Top 10 Games Like Shank (Games Better Than Shank In Their Own Way): Page 2 of 10

Games Like Shank
Beat up the bad guys in these games like Shank.

9) Die for Valhalla!

Die for Valhalla Gameplay

Die for Valhalla! Is an Action RPG set in a world of Vikings. You take control of a Valkyrie capable of possessing a variety of fallen foes. A being known as The Great Old One has threatened to take over the world (OF COURSE!) and it Is up to you to stop The Great Old One and save the world.

There are two ways in which you can choose to experience the adventure of Die for Valhalla! You can choose to play in Normal Mode, which will take place in a larger world where potions will have positive effects, you can revive your friends, and the game will have a nicer difficulty curve. However, you can also choose to play in Hardcore Mode where you will have roguelite elements to deal with such as your friends only having one life, the potions possibly doing more harm than good to you, and a steeper difficulty curve. Hardcore Mode also takes place in a smaller world.

You can take possession of 7 different Viking classes from over 10 different Viking clans. Each Viking Class will play differently and use different combos to go along with their playstyle. Meanwhile, each clan will have special access to different classes.

Die for Valhalla! Can be played solo or with up to 3 friends locally.

That’s One Giant Enemy: The player finds himself against a giant troll-like creature.

Gone but Not Forgotten: One of the warriors that the Valkyrie could control has passed on, but another warrior continues to fight for his fallen friend.

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I am from the truly cold landscape that is Teulon Manisnowba. Both a player and a developer of games. A true fighting game Koopa solely because I am only familiar with 0s and 1s.
Gamer Since: 1997
Currently Playing: A Hat in Time, Mario & Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
Top 3 Favorite Games:Mortal Kombat X, Rocket League, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance