for you!
This box has several Spellcaster-type cards, including a large variety of Magician Girls and Invokers, and has several Elementsabers. This gives many options to the type of decks that can be built or supported from this box. With Palladium Oracle Mahad, this deck helps support Yami Yugi’s ace monster, the Dark Magician.
Buy this box if:
- You’re playing as Yami Yugi: this box works especially well with his “Destiny Draw” skill.
- You’re building a Spellcaster deck, either Dark Magician or Magician Girl, or an Elementsaber or Invoker deck.
- You are supporting a Spellcaster, Dark Magician, or Warrior deck.
- You want a fusion deck.
- You need more spell or trap cards.
1. Witch Sorcery
Summon the ultimate form of Dark Magician Girl!
This box gets the first place because within the short time it's been out, its cards have become staples within the decks of the top tier duelists. This box includes Witchcrafter cards and the iconic Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight, as well as some Plant-Type cards.
Buy this box if:
- You’re building a Witchcrafter or Spellcaster deck.
- You’re supporting a Plant deck or Machine deck.
- You want to duel with a top tier deck.
- You need more Effect monsters: nearly every monster card is an Effect monster.
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