12 Hottest Girls from Horror Games: Page 9 of 12

12 Hottest Girls from Horror Games

4. Sheva Alomar (Resident Evil)


"Hiya!" (Image by Keyre.)

Though one of Resident Evil’s more underrated heroines, Sheva Alomar’s proven herself more than a worthy addition to the series’ roster.

Sheva Alomar works for the West African branch of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, and man, does she know how to use those firearms. In fact, she’s been using guns most of her entire life, as she grew up with a guerilla group bent on toppling the government. Her skills drew the eye of an American organization dedicated to destroying Umbrella. In time, she became one of the BSAA’s top agents.

Sheva is best known for her participation in the Kijuju incident, which ends with her and Chris Redfield killing the nefarious Albert Wesker.

So yes, there’s no question she’s a total badass. Plus, she’s a definite knockout in the looks department. One of the hottest girls from horror games? You bet!







Image by 3SMJILL.


Image by ManbeastMan.


Image by agekei.


Image by agekei.

Writer, Gamer, Dreamer
Gamer Since: 1986
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Bloodborne, Mortal Kombat X, Tera Online
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dark Souls II, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Age: Inquisition

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gauravk 6 years 9 months ago

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