[Top 10] LOL Best Midlaners (Ranked)

LOL Best Midlaners
Sylas, the most attractive anti-hero on your team (probably)

10. Ziggs

Ziggs is a long-range artillery-type mage who can attack enemies from very far distances with explosive attacks. He is known for his ability to poke from extremely long ranges and clear waves with ease.

Ziggs is an exceptional champion due to how safe he is to play. He can stay very far back in fights while still remaining relevant. He can also clear waves, even in other lanes, using his ultimate, making him a great champion for stalling out the game. It is important to note that Ziggs suffers when close to enemies, so it’s best to abuse his range while you can.


  • Far-distance poke
  • Decent CC
  • Amazing wave clear
  • Global ultimate
  • Can take towers quite quickly.
  • Easy to play
  • Great teamfight power


  • Low utility
  • Relatively low damage
  • Struggles in close combat
  • Low mobility
  • Suffers versus high-mobility champions
  • Mana issues, especially in the early game


9. Neeko

Neeko is a burst-type mage that excels at catching her enemies off guard. She’s known for her ability to transform into anything and make creative and unique plays with her passive.

Neeko is a very interesting champion because she can do a lot, but it requires her to get into awkward positions, which is where her passive comes in. She can do extremely high damage, but it requires her to get relatively close due to her ultimate abilities close range. Neeko is a great pick in situations where you want to teamfight and need a secondary engager. While she

is one of the harder champions on this list to master, she can provide great assistance to your team when played properly.


  • Lots of CC
  • Stealth
  • High Damage
  • High Burst
  • Forces enemies to think twice
  • Great wave clear
  • Amazing teamfight power


  • Relatively low range
  • Very hard to play efficiently
  • Suffers versus high mobility
  • Suffers when behind in gold


8. Taliyah

Taliyah is a battlemage who excels at dueling enemies while keeping them at bay. She’s well-known for her ability to roam and disable champions who dash a lot.

Taliyah is an amazing champion, especially when going into matchups versus champions with dashes, which allows her E ability to stop them. She has relatively high damage and, when played correctly, has an extremely lethal combo. Taliyah is also great at roaming to other lanes and catching them off guard; this is enhanced when she gets her ultimate, which can then also block off enemies from escaping.

She, however, suffers even more than most champions on this list when it comes to needing to hit her skill shots, as her damage is limited to two very difficult-to-land abilities. She’s not an easy champion for anyone, but when played correctly, she can be an absolute menace to the rift.


  • Great roaming
  • High Damage
  • Counters dashing champions
  • Decent wave clear
  • Great utility
  • Great teamfight power


  • Suffers versus blinking champions or unstoppable dashes
  • Very skillshot reliant
  • Very difficult to pay efficiently
  • Low mobility when not near walls


7. Fizz

Fizz is a tricky assassin-type midlaner who can deal extremely high damage to a single target. Fizz is known for being extremely difficult to kill and difficult to deal with unless you outrange him.

Fizz is an incredibly great midlaner, especially in close-range matchups. Fizz struggles greatly into champions who can outrange and poke him, but he can usually dominate melee matchups. Fizz is also extremely mobile and extremely hard to kill due to his E, which makes him untargetable. This means he can avoid almost everything in the game with a basic ability, which makes him annoying for enemies to deal with.


  • High mobility
  • Can become untargetable.
  • High damage
  • High Burst
  • Decent roaming
  • Decent wave clear
  • Strong in all stages of the game
  • Easy to play


  • Struggles versus poke champions
  • Risky to commit all abilities to damage
  • Struggles if he doesn’t get ahead.
  • Low CC


6. Vex

Vex is a ranged burst-type mage that can deal with enemies quite quickly while fearing them away. She is known for her ability to do high damage and dash in from long distances using her ultimate.

Vex is a very unique champion due to the fact that her kit is simple yet very effective. She can deal a lot of damage very quickly, but she also has access to poke early on with her Q ability. Vex is also a great champion due to the fact that she works very well against dash champions, as that causes her fear passive to be ready much quicker. She’s quite deadly despite her simplicity and shorter range compared to other burst mages, but she works extremely well.


  • High Burst
  • Decent poke
  • Decent Wave Clear
  • Great roaming
  • Counters dashing champions
  • Reset potential
  • High range
  • Relatively easy to play


  • Dependent on passive for CC
  • Mana issues, especially in the early game
  • Struggles versus other burst mages
  • Low Mobility


5. Kassadin

Kassadin is an assassin mage hybrid that can blink around and deal high damage in any fight. He’s known for scaling very well into the late game, to the point where he becomes an unkillable monster.

