Fallout Movie: 15 Movies Like Fallout You Need To Watch

Movies Like Fallout
Bet you could use some of that Dinki-Di can, right pal?

The Best Post-Apocalyptic Movies Like Fallout

The Fallout series is all about trying to make it in the post-apocalyptic world.  

Where lawlessness and violence rule the land and help is not really an option. To survive these conditions people must either band together or go full lone wolf.

Here is a list of 15 movies in the same vein as Fallout to give you that doomsday fix.

15. Six String Samurai

Six String Samurai Official Trailer

In this film, nuclear war strikes the US after Russia starts World War 3. This attack leaves most of the country uninhabitable.

With Washington DC gone, what remains of the government commands from an area called Lost Vegas and is ruled by a man named King Elvis.

The story fasts forwards 40 years later following a man named Buddy who saves an unnamed kid from a gang, bringing the two together. Buddy heads out for Lost Vegas in hopes of becoming the new King after news spreads that King Elvis has died.

This film has a ton of Fallout influences in it, from the post-nuclear settings to the offbeat humor, it even has a town literally named Fallout that they travel through. It easy to see this film’s influence on the Fallout video game series.

Buddy and the Kid are on route to Lost Vegas to become the new Kings of Rock and Roll.

Bombed out buildings with a dash of a sombrero. 


Eve has been a gamer ever since she got her first PC back in the year of 2000 and loves a good strategy game on a rainy day.
Gamer Since: 2000
Favorite Genre: RTS
Currently Playing: Xcom 2
Top 3 Favorite Games:Prison Architect, Tropico 5, Sid Meier's Civilization V

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Allexandra82's picture

Allexandra82 1 year 3 months ago

Loved that first movie

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