![[Top 3] Marvel Snap Best Knull Decks And Why They're Good Marvel, Marvel Snap, Best Cards, Card Game](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-05/knull.jpg.webp?itok=Dg1DH_X9)
Knull is a 6-cost card that is supposed to serve as another “big boss” option for destroy decks, with Death, but in reality he’s underused and serves as a great situational option for some destroy decks, while functioning as a great card that can get you a lot of value in Galactus decks.

Knull has the combined power of all cards that were destroyed during the entire game. This means that his value is not constant, and he can sometimes be an underwhelming card with a weak stat line, but he’s also able to be a really overwhelming power if you’ve destroyed enough cards in a game. He has quite a few cards that combo with him well like, Arnim Zola who can help you secure multiple lanes with HUGE Knulls, Death, so that you can play something alongside Knull on the last turn and secure another location and Galactus who’s able to destroy all locations and cards on them giving Knull a lot of power and setting it up so that you can play him as a finisher on the next turn.
We’re going to go into some of the best decks that use Knull, and we’ll go into gameplans and piloting tips for each of them. Knull is soon becoming a pool 3, so a lot more people will have access to him, so it’s good to know where you can expect to see him and how to play around him, or if you like the Destroy playstyle, you’ll see some nice decks that you can build around the God Of Symbiotes.
3.Generic Destroy

This is a rather easy deck to make since it doesn’t require too many pool 3 cards. It only uses Death, Venom and Deadpool which are the basic destroy cards that you’re going to need for any destroy deck, and it also features Knull, who you can buy for 3000 tokens, or you can wait a little while longer for him to drop down to pool 3 as well and claim him as your free card.
This deck is really good at lowering the cost of Death, since you have Squirrel Girl and Killmonger, which can easily lower the cost of Death, and you’re also going to be destroying Deadpool a bunch of times for him to get as much value as possible. Sabertooth is actually a decent card in this deck, since you can destroy him a few times, to also lower Death’s cost while adding up to Knull’s total power. As all decks on this list, because of the destroy support, this deck has a really good early game because your cheaper cards bring you very decent value. Knull and Death are the cards that you use to finish the game, and you can often play both of them, if you’ve destroyed enough cards in the game.
What This Deck Excels At:
- Deadpool brings you a lot of value, since this deck has a lot of cards that can destroy him, like Carnage, Venom, Deathlok, and Killmonger. Deadpool is a card that’s really useful with some locations that will double his power, or create multiple copies of him, since you can often destroy them together
- Squirrel Girl and Killmonger are a great combo that can reduce the cost of Death rather quickly, if you’re lucky, you’ll also have Deadpool on the board so Killmonger destroys him as well and give you more value
- Sabertooth, if you get him to cost 0 by destroying him once, will probably be destroyed many more times during the game, and this gives you a significant amount of value, since every time you destroy him, you’re giving more power to Knull, and also to whatever card is destroying Sabertooth like Carnage or Venom
- Death is going to be a really cheap card that gives you 12 power on board as long as you set up your field properly, and you also might be able to play her alongside Knull on the last turn, if you really got lucky with your card pulls
- Knull is a fun addition to this deck, because he’s usually going to have at least 12 power, but he’ll often have more, especially if you abuse Sabertooth’s effect to destroy him multiple times
Card List:
- Deadpool
- Nova
- Squirrel Girl
- Bucky Barnes
- Carnage
- Wolverine
- Venom
- Killmonger
- Sabertooth
- Deathlok
- Knull
- Death
2.Deathpool Nimrod