Kassadin is an extremely strong champion who suffers early in the game but can easily scale into one of the best champions in the game. He’s extremely mobile after getting his ultimate, to the point where he will rarely die.

His main role as the anti-mage also remains true today, as he’s actually very good into mages, especially due to his magic shield from using his Q ability. While Kassadin might not be good in every scenario, when he has the right conditions, he is the perfect champion to have on your team to almost guarantee a win.


  • High mobility with ultimate
  • Scales extremely well late game
  • Great against AP champions
  • High Damage
  • High Burst
  • Great at split pushing


  • No utility
  • No CC
  • Very weak early game
  • Short range
  • Vulnerable to early ganks


4. Syndra

Syndra is a very powerful burst-type mage that can lockdown and quickly deal with enemies. She’s known for her high burst, especially her ultimate, which is a point-and-click ability with very high value.

Syndra is a very powerful midlaner who can take full advantage of any matchup. She can keep enemies away while also doing heavy burst damage. Syndra is also the type of champion to get even stronger as the game goes, meaning she’s good in many different states of the game. 

She has very few weaknesses, but her lack of mobility can be easily abused by mobile enemies. Syndra is easily one of the best midlaners due to her many strengths, and skilled players can make full use of her unique kit.


  • High Burst
  • Decent CC
  • Mana sustain
  • Good wave clear
  • Easy to play
  • Good teamfight power


  • Poor roaming
  • No mobility
  • Low utility
  • Struggles against high-mobility champions


3. Naafiri

Naafiri is an assassin-type midlaner who can rush down enemies with her high mobility. She’s known for her minions, which not only give her more damage but can also block skillshots from enemies.

Naafiri is a very aggressive champion who has a lot of mobility but also decent poke. She’s a really good midlaner due to the fact that she can roam very well and has easy pathways into ganks. She also has good wave clear, meaning that normally, you can clear waves and then quickly rush to a different lane. Naafiri is easily one of the best assassins in the game right now, and if played correctly, she’s not only hard to kill but can do insane damage in a relatively short time frame.


  • High Burst
  • High Damage
  • Wave clear
  • Great roaming
  • High mobility
  • Good split push


  • Struggles against midlaners with tons of CC
  • Relatively difficult to play efficiently
  • Low CC
  • No Utility


2. Orianna

Orianna is a very powerful, utility-based burst-type mage who can control fights very well. She’s known for her very strong teamfight presence along with her older playstyle.

Orianna is one of the oldest champions in the game but has kept her kit roughly the same due to its great power and flexibility. She’s an absolute beast in teamfights due to her ultimate and her utility, while also bringing really good damage. Orianna’s main weakness is her lack of mobility, along with her abilities being slightly telegraphed, but outside of this, she’s an outstanding champion. 

For a burst mage who can compete with the others in damage, she’s actually quite defensive and provides one of the best ultimates in the game. This means Orianna, unlike other burst mages, can assist her team even when behind, which is a great benefit.


  • Amazing teamfight power
  • High Burst
  • Great waveclear
  • Great utility
  • Good engage
  • Good poke
  • Low mana cost
  • Relatively easy to play


  • Low mobility
  • Abilities slightly telegraphed
  • Struggles against early-game assassins
  • Poor roaming


1. Sylas

Sylas is a skirmisher-type mage who excels greatly at dashing around fights while doing high amounts of damage. He’s known for his ability to steal enemy ultimates, which can greatly impact his usefulness on a game-to-game basis.

Sylas is an incredible champion who can make use of enemy ultimates, which can make him one of the most beneficial champions in the game. This is also a weakness, however, if the enemy does have weaker ultimates. Aside from that, Sylas has huge burst potential while also being very mobile and easily keeping up with enemies that wish to get away.

These are just a few of the reasons why Sylas is one of the best midlaners in the current state of the game. He provides so much damage and utility with very minimal drawbacks.


  • High Mobility
  • Tons of CC
  • High Burst
  • High Damage
  • Can steal powerful ultimates
  • Amazing wave clear
  • Great roaming potential
  • Good at splitpushing


  • Weak to anti-dashing champions
  • Weaker if no good ultimates are available to steal.
  • Suffers against healing reduction
  • Short range
  • Struggles a bit versus high mobility champions


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