Top 15 Best MTG Arena Mythic Rares: Page 7 of 15

Best MTG Arena Mythic Rares
The best among the best

9. Ral, Izzet Viceroy – Guilds of Ravnica

Zzzzt! I'm sorry, that's wrong, and the correct answer is...?

Why is it good?

Ral is the perfect planeswalker for Izzet builds. Ral’s first ability fills your graveyard with instant and sorcery spells, but he is also a great way to filter and set up Arclight Phoenix.  Not only does he fill up graveyards for UR drakes, but his second ability is also armed by graveyard spells. This means that your creature cheese could be as high as 6-8 damage in the midgame and even higher in end game. His last ability also sets you up for an immediate win-con, so don’t be surprised if your opponent concedes once your crack his emblem.

Where is it used?

Ral is a great complement for UR builds. He works with either the drakes builds or the phoenix builds, because of his synergy to fill up graveyards. Ral is also used for some Jesaki Control side boards, mostly for his second ability, which has the damage reach to bring down large crits.

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George RR Martin once wrote "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies". He may have been talking about gamers too.
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