YouTube is one of the biggest platforms on the Internet right now, which isn’t surprising as millions (and I do mean millions) of people upload videos on there every day. So, if you can stand out from that large of a crowd, you are doing something pretty special. I think it goes without saying that Markiplier has done just that and once you watch the videos below you will see exactly how he has done that. The quality of his videos is absolutely fantastic and they will keep you entertained for hours and hours to come.
10. The Unholy Trinity Series
The Unholy Trinity Series Link
The Unholy Trinity is such a ridiculous concept that sometimes it is hard to believe that it got so many views, the videos contained within it became some of the highest viewed videos on his channel (The video titled MEOW has over 49 million views).
It is slightly different from the rest of his content, as you will find out if you continue to watch the videos on this list, but it is still well worth the time if you are up for some laughs. In it, Markiplier edits his mouth on the mouths of different animals. The first video he takes on the persona of a cat, the second a dog, and the third a cow. If you love animals and nonsense you will certainly love this video.
9. Prop Hunt Series
Prop Hunt Series Link
In this video series, Markiplier and his friends Yamimash, SeaNanners, CaptainSparklez, EatMyDiction, and later Wade and Bob (all of them are amazing YouTuber’s in their own right) play a game called Prop Hunt. Where deception is key. Prop Hunt is a game that is inside a game called Gary’s Mod which can be found on Steam that has a pretty big following, especially once Markiplier’s videos started to go viral.
In Prop Hunt you take on the form of everyday objects, like a soda can, a trash can, a house plant, and much, much more. Once you do that, you do your best to hide in plain site as the Hunter’s well … hunt you. If you or any member of your team can survive long enough, you win, if your team is found and killed, you lose.
It is a fun game to play, especially if you have a group of friends with you, which is what Markiplier shows off in this series. This playthrough is definitely one you should watch if you are looking for a good laugh, as it will keep you laughing for hours and hours.
8. Amnesia: The Dark Descent Series
Amnesia: The Dark Descent Series Link
I can’t do a list about Markiplier without mentioning his Amnesia: The Dark Descent playthrough! It was the very first game he played on his channel and therefore the game that introduced him and his sense of humor to the world.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a horror game that is very scary, especially 6 years ago when he played it. Watching Markiplier make his way through the terrifying puzzle that Amnesia lays out is not only tense to watch for those of you who like thrills, but also hilarious at points as he is not quiet about how afraid he is and tends to scream if he sees something scary.
Going back and seeing how a large channel like Markiplier’s was started is always interesting and even though his audio and video quality weren’t as good as they are now, it is easy to overlook because the content quality is still just as spot on.
7. The Evil Within 2 Series
The Evil Within 2 Series Link
Markiplier is definitely known for the scary games he plays. The Evil Within 2 is another one of those scary games and arguably one of his very best playthroughs. Not only are the videos super long (ranging from 1 ½ to 2 hours long) which means you can really get in to them, they are most recent (only coming out last year), which means they have very good audio and picture quality.
If you are a fan of Markiplier or just a fan of horror game playthroughs, you will definitely enjoy this video. Not only is the story in the game good, but Markiplier himself is simply amazing, being his usual serious but fun self with every step. There will be parts that you share the fear with him and parts were you can’t help but laugh at his reactions as he tends to yell and talk nonsense when he gets scared.
Either way, this is definitely a playthrough that you should take the time to watch. I know I have personally watched it a hand full of times and plan on going back to watch it as soon as I am done with this!
6. Try Not To Laugh Series
Try Not To Laugh Series Link
This series is pure hilarity. Markiplier watches videos that his fan base have found for him and does his very best to not laugh. The videos contain cute animals, people pulling pranks, people failing pranks, and even people accidentally getting (not too seriously) hurt. Try Not To Laugh videos became pretty big on YouTube for a while and Markiplier’s series of them is no exception, gaining millions of views on each one.
Probably the greatest thing about this series of videos is that Markiplier never takes himself too seriously. Most of the time he tends to laugh during the very first video, then berates himself (in a joking manner) for failing so quickly.
It is a lighthearted and shorter series, most of the videos are under 10 minutes long but it is definitely worth a watch, especially if you are in need of being cheered up. The series is still ongoing with the last video being posted on November 27th.
I can’t give full credit to Markiplier for this video, the YouTube channel that goes by the name Schmoyoho also gets a big shout out as they are the ones who edited and created the video. SPACE IS COOL takes shots and audio clips from Markiplier’s video series of Universe Sandbox and mixes them into a very catchy song that now has over 24 million views.
If you want something new to listen to that is sure to get stuck in your head for at least a few hours, try this video out. It will have you singing along in no time as the editing is simply beautiful in this video and comes together seamlessly to create what sounds like a planned song.
Schmoyoho also has a few other songs if you fall in love with this one and want to check them out, just go to their YouTube page and click on videos!
4. Red Dead Redemption 2 Series
Red Dead Redemption 2 Series Link
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game that was hailed by critics and fans alike, so it is of no surprise that Markiplier made a gameplay series around the game. It is an interesting playthrough to watch as there are a lot of moments were he is serious in it and then there are times where he goes off to do things just for the laughs.
It is also one of his longest series, having 13 parts already (it is still ongoing, last video being uploaded on Dec 6th) and ranging from 1 ½ to 9 hours long! So, if you are wanting to settle in to a long (and I do mean long) video series, this is definitely the one for you.
3. A Date With Markiplier
A Date With markiplier Link
This is one of the first videos of its kind on YouTube and people absolutely loved it when he posted it online. A Date With Markiplier is an interactive video that tells a story and allows you, the viewer, to pick which way the story goes.
The videos aren’t long at all, but that isn’t really the point. The content inside of them is very well thought out and written and being able to have the option to ‘control’ what is going on makes it a video that you play over and over again so you can see what the other options hold.
If you enjoyed the ‘choose your own ending’ books as a child (I know I certainly did), you will not regret giving this video a chance.
2. Firewatch Series
Firewatch Series Link
This series is one of my favorites by far. It is definitely one of his more serious playthroughs as the story calls for a serious kind of attitude. Of course he makes a joke here and there, he is Markiplier after all and joking around is how he relieves tension when it starts to build up.
However, in Firewatch, he gets so captured by the story and how well they did the audio and visuals (something he mentions quite a few times) that it seems like he almost forgets like he is being watch. It gives the impression that you are getting to see a rare side of him and it makes the series special.
It was posted rather recently, going up in 2016, so the quality of the video in both sound, video, and content is amazing. No matter if you are already a fan or someone looking for something ‘new’, you will enjoy watching Markiplier go through the puzzle that is Firewatch.
1. Five Nights At Freddy's Series
Five Nights At Freddy's Series Link
This wouldn’t be a Markiplier video countdown with Five Nights at Freddy’s on it. This game for a long time was hands down the most successful series he had on his channel. People tuning in to join in the fear and hilarity as he was jumpscared time and time again.
Five Nights at Freddy’s has become a huge cult classic in the horror genre and the creator (Scott Cawthon) has released 5 (mainline) games on the series. Each one being harder to unravel than the last. Markiplier however has not balked at the challenge and if you fall in love with this playthrough you can watch him playthrough every game in the series.
If you are into horror games, I highly recommend you check out this video as the tension these games build will genuinely give you a good scare right alongside Markiplier. Even if you aren’t into horror and just love seeing Markiplier jump and scream, you will not only enjoy this series but the countless Five Nights at Freddy’s jumpscare compilations that have sense flooded YouTube.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. As a big fan of Markiplier it was hard to pick a top 10 but I believe the games above are just that.
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