The Pokémon company is well known for their popular games in which you battle mystical creatures against each other for the glory of victory. And after 25 years, the collectible, build and battle card game has amassed quite the following.
For those who are unfamiliar with Pokémon TCG, your objective is to combine your choice of over 2,000 unique cards into a 60 card deck. You then battle your deck against an opponent’s deck with the usual goal being to hit harder and faster than your opponent. Please bear in mind that this article was written in March of 2021. Apologies to future readers who miss their favorite lists That being said, let’s look at ten of the decks that demolish the competition.
10. Decidueye
Decidueye Card Art
There’s a counter for everything and that is what this deck relies on. Decidueye has a powerful ability that prevents it from being damaged by V and GX Pokemon. In general bigger is better, but not if bigger can’t hit at all. Decidueye relies on taking it’s time and halting all of your opponents progress.
Decidueye makes for a great card on it’s own but you do want to play some other cards just to fill in the cracks.
- Rare Candy: Decidueye is a stage 2 pokemon and that makes it a bit harder to get out than others. Rare Candy makes it easier by letting you skip the middle evolution and get Decidueye in play a turn sooner.
- Rosa: This supporter card lets you search your deck for a Pokemon, trainer, and energy card. It’s incredibly effective and can only be used after one of your Pokemon has been knocked out. However, Decidueye has plenty of time to lose a few guys before it gets rolling.
- Galarian Obstagoon: If your opponent is playing a mostly V or GX deck, they will often throw in powerful Basic Pokemon just in case they come across Decidueye. Don’t worry. Obstagoon has you covered. This stage 2 pokemon’s attack prevents basic Pokemon from attacking.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
3 Rowlet CEC 17
1 Dartrix DAA 12
3 Decidueye DAA 13
2 Galarian Zigzagoon SSH 117
2 Galarian Obstagoon SSH 119
4 Jirachi TEU 99
1 Oranguru SSH 148
4 Professor's Research SSH 178
4 Marnie SSH 169
3 Rosa CEC 204
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
4 Pokémon Communication TEU 152
4 Rare Candy SSH 180
4 Scoop Up Net RCL 165
3 Switch SSH 183
2 Ordinary Rod SSH 171
1 Turffield Stadium RCL 170
1 Viridian Forest TEU 156
4 Grass Energy
4 Darkness Energy
2 Aurora Energy SSH 186
9. Mad Party
This deck embodies small but mighty. None of the attacking Pokémon in this deck have more than 60 HP but if you play right, they can hit for over 260 damage. Why is that? The Mad Party attack. This attack can be found on four different Pokemon and does 20 damage for each card with the Mad Party attack in your discard pile. This means that you just discard most of them and keep two or three to attack with.
- Twin and Acceleration energy: These special energy cards provide multiple energy for one attachment. The twin energy can be attached to anyone and provides two energy. The Acceleration provides three and can only be attached to evolved Pokémon.
- Polteageist: This stage 1 Pokemon has the Mad Party attack and an ability that lets you discard other Mad Party Pokemon to draw cards. It can also be used to attack using Twin or Acceleration energy.
- Bunnelby: Here’s the other attacker. This basic Pokemon uses Mad Party for two energy.
- Dedenne: This basic uses the Mad Party attack for one psychic and two colorless energy. You can attack with it but most deck lists don’t play psychic energy so it’s better to just discard.
- Galarian Mr. Rime: Most Mad Party decks don’t even play the basic for this stage 1 Pokemon. It’s just for discard.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
4 Sinistea SSH 89
4 Polteageist DAA 83
4 Bunnelby DAA 150
4 Dedenne DAA 78
4 Galarian Mr. Rime DAA 36
3 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
1 Oranguru SSH 148
1 Crobat V SHF 44
1 Mew UNB 76
1 Manaphy SHF 24
4 Professor's Research SHF 60
2 Boss's Orders SHF 58
1 Giovanni's Exile HIF 57
4 Evolution Incense SSH 163
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
4 Great Ball CPA 52
2 Great Catcher CEC 192
1 Pal Pad SSH 172
1 Ordinary Rod SSH 171
2 Air Balloon SSH 156
1 U-Turn Board UNM 211
4 Twin Energy RCL 174
3 Triple Acceleration Energy UNB 190
8. Blacephalon
While this deck is called Blacephalon, the current version has no specific focus on it. This deck uses the power of Welder to play a variety of powerful fire types. This makes it an amazing grab bag of cards.
