12 Hottest Girls from Horror Games

12 Hottest Girls from Horror Games

Horror games’ hottest girls are really killin’ it!

It seems to be some kind of unwritten rule that you can’t have horror without beauty. And in the case of video games, that beauty often takes the form of strong, badass women. These tough ladies subvert the stereotype of the screaming damsel in distress, proving to us all that when it comes to slaying zombies, demons, or ghosts, they’re as capable as anyone.

In this article, which we’re calling the 12 Hottest Girls from Horror Games, we pay tribute to these women. To be clear, though, we’re sticking to video games strictly belonging to the horror genre, and leaving out horror-themed video games such as Lollipop Chainsaw, Devil May Cry, and Darkstalkers. So we’re sorry, Juliet Starling, Trish, and Morrigan… you’re great and all, but you won’t be on this list.

With that out of the way, let’s get started!

12. Zoey (Left 4 Dead)


"Help me get these clothes off?"

This college cutie was studying to become a filmmaker – until the zombie apocalypse turned the world upside down. It’s not every day, though, that one’s addiction to horror movies ends up serving as educational material. Watching hundreds of hours of zombie flicks has given Zoey an edge over those who watch inconsequential nonsense like American Idol and Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

It also helps that her father was a cop who taught her how to shoot things that move in between the eyes. Zoey’s a natural with guns, as anyone who’s a fan of Left 4 Dead can attest to. Sexy!


"So, tell me about yourself..." (Image by Spaulding--x.)


Seems someone's made a mess on her jacket!


Killing the undead, and looking good while doing it. (Image by zearz.)


"One bullet for that zombie, and one bullet for you!" (Image by greathandJP.)


Writer, Gamer, Dreamer
Gamer Since: 1986
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Bloodborne, Mortal Kombat X, Tera Online
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dark Souls II, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Age: Inquisition

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gauravk 6 years 9 months ago

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