This is a nice generic destroy list that makes use of both Nimrod and Deadpool to bring you value, and set the game up so that you can finish it off with Knull, Death or Arnim Zola, depending on what the game state looks like. This deck is not the easiest to pilot, since it requires a lot thinking ahead, we’ll show you the best combos, but it’ll still take some getting used to and know when you should destroy your cards, and which cards you should destroy to set up for the late game.
Your early game is rather simple, you should play out and get as much power on the board early with cards like Deadpool, Nova and Bucky Barnes. You have to be strategic with your destroy effects, since Knull and Venom can be really good late game options, but you have to destroy a few cards in order for Knull to give you good value. Magik can prolong the game, giving you another turn to create massive cards on the board, which this deck often really benefits from. Being able to play a Knull with decent power (let’s say around 12), and then destroying him with Arnim Zola will give you two Knulls with 24 power, this is obviously really strong, and not a lot of decks can compete with it, just beware of Shang-Chi, since he can screw up your day if you’re playing like this. Another great option with Arnim Zola is playing him on Nimrod, to create 4 more of them, or playing him on a location with Venom, who will also destroy a bunch of Nimrods and gain their power.
What This Deck Excels At:
- This deck has a good early game and it’s able to set up more power than most decks in the early game. An especially good combo that comes to mind is playing Bucky Barnes and then Deathlok which gives you 11 power on a location by turn 3
- Nimrod is great in combination with any card that’s able to destroy him, but he works best with Arnim Zola, since he gives you twice the Nimrods, and with Venom who is able to get a little more value from destroying Nimrod
- Arnim Zola is great when he’s able to create copies of Knull, Nimrod or Venom, these plays give you a lot of value, but copying Knull and Venom leaves them vulnerable to Shang-Chi
- Magik is really important in this deck, since she can prolong the game and she makes it possible for you to play 2 6-cost cards which are going to be Knull and Arnim Zola
Card List:
- Deadpool
- Nova
- Bucky Barnes
- Carnage
- Venom
- Wave
- Deathlok
- Magik
- Nimrod
- Arnim Zola
- Knull
- Death

Galactus decks are currently really popular, since a lot of people have been buying him since the Token store was changed. He’s more accessible to people now, and when you combine him with Knull, you’re able to overpower a lot of opponents. Galactus decks are fun and engaging to play and while they are based around simple combos, it requires a lot of strategy to avoid all of the counter cards that your opponent may be having in their deck.
This deck has Wave and Electro as cards that can help you play Galactus out earlier. After playing Galactus, you’ve probably destroyed a lot of your opponent’s cards and all of that power gets added to Knull that you’re going to want to play on the last turn. Knull is really important in this deck, since not a lot of cards can overpower him after Galactus destroys a few stronger cards, but Knull is still weak to quite a few tech cards like Enchantress, Rogue, Shang-Chi and so on, so you’re going to want to play carefully if you have reveal priority going into the last turn. Playing Doctor Octopus a turn before playing Galactus is a really great play that generates a lot of value for you, you will probably pull out some of your opponent’s important cards from their hand, and all of their power is also getting added to Knull, since Galactus will destroy them in the next turn. Death is also a really neat card, since Galactus decks are most consistent at getting her to cost 0, so you can play her alongside Knull on the last turn.
What This Deck Excels At:
- Electro and Wave are really important cards in this deck, since they let you play out Galactus earlier, which is necessary if you want to get the most out of his effect
- Doctor Octopus is great at removing some important cards from your opponent’s hand, if he pulls out some cards that counter your strategy like Shang-Chi or Cosmo, you can confidently play the rest of the game out
- Knull is the card that you play on the 6th turn on the only remaining location with Galactus, since at this point he’s sure to have a lot of power and your opponent shouldn’t really be able to overpower him, just make sure you don’t have reveal priority going into turn 6!
- Destroyer is another win condition that you can play on turn 6 after Galactus, since not a lot of cards have as much power as the Destroyer, he is really good if you’ve also got Death in hand, since she’s likely to cost 0 and you can go ahead and play her to and really overpower your opponent
Card List:
- Yondu
- Psylcoke
- Daredevil
- Electro
- Wave
- Shang-Chi
- Doctor Octopus
- Knull
- Galactus
- America Chavez
- Destroyer
- Death
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