The main strategy of the Blacephalon deck is to quickly power Blacephalon up with Welder and then use the energy from your hand to deal big damage. His attack deals 50 damage for each energy card that you discard from your hand. While many of the cards used in Centiskorch VMAX are useful in this deck, the most important one is fire crystal as it allows you to get many of your discards energy back.
Now here are a few of the other cards that get played in Blacephalon.
- Jirachi: It’s very important to get your Welders with this deck. That’s why Jirachi’s ability is great. It lets you look at the top five cards of your deck and put a trainer there into your hand. The downside is that Jirachi falls asleep but as long as you have switches and scoop up nets, you’ll be fine.
- Cramorant V: This V card is a sniper. You can power him up with Welder and then deal 160 damage to one of your opponents Pokemon by discarding three energy. This kills notable Pokemon like Dedenne GX.
- Reshiram & Charizard GX: Now for the heavy hitter. Reshiram & Charizard has three powerful attacks. The first attack takes two energy and does more damage when Reshizard has more damage on him. The second attack does 230 damage for four energy. Unfortunately, you can’t use it two turns in a row. The GX attack does 300 damage for six energy and hits through all your opponents effects.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
4 Jirachi TEU 99
2 Cramorant V SHF 54
2 Blacephalon UNB 32
2 Reshiram & Charizard-GX UNB 20
2 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
1 Crobat V SHF 44
1 Galarian Zigzagoon SSH 117
1 Mewtwo UNB 75
1 Oricorio-GX CEC 95
4 Welder UNB 189
1 Boss's Orders SHF 58
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
4 Fire Crystal UNB 173
4 Scoop Up Net RCL 165
4 Switch SSH 183
2 Cherish Ball UNM 191
2 Pokémon Communication TEU 152
2 Pokégear 3.0 SSH 174
4 Giant Hearth UNM 197
13 Fire Energy
7. Coalossal VMAX
Here’s another deck that focuses on taking multiple hits while dishing out a few of its own. Coalossal VMAX has a very low energy attack that does a small amount of damage and can attach energy from the top of your deck. It then has a second attack that takes more energy and does much more damage. If all goes well, you should be able to take out more of your opponent’s Pokemon than they can.
In addition Coalossal gets to do double damage to notable decks like Pikarom and Eternatus VMAX. This can help to even the playing field when it comes to playing against faster decks. Here’s some other cards that help Coalossal to work better and faster.
- Oranguru: This cards ability allows you to swap a card from your hand with a card on top of your deck. While this helps you to get more cards, it can also guarantee that Coalossal’s first attack hits an energy.
- Rotom Phone: Similar to the effects of Oranguru, this item lets you look at the top five cards of your deck and pick one of them to leave on top. This can be a specific card for Oranguru to get or an energy to attach.
- Buff Padding: Coalossal has an incredibly high retreat cost of four. This can make him hard to move around but it also means that you can equip the Buff Padding, granting your Coalossal 50 extra HP.
- Stone Energy: This special energy can only be attached to Fighting Pokemon and makes them take 20 less damage from attacks for each Stone energy on them. This helps to buff up Coalossal even more.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
4 Coalossal V VIV 98
3 Coalossal VMAX VIV 99
2 Oranguru SSH 148
1 Crobat V SHF 44
1 Galarian Sirfetch'd V VIV 174
1 Eldegoss V CPA 5
1 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
1 Rotom SHF 34
1 Mimikyu CEC 97
1 Phione CEC 57
4 Professor's Research SHF 60
3 Marnie CPA 56
3 Boss's Orders SHF 58
1 Mallow & Lana CEC 198
4 Rotom Phone CPA 64
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
4 Switch SSH 183
3 Pokémon Communication TEU 152
2 Crushing Hammer SSH 159
1 Tool Scrapper RCL 168
2 Buff Padding TEU 136
1 Air Balloon SSH 156
7 Fighting Energy
4 Stone Fighting Energy VIV 164
1 Capture Energy RCL 171
6. Excadrill
Here’s another ROCKing deck for you. Excadrill is a fighting type like Coalossal VMAX. This means it gets all the same advantages of hitting Pikarom and Eternatus for weakness. The difference is that Excadrill isn’t a V, VMAX, or GX so your opponents get less rewards for knocking one out.
Now the strategy of Excadrill is to set up fast and do some good damage before you get knocked out. Ideally you’ll be knocking out your opponents Pokémon more than they knock out yours.
Excadrill really kicks it into high gear when you have very few cards in your deck and it’s attacks help with that. For one energy, you can choose to either deal 120 damage and discard the top four cards of your deck or you can deal 180 damage if you have less than three cards in your deck.
