25 Best Fantasy Games to Play Right Now in 2017: Page 12 of 25

best fantasy games, top fantasy games, best fantasy games in 2017, top fantasy games in 2017
And that's just the first boss.

14. Darkest Dungeon (2016)

WTF is Darkest Dungeon?

I’ve been with this game since its early access days. It’s dark and gritty and it still hates you and your family and your cow. Even on the new Radiant mode (a lower difficulty designed for new players) with all the extra options like corpses and heart attacks turned off the game is still going to kick your ass.

Your home... or what's left of it.

This is a whole lot of nope.

Kat is a prolific writer and history major trying to seek out a destiny in the gaming industry while studying the past.
Gamer Since: 1999
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Mass Effect: Andromeda
Top 3 Favorite Games:Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Mount & Blade: Warband