At last we have the wolf among sheep. Have you ever wanted to play as an evil Brienne of Tarth or just a real battle hardened bitch? Well the Warmonger would be the femme fatale for you. Better known by her Campaign name, Apollyon, this For Honor warrior literally broke the game for a week when she came out. I don’t mean the typical “Oh this new character is overpowered.” Those who played during her release will remember how she slaughtered them with insane attack damage and even more powerful poison abilities.
While she has gone through several nerfs since her release date, Warmonger is just as deadly as any other S-Tier hero in this game. She has plenty of attacks in her arsenal and each one deals plenty of damage. However, like most heroes she requires a bit of finess to keep her dominating on the battlefield.
Light, Heavy Slashes

The first attack combination you absolutely need to get down is the Warmongers 1, 2 - Light, heavy combination attack. When she opens with a basic light attack she can follow it up with an uninterruptible heavy. When both land you instantly leave your opponent decimated. If you want to get a little fancy with it you can always cancel out of the heavy followup and breaker the opponent, but first get down the normal attack.
Lunge Overhead Strike

In my opinion the Warmonger has the best opener in the game. Her forward overhead lunge is fast, deadly, and TRACKS. Yes, unlike most forward lunge attacks hers will track any form of dodge employed by the enemy. Due to it’s long range as well the enemies only hope is to parry the attack before it splits open their skull. This ability is also great to use at the end of an opponent's life in order to snag an easy execution.
Side Dodge Heavy

The Warmonger’s delayed side dodge heavy strike allows for her to land more easy executions or just drastically reduce the enemies life. The dodge will avoid most attacks and the delayed impact of the attack can throw even the best parry masters off.
Back Hand & Stab
For Honor can be a frustrating game and sometimes you just want to bitch slap the player holding the other remote. Well, at least with the Warmonger you can do it to their hero. If you side dodge and breaker the Warmonger will enter into a back handed slap across the opponents lovely face. This attack works similar to the Centurion where she can hold the attack for a few beats to catch a dodge expert. Always follow this breaker up with a light attack and you will pull off a guaranteed light stab attack.
Parry Punish

If Apollyon’s multiplayer representative is famous for anything other than her obnoxious poison abilities it is her parry punishment. When you parry your opponent always follow it up with a breaker input. If you do this successfully the Warmonger will get a guaranteed stab into the enemies gut and begin pushing them backwards for several paces. This does a bit of damage on it’s own, but if you are able to bash the enemy into a nearby wall she will slap them across the face doing a ton of bleed damage.
Parry Punish Followup
Give me one good reason that you would give your opponent any sort of break in a fight? When you have pulled off a successful parry whether you knocked the opponent against the wall for a slap or just pushed them a ways make sure to follow up with an overhead lunge. Because of the attacks tracking ability and heavy hitting damage you have a strong likelihood of landing the attack and it will panic your opponents as their health could very easily go from full to bleeping red.
Due to the versatility of Warmonger you can create a number of solid combinations based on her abilities. That said, my favorite one to use is as follows: Begin with a light, heavy combo. Once at that point switch into a side dodge backhand breaker and land your light attack. After you land these attacks your opponent will be scrambling to land an attack on you. Sit back and catch a parry to punish it. Once you have successfully pushed the opponent back use your overhead lunge to finish them off. (If your opponent still has life at this point then your best bet is to finish them with light attack or try a side dodge heavy to bring in the execution).
The Warmonger is iconic to For Honor and can truly dominate the warzone. As always remember to keep your gameplay fresh and do your best to follow my tips! If you found this article helpful or just liked it in general please head over to my profile and check out my many other For Honor guides!