Which talents best suit your playstyle?
If you don’t know what talents are in DOS2, let me explain: they’re abilities that beef up your characters, and you can sometimes get them when you level up. You Divinity newcomers may be wondering which talents would be the best to choose. Well, you’re in luck - here are 10 talents that will help your characters beat up any magister in their path.
10. Escapist
You can look forward to all sorts of battles like these, but what if you're not ready?
Are you in over your head? Did you accidentally tick off a voidwoken? With this talent, you can run away from a battle in an instant, no matter how close to the enemy you are!
This talent’s best for you if you’re a brand new player just getting the hang of things. You might find that you won’t use it much later, when your characters are powerful enough to kill just about anything. Escapist makes the game a lot easier, so you might want to stay away from it if you want a challenge.
What’s great about escapist:
- If you’re not ready for a battle, you can escape and do what you need to do (heal, get more EXP, etc.).
- Get into a tough battle by accident? That’s okay! You can just run away and come back later.
Talent details:
- This talent allows a character to escape from any battle, no matter how close you are to the enemy.
- Escapist has no requirements, so you can get it right away.
9. Leech
There's so much blood on the ground... Don't let it go to waste.
No more potions? No healing skills? No problem, as long as there’s blood on the ground.
Divinity Original Sin 2 can be a bloody game, and that can actually benefit the player! If your character stands in a pool of blood, they’ll suck it right up and gain health. Gross, but handy.
What’s great about leech:
- It’s an extra way to gain a little HP, which is always welcome.
- You can use it as a combo with the skill blood rain if you’re ever in a pinch. Make it rain!
Talent details:
- This talent allows a character to restore HP when they step on a puddle of blood.
- Leech has no requirements, so you can start off the game as a bloodsucker if you want.
8. Living Armor
This is the kind of armor you can get in DOS2. Looks nice, right?
Does your character have low magic armor? If so, this talent is probably for you.
With living armor, a good chunk of the healing your character receives is added to their magic armor. In other words, it’s double the healing!
What’s great about living armor:
- If you’re in a battle with enemies that use a lot of magic, this talent will help you fend them off.
- Save gold that you’ve been using on magic armor potions!
Talent details:
- If your character has this talent, 35% of the healing they get is added to their magic armor.
- Living armor has no requirements, so you can use it right away.
7. Torturer
Ready to cause some pain?
This skill’s name is scary, but it’s also fitting. With torturer, it’s way easier to inflict status ailments on enemies, and that’s because it ignores both types of armor. I guess if you’re enough of a sadist, armor can’t do anything to stop you.
What’s great about torturer:
- Inflict more status ailments! Be the scourge of your enemies!
- Status ailments are increased by one turn, so if an enemy can’t move, they stay put for a good while.
Talent details:
- With torturer, some status ailments can be inflicted even if the enemy has physical or magic armor. The effects also last a turn longer.
- This talent only applies to burns, poison, bleeding, necrofire, acid, suffocation, entanglement, death wish, and ruptured tendons.
- This talent has no requirements. Have fun torturing!
6. The Pawn
Be a chessmaster on the battlefield!
Limited movement can be a pain, which is where this skill comes in handy. It grants you a little more movement each turn, and we all know that a little can go a long way. Ever been so close to an area that you needed to get to, but you ran out of action points? This skill helps with that.
What’s great about the pawn:
- Free AP!
- If your character is more melee oriented, it helps you get up close and personal with your enemies.
Talent details:
- The pawn grants you 1 free AP for movement each turn.
- This talent does not work with the executioner talent.
- The pawn requires Scoundrel 1 to use.
5. Five Star Diner
Eat as much as you want with no judgement.
Time to dig in - this skill gives you more HP when you use healing items. This means less rummaging through your bag trying to find a potion, and less resurrection scrolls wasted. Sometimes it’s good to be a big eater.
What’s great about five star diner:
- Helps you save resources and gold!
- More HP given means that healing items are a better deal for all the gold you spend.
Talent details:
- This talent doubles the amount of HP you recover from healing items.
- This talent has no requirements - anyone can eat as much as they want!
4. All Skilled Up
Assign your crew as many skills as you can!
Are your persuasion skill points lacking? Need one more hydrosophist level to use your favorite skill? If so, this talent may be for you - it gives you points to spend immediately!
What’s great about all skilled up:
- If you need to pass a certain skill check and you’re just one point away, this talent will help you in an instant.
- Likewise, if you’ve got a spell that you’ve been dying to teach one of your characters, this talent will help you get the stats you need.
Talent details:
- All skilled up grants you a combat and a civil ability point to use however you want.
- Your character needs to be level 2 to use this skill.
3. Corpse Eater
Sebille, an elf who starts out with this skill.
Doesn’t that name sound appealing? Hear me out, it’s better than it sounds. This talent is a bit different than the others I’ve listed because it mainly affects the story, though it does have gameplay perks. If an elf character with this talent eats a piece of flesh (a hand, a foot, etc.), they’ll not only gain HP, but also some otherwise hidden lore.
What’s great about corpse eater:
- Learn hidden secrets of the dead that give the game’s story new meaning… Or find out a funny way that someone died.
- Gain HP without potions or food (well, I guess to an elf it’s technically food…).
- You can also learn combat skills from certain corpses!
Talent details:
- Corpse eater allows you to eat body parts to learn the secrets of the dead. Dinner is served!
- Eating body parts can also help you gain HP.
- Only elves or characters disguised as elves (via the mask of the shapeshifter) can use this skill.
2. Morning Person
Rise from your grave!
Rise and shine! This talent gives a dead character max HP after they’re revived. Are you ever in a battle and revive a character, only to have them die again? This skill helps that happen less, meaning that you don’t waste as many revival scrolls
What’s great about morning person:
- It saves a lot of hassle when you’re in the middle of a heated battle.
- Save gold on potions and healing spells!
Talent details:
- A character with this talent can be revived at full health.
- This talent has no requirements.
1. Pet Pal
Sir Lora and his undead cat friend, Quercus.
I don’t see how anyone can play this game without the pet pal talent. If you can’t understand the language of animals, you not only miss out on lore, you also miss out on extra quests! There’s also the hilarious character Sir Lora the squirrel and his trusty undead cat Quercus, who you can’t understand without it.
What’s great about pet pal:
- More lore!
- Extra dialogue!
- Extra quests!
- Animals can get you out of a bind in some cases- there’s a dog on the beach in Fort Joy who can help you skip a fight later on.
Talent details:
- Pet pal allows characters to communicate with animals.
- This talent has no requirements, which is another reason why you should use it.
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