We all know that the Molded are just one of many antagonists in Resident Evil 7, but it’s also not hard to realize that they can be ANNOYING to try and kill, especially without a good weapon. If you’re more of a handgun type of person when it comes to fending off that weird personified mold, but aren’t sure where to get them and if they’re even worth it; you’re not alone. Before you pick your prized weapon and go taking down the Baker family - have a look at how these handguns fare against the very mold that you’re now comprised of, (Thanks, Jack...)
#5 - M19 Handgun
(You can get it twice, so don't worry if you didn't get it the first time.)
The M19 handgun is a bit confusing, as it’s technically the first gun you’ll get, but is also the third you can get. Basically, during the prologue you can pick this gun up in a room close to the attic after coming to blows with Mia for the first time; although, if you’ve played before, you know that it will be swiftly taken away from you (can’t really hold it without a hand anyway..). You can later grab the gun from the trailer in the yard of the Main House as a ‘broken gun’, and fix it using the repair kit you find under the stairs to the house. You’ll be able to do this as soon as you’ve achieved the three dog heads puzzle.
What’s to love about the M19?:
- It uses handgun ammo, which is the most common ammo in the game; making it convenient to use and reload.
- Does 120 damage and holds 7 rounds at a time, (3 less than the G17, but it makes up for it in firepower) plenty to take out enemies in early game.
- It’s a step up from the pocket knife and G17, giving you motivation to get it again that second time.
M19 full details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/M19_Handgun
#4 - G17 Handgun
(It does the job! Not the best gun, but is sure to get you through some rough patches early in the game.)
The good ole G17 is the first gun you’ll be able to keep in your inventory, and can be found after Jack Baker and cop David Anderson get into that infamous fatal scuffle (C’mon, that car part afterwards is pretty funny at least). The game doesn’t actually let you continue until you pick up the gun, so they put it directly in your line of sight to ensure you pick it up. Talk about convenience.
What’s to love about the G17?:
- It holds 10 rounds compared to the M19’s 7, so if you’re not a very accurate shot, it’s a handy feature.
- Similar to other handguns in the list, it uses the most common ammo. A gun using common ammo is a really big bonus because the other ammo types are either rare, or VERY rare.
- The game basically hands it to you, so there's no work to find it which is great for speed running.
G17 full details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/G17_Handgun
#3 - MPM Handgun
(Similar to the G17, but has some perks that the G17 doesn't.)
Similar to the G17, the MPM handgun does 100 damage per round but holds 9 bullets comparatively. You’ll come across it during your time on the wrecked tanker ship that Mia and the girl she was, uhm, babysitting (although it was more the other way around) arrived on. You can find it in the Save Room [1F]. While on the ship, look out for some other weapons as well; there are some that you won’t want to miss.
What’s to love about the MPM?:- It’s similar to the G27’s reliability, so having both loaded in your inventory will set you up for any surprise enemy.
- Great to use during the wrecked ship segment, as you’ll be able to find ammo very quickly (Again, uses the most common ammo).
- Has good headshot damage when keeping a proper distance and maintaining accuracy.
MPM full details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/MPM_Handgun
#2 - 44 MAG
(A personal and fan favorite, for good reason, you'll definitely want to pick this up.)
If you’ve played Re7 once or twice before and haven’t stumbled across the 44 MAG before, try searching in Zoe’s trailer or the Main Office; you can purchase it for 9 antique coins and SHOULD purchase it for 9 antique coins. It’s one of, if not the best, gun in the game due to it’s sheer firepower and damage. If you have the funds and some extra time, definitely add this to your inventory. The ammo is scarce, however, so use it in dire times of need.
What’s to love about the 44 MAG?:- It does a whopping 1200 damage per round, that’s ten times more than the M19 and 12 times more damaging than the G17 and MPM respectively.
- It’s able to take out an enemy with one shot, which is great if you’re low on health and need to quickly kill any enemy that’s advancing on you..seriously, they’re fast sometimes.
- It’s really helpful for Jack’s 3rd mutated form, and is generally recommended that you save most of the 44 MAG ammo you find for that.
44 MAG full details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/44_MAG
#1 - Albert 01 (and 01R)
(Your reward for finishing the game!)
Technically speaking, you can’t get the Albert 01R until after you finish the game for the first time, but you can use the Albert 01 during the final boss fight. During the final boss, a helicopter holding soldiers led by the well-known Chris Redfield will fly overhead and a handgun will drop down. This handgun is the 01 and a soldier will promptly tell you to use it against the boss, which in turn helps you defeat the game. After defeating it and opening a new save, the Albert 01R will now be in your inventory; giving you a great advantage for speedruns and achievement runs (Honestly, an almost unfair advantage.)
What’s to love about the Albert 01R?:- For one of the most damaging guns, it uses regular handgun ammo, which seems like a prank - but most certainly is not..
- While it only holds 3 rounds at a time, the stopping power gives you enough time to reload without worry.
- Enhanced ammo doesn’t affect the fire rate, and takes up only one inventory slot; which is surprising for a late game (or, I guess, after game) gun.
Albert 01/01R full details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Albert-01
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