Black Orcs (Best for coming out on top of almost any melee fight)
A Black Orc warrior hefts his axe in a rare moment of calm.
Black Orcs are without a doubt one of Total War Warhammer II’s most fearsome melee units. Heavily armored, immune to psychology and wielding armor piercing great axes, they are an intimidating presence on the battlefield that anyone in their right minds will think twice about engaging in close combat.
Why Black Orcs are Fearsome
- They’re one of the sturdiest units in the game, with an impressive 110 armor.
- They have armor-piercing weapons, making them a formidable foe against other armored units.
- They are immune to psychology and as a result will fight until the last of them is either dead or victorious. WAAAGH!
Black Orc details: https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/Black_Orcs
Chaos Chosen (Great Weapons) (Best for defeating any enemy that cannot outrun them)
A Chaos chosen warrior raises his axe to charge.
The Chaos Chosen (Great Weapons) are elite Chaos warriors favored by their god(s), the ruinous powers. Like the Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen are heavily armored and wield armor-piercing great weapons. Their advantage over the Black Orcs is that they have higher melee attack and defense as well as a larger health pool.
Why Chaos Chosen are Fearsome
- They are even sturdier than Black Orcs, boasting an armor value of 120!
- They wield armor-piercing weapons and are able to deal serious damage to other armored units.
- They pull ahead of the Black Orcs in unit quality when their higher melee attack (48), melee defense (46), and health pool (10,480) are taken into consideration, yet they serve a similar function in your army.
Chaos Chosen details: https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/Chosen_(Great_Weapons)
Necrosphinx (Best for scything down other monstrous units)
A Necrosphinx attempts to scythe down a great beast of the Lizardmen.
The Necrosphinx is a strange amalgamation of parts from men and beasts, and a fearsome minion of the Tomb Kings. It’s specialty is killing other monstrous units by bisecting them with scythe-arms while causing terror among weaker infantry units.
Why the Necrosphinx is Fearsome
- Its weapon strength is a terrifying 550 points and its damage is armor-piercing, allowing it to take big chunks out of another monster’s health bar.
- It causes terror, compelling the tiny infantry at its feet to flee in a panic.
- Its armor sits at a respectable 100 points.
Necrosphinx details: https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/Necrosphinx
Hell Pit Abomination (Best for being nearly unkillable)
A Hell Pit Abomination lurches toward its prey.
The Hell Pit Abomination is a monstrous creation of the Skaven. It’s an amalgamation of Skaven, Warp technology and whatever else the brilliant minds of the Skaven warlocks deemed appropriate to add into the mix. This unit is a terrifying foe to face down as in addition to its formidable offensive capabilities, it has the ability to regenerate.
Why the Hell Pit Abomination is Fearsome
- It has the “Too Horrible to Die” special rule: When close to death it will either regenerate a portion of its health or spawn a unit of skaven from its corpse.
- In addition to its two forms of regeneration, the Hell Pit Abomination has 12,100 health and very strong leadership. Good luck taking one of these down.
- It has regular regeneration as well, so to even get it to low health is a task in and of itself.
- It can pierce armor and has a whopping 500 weapon strength.
Hell Pit Abomination details: https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/Hell_Pit_Abomination
War Mammoth (Warshrine) (Best for breaking up enemy infantry ranks)
A Chaos War Mammoth rears its head and looses a thunderous roar.
The War Mammoth (Warshrine) is one of Total War Warhammer II’s most intimidating units. It is possiblythe sturdiest unit in the game. Corrupted, and invigorated by the dark energies of chaos, this monstrous unit makes quick work of enemy infantry, armored or not.
Why the War Mammoth (Warshrine) is Fearsome
- It has a massive health pool of 14,104 as well as a reasonable 70 armor.
- It’s both anti-infantry and armor-piercing, making it one of the best choices to deal with armored infantry like the above-mentioned Black Orcs or Chaos Chosen.
- It has higher speed than most monsters (40) and a charge bonus of 80, and as a result can close distance quickly and do devastating damage on it’s initial hit.
War Mammoth (Warshrine) details: https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/War_Mammoth_(Warshrine)
Ratling Gun Weapon Team (Best for making swiss cheese out of almost any foe)
A team of Ratling Gunners fire off a fusillade of tainted rounds.