This way of getting rid of cards isn’t the fastest on its own and you really want to get to that 180 damage attack so here are some ways to boost damage and get through the deck a bit quicker.
- Professor’s Research and Hapu: These two powerful supporters both help you to get rid of some cards. Professor’s Research discards your hand and gives you the next seven cards of your deck while Hapu looks at the top six cards of your deck and keeps two of your choice.
- Martial Arts Dojo: This stadium card helps Excadrill out in the damage department. As long as he has a fighting energy attached he does 10 more damage or if you’re losing he does 40 more.
- Ordinary Rod and Pal Pad: Once you have your deck down to three cards, you have to keep those three in there because if you start your turn with none, then you lose. Pal Pad lets you shuffle two supporter cards from your discard pile into your deck and Ordinary Rod does the same for Pokemon and Energy cards.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
4 Drilbur CEC 114
4 Excadrill CEC 115
3 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
2 Oricorio-GX CEC 95
1 Marshadow UNB 81
1 Mew UNB 76
1 Mimikyu DAA 81
1 Phione CEC 57
4 Professor's Research SHF 60
3 Hapu UNM 200
2 Marnie CPA 56
2 Boss's Orders SHF 58
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
4 Ordinary Rod SSH 171
4 Great Ball CPA 52
3 Pal Pad SSH 172
2 Great Catcher CEC 192
1 Cherish Ball UNM 191
4 Island Challenge Amulet CEC 194
3 Martial Arts Dojo UNB 179
7 Fighting Energy
5. Centiskorch VMAX
Let’s get another VMAX deck on this list. Centiskorch VMAX has high HP and an attack that does more damage when it has more fire energy attached to it. This means that you can attach only a few energy to multiple Centiskorch when playing against a deck with less HP or load all your energy onto one for a huge OHKO.
And what card makes all this energy attachment possible? The incredible Welder. This supporter card allows you to attach two fire energy from your hand to any Pokémon and then draw three cards. This incredible energy acceleration and capability to do unlimited damage make Centiskorch a formidable foe.
One more thing before we get into the handy techs for this deck. Centiskorch VMAX and most of the cards in this deck are fire types. This means that they get a special advantage against a few of the decks we’ve covered so far. ADP Zacian, LucaMetal, and other Metal decks tend to be weak to fire, meaning that fire decks will do twice as much damage to those Pokémon. Now for some bullet points.
- Volcanion: This basic Pokémon has two very useful attacks. One attaches energy from your deck and is more powerful when you go second. The other does a good amount of damage and can dish out a hit when you don’t want to risk your big attackers.
- Heatran GX: Need a big hit but don’t have enough energy on one Pokemon. Send out Heatran GX. It’s ability that lets you move fire energy to him when he goes into the active position. Then his one-use GX attack deals 50 damage for each energy on him. Get six or seven energy on this guy and it’s almost definitely a OHKO.
- Giant Hearth and Fire Crystal: You need energy cards in your hand before Welder can attach them. Giant Hearth is a stadium that discards a card from your hand and grabs two energy out of your deck and Fire Crystal can grab three energy out of your discard pile.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
3 Centiskorch V DAA 33
3 Centiskorch VMAX DAA 34
3 Volcanion UNB 25
3 Jirachi TEU 99
2 Crobat V SHF 44
2 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
1 Heatran-GX UNM 25
1 Eldegoss V CPA 5
1 Giratina UNM 86
4 Welder UNB 189
2 Boss's Orders SHF 58
4 Pokémon Communication TEU 152
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
4 Switch SSH 183
3 Scoop Up Net RCL 165
2 Cherish Ball UNM 191
2 Fire Crystal UNB 173
1 Reset Stamp UNM 206
1 Great Catcher CEC 192
3 Giant Hearth UNM 197
11 Fire Energy
4. LucaMetal
There are only a handful of GX attacks that stay active throughout the entire game. One of them is used in the ADP deck we talked about earlier. Here’s another one.
Lucario & Melmetal GX is a formidable wall of HP. It’s GX attack, Full Metal Wall, makes your Metal Pokemon take 30 less damage from all attacks. This may not seem like much at first but if your opponent doesn’t get a OHKO then it can add up.
While this GX attack is strong, LucaMetal doesn’t have any outstanding attacks and so it also calls Zacian V in for backup. This time Zacian is equipped to be a tank. Dealing out big damage and surviving multiple hits.
This deck doesn’t play a huge amount of Pokemon but it really shines with the help of some trainer cards.
