
As someone who fell in love with games since there were old enough to comprehend more than colors and shapes, Sam has more than fifteen years of gameplay to refer from. A professional in adventure games, horror games, and RPGs, Sam is most interested in games like Life Is Strange, Uncharted, Resident Evil (7), Stardew Valley, Until Dawn, Corpse Party, Rocket League, Soma, and Outlast. Playing these games multiple times over, Sam's expertise in these genres is unquestionable. Sam has also ghostwritten two indie horror scripts, and has written a horror novel at the age of 17, which subsequently amassed 600,000 reads in it's short time online. For Sam, writing about games and similar likes isn't work or draining; it's FUN! Something that someone who loves to write and loves to game can definitely understand.
SamDenton's Rank: Total Noob
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Tribes Of Midgard
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