The Ratling Gun is one of the most powerful weapons created by the Skaven and the Ratling Gun Weapons Teams have the privilege of wielding these fearsome gatling weapons. Because of its high rate of fire, formidable range and armor-piercing projectiles, you definitely don’t want to find yourself at the other end of one of these contraptions.
Why the Ratling Gun Weapon Team is Fearsome
- The Clan Skryre Skaven faction has a mechanic that makes its Ratling Gun Weapon Teams almost never run out of ammunition.
- They have decent range, a high rate of fire and armor-piercing projectiles.
- Their missile strength is a considerable 338, which can be devastating when you consider their high rate of fire.
Ratling Gun Weapons Team details: https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/Ratling_Gun_Weapons_Team
Organ Gun (Best for dealing with any enemy at long range)
Rows of Organ Gun crews fire their deadly munitions into an oncoming horde of enemies.
Organ guns are one of the most powerful artillery weapons that the dwarves have invented. They are versatile and can tear apart any unit type, from humble infantry to gargantuan monster units. If you find yourself faced off against a detachment of dwarves with organ gun support, you’d better disable that artillery quickly because it’s going to make a pink mist out of your army.
Why the Organ Gun is Fearsome
- A long range (300) and high armor-piercing missile strength (333) provide Organ Guns with the stopping power necessary to take down any unit given enough time to fire off a few rounds.
- Its projectiles move quickly but have a parabolic firing arc, so they are good at both open and siege battles.
- If you choose to focus fire on an enemy lord or a comparable unit, you can likely kill them and cripple enemy morale before they reach you.
Organ Gun details: https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/Organ_gun
Helstorm Rocket Battery (Best for obliterating enemy from afar)
Empire men cover their ears as they fire a barrage of incendiary rockets from their Helstorm Batteries.
The Helstorm Rocket Battery is one of the Empire’s most destructive artillery units, capable of firing off a devastating fusillade of incendiary rockets in a wide spread that will blast apart enemy infantry. Your own infantry might get bored protecting these artillery pieces because your enemies will be incinerated before they reach you.
Why the Helstorm Rocket Battery is Fearsome
- It boasts an impressive range of 480 with an (armor-piercing) missile strength of 339, while also firing off many more projectiles at a time than other artillery pieces.
- A large explosion radius and parabolic firing arc make these units a prime choice for bombardment in both open and siege battles.
- Keeping a few of these units in your army will often completely remove enemy infantry units as a threat before they can reach you.
Helstorm Rocket Battery details: https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/Helstorm_Rocket_Battery
Necrofex Colossus (Best for taking down other monstrous units at range)
Necrofex Colossi march to war with dark intent.
The Necrofex Colossus is essentially a giant zombie boat and is one of the Vampire Coast factions’ most formidable units. Able to fire off three cannon balls at a time from range or effectively engage in melee, the Necrofex Colossus is a versatile monstrous unit and a welcome addition to any vampire army.
Why the Necrofex Colossus is Fearsome
- Well, first of all, it’s a zombie-boat-with-a-triple-cannon-arm. It’s able to do major damage from range, especially to large slow-moving targets, with its armor-piercing cannon balls firing from a range of 330.
- It’s a monstrous unit that functions as both an artillery piece and an effective melee fighter.
- It is undead and can be targeted by the many undead-specific spells that are available to vampire coast factions.
Necrofex Colossus details: https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/Necrofex_Colossus
Sisters of Avelorn (Best for dispatching enemies at range with archery)
Sisters of Avelorn prepare to loose a volley of magical arrows.
Only the most gifted are permitted to serve among the Sisters of Avelorn, the Everqueen’s elite archers. They wield bows and arrows of elven magic, able to penetrate even the hardiest armor and set their foes ablaze. You’d better hope you have a shield to raise when you see their arrows descending upon you.
Why the Sisters of Avelorn are Fearsome
- They are a versatile ranged unit that can fare decently well in melee combat if needed.
- They have armor-piercing magic missiles that can set foes ablaze and can be fired from a respectable range of 180.
- They are not expensive despite being a very strong unit and can be fielded in large numbers.
Sisters of Avelorn details: https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/Sisters_of_Avelorn