- Mallow and Lana: This Tag Team Supporter lets you switch a Pokemon out of your active and heal 120 HP by discarding two other cards. It’s definitely frustrating to an opponent when all of their damage disappears.
- Metal Goggles: This tool card can be attached to any of your Pokémon in this deck and makes them take 30 less damage. With 60 damage off in total(GX attack and Goggles) your opponent won’t be getting rid of you so easily.
- Lillie’s Poke Doll: This card may not look like much. It’s just a weak basic in trainer form. Only 30 HP. No attack. However, your opponent also doesn’t get any reward for knocking it out. Feel free to put it out if you need a free turn.
- Zamazenta V: There are a few VMAX Pokémon out there who hit hard enough to get past all of this deck’s damage reduction. That’s why Zamazenta’s ability prevents them from attacking him entirely.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
4 Zacian V SSH 138
2 Lucario & Melmetal-GX UNB 120
2 Zamazenta V SSH 139
4 Professor's Research SHF 60
4 Marnie CPA 56
3 Boss's Orders SHF 58
2 Mallow & Lana CEC 198
1 Cynthia & Caitlin CEC 189
1 Guzma & Hala CEC 193
4 Metal Saucer SSH 170
4 Switch SSH 183
3 Quick Ball SSH 179
2 Reset Stamp UNM 206
2 Lillie's Poké Doll CEC 197
2 Tag Call CEC 206
3 Metal Goggles TEU 148
2 Cape of Toughness DAA 160
2 Power Plant UNB 183
9 Metal Energy
4 Coating Metal Energy VIV 163
3. Pikarom
Variations of this deck have been included in the Pokemon meta since Pikachu & Zekrom GX has been released. Not only does this deck feature the face of Pokemon but it has a slightly different approach.
Speed is the name of Pikarom’s game. Your objective is to get Pikarom out as fast as possible and use his Full Blitz attack to load up all of the electric type basics that you can with three electric energy from your deck. In addition, the damage from this attack sets you up for a nice two hit KO.
But Pikarom can’t be the only card in the deck. Here are some popular supporting cards and alternative hitters.
- Boltund V: If for some reason you can’t get your Pikarom out right away, Boltund V is your substitute. This Pokemon provides some energy acceleration for one energy and can come back out for a big hit near the end of the game when all your energy is in play.
- Tapu Koko Prism Star: You can only play one of this card per deck but it is invaluable. Tapu Koko Prism Star sacrifices himself to attach two more energy from your discard. What a team player.
- Raichu & Alolan Raichu GX: This card is Pikarom’s wingman. After powering up with three energy, Raichu & Raichu slips off the bench and delivers his Tandem Shock attack. This attack does damage and paralyzes your opponent, hopefully leaving them vulnerable for Raichu & Raichu to slip back to the bench and let another card finish them off.
- Mewtwo & Mew GX: Sometimes Pikarom can’t make it to the party himself but that’s okay. Mewtwo & Mew sports the ability known as Perfection. So long as Pikarom or Raichu are on your bench or in your discard pile, you can just power up Mewmew and have access to both of their attacks. Having more HP than either of them doesn’t hurt either.
- Speed energy: If you’re going to go fast, then you have to make sure you have the cards you need. This energy lets you draw 2 more cards when you attach it to your Pokemon. You can’t attach it with Pikarom’s or Boltund’s attacks though.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
3 Boltund V RCL 67
2 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
2 Pikachu & Zekrom-GX TEU 33
2 Mewtwo & Mew-GX UNM 71
1 Crobat V SHF 44
1 Eldegoss V CPA 5
1 Raichu & Alolan Raichu-GX UNM 54
1 Tapu Koko Prism Star TEU 51
4 Marnie CPA 56
4 Professor's Research SHF 60
3 Boss's Orders SHF 58
1 Team Yell Grunt CPA 67
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
4 Crushing Hammer SSH 159
4 Switch SSH 183
2 Reset Stamp UNM 206
1 Cherish Ball UNM 191
1 Electromagnetic Radar UNB 169
1 Tag Switch UNM 209
2 Big Charm SSH 158
2 Air Balloon SSH 156
1 Chaotic Swell CEC 187
10 Lightning Energy
3 Speed Lightning Energy RCL 173
2. Eternatus VMAX
This behemoth of a Pokemon wins because it hits hard and can take a hit or two itself. The only requirement for this power is that you play as many Pokémon as you can onto your bench. Eternatus VMAX sports the attack known as Dread End. This attack does 30 damage for each of your Dark Pokemon in play. This may not seem like a lot when playing by the rules of six Pokemon in play at a time, but Eternatus doesn’t play by the rules. His ability, Eternal Zone, allows you to play down up to nine Pokémon and raises the damage cap to a staggering 270. And for only two energy.
