![[Top 5] Marvel Snap Best Death Decks And Why They're Good Marvel, Marvel Snap, Best Cards, Card Game](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-03/death.jpg.webp?itok=-Ta4LLwr)
Death is a pool 3 card that is a centerpiece in the Destroy archetype. A lot of decks focus around getting her out on turn 6 for 0 energy after destroying a lot of cards during that game. She’s a fun card to play and she makes the Destroy decks stable and gives them a good late game play. If you’ve just recently unlocked her and are unsure of what to do, you’re in luck, because we’re about to go into the best decks that run Death!
5.Deadpool Death

This deck is mainly geared around destroying Deadpool a lot of times and then playing him on turn 6 when he’s powered up, along with Death who should be way cheaper since you’ve destroyed Deadpool many times and probably other cards too.
Nimrod is a good addition to this deck since you’re running Venom and other cards that you can use on turn 6 to make him your win condition instead. Knull can also grow to insane sizes if you play your cards right and have a little bit of luck with your draws.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- Carnage, Venom, Dethlok and Killmonger can all destroy Deadpool which can really stack up and make him a strong turn 6 play for only 1 mana
- Nimrod can be your backup win condition depending on what deck you’re playing against, you get most value if you destroy him with Venom since he will absorb him and you get 2 copies of Nimrod as well
- This deck can reliably play Death but it doesn’t rely on her power to win the game
- Knull is a good finisher if you’ve destroyed a lot of cards during the game and you think your opponent won’t beat you in a location already, Knull can make sure that he doesn’t win another one
Card List:
- Deadpool
- Nova
- Youndu
- Bucky Barnes
- Carnage
- Wolverine
- Venom
- Killmonger
- Deathlok
- Nimrod
- Knull
- Death
4.Hela Discard

This is a weird deck for Death to find herself in, but she actually has a really important part to play here. Lady Sif is very risky to play as long as you’ve got Hela in your hand since you REALLY don’t want to risk discarding her when you don’t have to.
As long as Death is in your hand she will be the card that costs the most so Lady Sif will discard her. Hela will, of course, bring back all of your discarded cards at the end of the game and make a very big difference on the field. This version of the deck also runs Lockjaw which can help you win a location quickly if you’re lucky with its pulls.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- Death is there to protect Hela and give you +12 power at the end of the game once Hela brings her back
- You have Lady Sif to discard your high-cost cards that will also hopefully be brought back at the end of the game
- Lockjaw is a great addition to this deck, since you’re running a lot of powerful cards. He lets you bring them out directly from your deck in exchange for something like Swarm or Colleen Wing
- Gambit is a fun card that can get rid of an opponent’s card and that’s hopefully going to be one of their more important cards
Card List:
- Sunspot
- Morbius
- Swarm
- Colleen Wing
- Gambit
- Lockjaw
- Lady Sif
- Dracula
- Hela
- Apocalypse
- Infinaut
- Death
3.Nimrod Death

This deck is a take on the Destroy archetype that uses the standard Destroy cards and Nimrod to get the most out of your plays. This deck isn’t geared around using Death to her fullest potential but it has fun combos with her that you won’t see in many other decks.
Your main card here is Arnim Zola. He can destroy and replay Nimrod or Venom for huge value. Your strongest combo is using Arnim Zola on Venom while Nimrod is on the field. This will cause utter chaos and destruction all around your side of the field, but all of your cards benefit from it. Venom can grow to insane sizes and Nimrod can swarm the board and give you a huge boost in power to multiple locations.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- You have a stable early game that can put a lot of power on board rather quickly since you’ve got Hood, Nova, Bucky Barnes and Wolverine
- Shang-Chi can help you if you’re playing against opponents that run big cards like most Shuri decks do and she’s currently in the meta
- Since there is going to be a LOT of destruction any time you’re playing this deck, you can reliably play Death, sometimes way earlier in the game than you’d expect
- Arnim Zola has a few good targets that he can hit and make a huge impact like Death, Venom or Nimrod
Card List:
- Hood
- Nova
- Bucky Barnes
- Carnage
- Wolverine
- Venom
- Killmonger
- Deathlok
- Shang-Chi
- Nimrod
- Arnim Zola
- Death

Death has a lot of Synergy with Galactus, since when he destroys the locations all cards are also going to be destroyed which most of the time makes Death a free card that you can play on turn 6.
You can use Green Goblin and Hobgoblin to target a single location that you’re planning to play Galactus to. Your opponent has low chances of being able to overpower you on that location if you take up their precious space and also lower their power there. Wave and Electro are there to make sure that you can play Galactus earlier so that you can use your turn 6 to play your powerful cards like Destroyer and Death.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- Green Goblin and Hobgoblin can clog up a location for your opponent and give them a lot of negative power on it, Daredevil is there to prevent you using Hobgoblin if your opponent is going to fill that location up on turn 5
- You have a very powerful turn 6, if you’ve already played Galactus since you can probably overpower your opponent by playing Destroyer and Death since very few decks can compete with that much power on a single location
- Spider-Man is a great card to play on turn 5 if you’ve got Galactus down since he prevents your opponent from playing more cards on turn 6 and you can accurately gauge how much power your opponent will have and if you can defeat him or not
- Wave and Electro make sure that you can play Galactus earlier so that you can get off your big power boost on turn 6
Card List:
- Daredevil
- Wolverine
- Green Goblin
- Electro
- Wave
- Shang-Chi
- Spider-Man
- Hobgoblin
- Galactus
- America Chavez
- Destroyer
- Death

DeathWave is a deck that best utilizes the strengths of Wave setting all cards costs to 4 for a turn. This deck has a good early game because destroy cards combo well early for a lot of power. Just Bucky Barnes and Carnage on a single location are enough to make your opponent have to play a couple of cards if they want to win it.
Your strongest combo is playing Wave on turn 5 as long as you’ve destroyed at least 4 cards in the game. If you have She-Hulk and Death in your hand on that turn, you’ll be able to play both of them since their cost-reducing effects apply after Wave sets their cost to 4. You’ll be able to play both of them and another card while your opponent will most likely be able to play only one card as long as they don’t have some sort of cost-reducing effect themselves.
What Is Great About This Deck:
- Bucky Barnes combined with Deathlok can heavily contest one location early on in the game
- If you play Squirrel Girl and Killmonger you’re going to get way closer to being able to play Death during the game, especially if your opponent has played a few 1-cost cards by that time
- Aero is a great utility card that can move your opponent’s card to a less desirable location and screw up their plans
- Using Wave on turn 5 will give you the ability to play She-Hulk and Death on the 6th turn and you’ll still have leftover mana for another card, while your opponent will be able to play only one card
Card List:
- Squirrel Girl
- Yondu
- Bucky Barnes
- Carnage
- Wolverine
- Killmonger
- Wave
- Deathlok
- Shang-Chi
- Aero
- She-Hulk
- Death