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R4bidweasel's Profile

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Available GD Points: 11
About - RJ Maurer: RJ is a writer/filmmaker living in the US. He is an accomplished scriptwriter and has award-winning short films. He is an experienced gamer winning local competitions and even an eSports event at his University for Counter Strike: Global Offensive. He was an accomplished Combat Correspondent for 5 years traveling the world, taking photos/video and writing stories on the events he captured. RJ is an expert in first person shooter games and tends to enjoy the games with more challenging gameplay. He has been playing Counter Strike since 1.6 in 2000 and continues to play Counter Strike: Global Offensive. He is also an expert in horror games as he is an award-winning horror short film Writer/Director and has an affinity for horror genres and themes. Due to his experience in the military, RJ is also very particular about his war games. Gaming has always been an important past time for RJ but he enjoys shooters, RPGs and survival/horror games the most. RJ enjoys how games connect and bring people together while allowing us to experience teamwork, fantasy, and communication on levels that would never be possible without video games.

Level 5 Newbie

372 xp

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You earned 1 GD Point for unliking the comment: Ah, Resident Evil 4. In HD. (on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 30 XP for unliking the comment: Ah, Resident Evil 4. In HD. (on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 1 GD Point for commenting on Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 50 XP for commenting on Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 300 XP for rating Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 1 GD Point for commenting on Battlefield: Bad Company 2(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 50 XP for commenting on Battlefield: Bad Company 2(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Battlefield: Bad Company 2(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 300 XP for rating Battlefield: Bad Company 2(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 1 GD Point for commenting on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 50 XP for commenting on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Counter-Strike: Global Offensive(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 300 XP for rating Counter-Strike: Global Offensive(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 1 GD Point for rating Mass Effect 3(on 24th Jan, 2019)
You earned 300 XP for rating Mass Effect 3(on 24th Jan, 2019)
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You earned 30 XP for updating your profile(on 4th Jan, 2019)
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You earned 1 GD Point for updating your profile(on 4th Dec, 2018)
You earned 30 XP for updating your profile(on 4th Dec, 2018)
You earned 300 XP for adding your profile picture(on 4th Dec, 2018)
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