If all you have to do to win is play down Pokemon, let’s look into what Pokémon we want on our bench with some handy bullet points.
- Crobat V: This Pokemon sees a lot of play in most decks but is especially important in Eternatus. It’s ability allows you to draw until you have six cards in your hand. This card provides much needed support.
- Galatians Zigzagoon: This basic Pokemon puts 10 damage on your opponent’s Pokemon when you play it down. That damage adds up and can make a huge difference when you need a critical KO.
- Spiritomb, Yveltal, and Hoopa: All three of these Pokemon make for great additions to Eternatus’s bench. They aren’t super powerful on their own but can keep the damage rolling if it’s not a good time for Eternatus to be up front.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
4 Eternatus V DAA 116
4 Eternatus VMAX DAA 117
4 Crobat V SHF 44
3 Galarian Zigzagoon SSH 117
2 Spiritomb UNB 112
2 Yveltal TEU 95
4 Boss's Orders SHF 58
4 Professor's Research SHF 60
3 Marnie CPA 56
4 Crushing Hammer SSH 159
4 Switch SSH 183
4 Great Ball CPA 52
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
2 Pokémon Communication TEU 152
2 Power Plant UNB 183
10 Darkness Energy
1. ADP Zacian
Many fans of the TCG may groan to see the name of ADP again but it definitely deserves its place on this list. One of Pokémon’s mechanics is the GX attack. A one use move with considerable power. The GX attack of Arceus, Dialga, and Palkia GX is one of the best in the game. While most GX attacks deal big damage or provide other immediate support, ADP’s GX attack, Altered Creation, changes the state of the game by giving all of your Pokémon a damage boost and increasing the reward when you knock out an opposing Pokemon.
Now it’s all well and good to get more damage but you want to make sure that the damage is as effective as possible. Enter Zavian V. This card has been a powerhouse since it’s release and pairs incredibly well with ADP. It’s attack, Brave Blade, gets a damage boost and becomes one of the most consistent heavy hitters in the game. In addition, it gives up less prize cards to your opponent when knocked out. What else can you say, it’s just a great combo.
While we could go on for a few more paragraphs about the great components of this deck, I’ll cut to the chase with some bullet points.
- ADP’s High Hitpoints: with a max HP of 280 you can be certain that ADP won’t be knocked out before you can use Altered Creation GX.
- Ultimate Ray: It’s too bad the ADP is useless once you GX attack. Oh wait. It’s not. The Ultimate Ray attack lets you look through your deck for three energy and attach them to your benched Pokémon. It also hits pretty hard.
- Intrepid Sword: This ability on Zacian V lets you draw three cards and attach any energy in those three cards to Zacian. Sure the ability ends your turn but sometimes it’s better to grab some more cards instead of attacking.
- Boss’s Orders: This card definitely shines in ADP Zacian. It allows you to pick off your opponent’s weaker Pokemon and because of Alter Creation, you get the same amount of reward for much less effort.
- Metal Saucer: This deck is comprised of mostly Metal type Pokemon and it always helps to accelerate energy. Metal Saucer attaches a metal energy to one of your benched metal Pokémon.
- Mawile GX, Zamazenta V, and Aegislash V: These three cards are all excellent techs to boost your decks power. Mawile GX allows you to put your opponent’s Pokemon from their hand onto their bench. Zamazenta blocks the big and powerful VMAX from hitting it. Aegislash is able to hit through any hindering effects that your opponents may be using against you. It’s definitely worth considering these for your deck list.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
3 Zacian V SSH 138
2 Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX CEC 156
2 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
2 Mawile-GX UNM 141
1 Crobat V SHF 44
1 Eldegoss V CPA 5
1 Aegislash V VIV 126
4 Boss's Orders SHF 58
4 Professor's Research SHF 60
1 Marnie CPA 56
4 Switch SSH 183
4 Metal Saucer SSH 170
4 Energy Switch SSH 162
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
2 Cherish Ball UNM 191
2 Energy Spinner UNB 170
1 Great Catcher CEC 192
2 Air Balloon SSH 156
2 Big Charm SSH 158
1 Rusted Sword SHF 62
2 Chaotic Swell CEC 187
8 Metal Energy
3 Water Energy