[Top 10] LOL Best Carry Supports (Ranked)

LOL Best Carry Supports
Pyke, your favorite kill stealing support



10. Velkoz

Velkoz, also known as the eye of the void. A very dangerous entity in Runeterra.

Velkoz is a ranged mage that specializes in attacking enemies from afar and in unique ways. He is also known for his true damage, which makes him a huge threat if you manage to get hit by everything in his kit.

Velkoz, while one of the weaker champions on this list, can still be very effective, especially in the laning phase. He excels at keeping enemies away and poking them from far distances and unique angles. The trade-off of this power, however, is that he is very vulnerable to ganks due to his lack of mobility and limited crowd control. While this champion isn’t the best, he’s definitely underrated and can be played to a high level with great results when played properly.


  • Can poke from far distances
  • Can help your adc clear waves quickly
  • Deals a high amount of true damage.
  • His poke is hard to predict.
  • Can burst enemies from far distances with full combo


  • Lacks any form of mobility
  • Lacks crowd control to keep high-mobility champions off himself.
  • Very hard to play efficiently.
  • Hard to fight enemies when playing from behind.
  • Very difficult champion to teamfight correctly with


9. Shaco

Shaco is an assassin-type support that works best at catching your enemies off-guard and tricking them. He can either be an absolute nightmare on the rift or come off as nothing more than a nuisance.

Shaco is a support that can either carry games or simply make it difficult for the enemy to win. His high mobility and invisibility, combined with his boxes, make him a surprisingly diverse support. He can harass enemies quite well but lacks the direct fighting power in most situations if he doesn’t trick his enemies into stepping into his box range, which is his main source of damage, especially early on. But as a support, you’ll find that you have a lot of power when outside of your lane; that is where Shaco really excels: when invading, roaming, and being a nuisance on the map.


  • High mobility
  • High survivability
  • Can catch enemies off guard.
  • canward areas on the map very safely.
  • Very efficient when used to invade or roam
  • Great at counter engaging lane duels


  • Lacks direct fighting power
  • Doesn't scale well without gold.
  • Slightly countered by pink wards and Oracles Lens.
  • It requires setup to get kills in most situations.
  • Lacks teamfight power
  • Struggles versus safe-poking champions


8. Brand

Brand, the mage who seeks burning vengeance on Ryze.

Brand is a burst mage-type support that excels at dealing a lot of damage in a short period of time. With his high burst and max health damage, he can dominate many matchups, especially in team fights.

Brand is the type of support that can do well in lane but truly dominates team fight settings. With his high burst and high potential for spreading damage across the enemy team, he can do a lot of damage, even with the limited gold support gives you. While you can poke in the lane, you will sometimes find that you will push the wave due to the high aoe of Brand’s w and e abilities. This means, compared to other supports, you won’t be as effective at poking while freezing the lane.

His ability to carry is very reliant on hitting his abilities to make full use of his passive. His powerful potential for high AOE damage makes him a big threat in most matchups, especially when you start entering teamfights. Also, unlike others on this list, he doesn't fear tanks and typically builds to go against them anyway.


  • High Burst
  • High damage in teamfight settings
  • Does percent max health damage
  • Can push waves quickly


  • Lacks mobility
  • Naturally pushes waves when poking
  • Difficult to land/ limited CC
  • Most abilities can be avoided easily.
  • Struggles warding safely


7. Pyke

Pyke, the bloodharbor ripper who's always looking for his next victim.

Pyke is an assassin-type support that excels at engaging and catching enemies with his high mobility and hook. He’s known for either dominating games with his ultimate execution or escaping tight situations with his stealth.

Pyke will usually be the type of character that can either dominate a game or feel quite useless. Luckily, his kit gives him a lot of tools, such as stealth, a hook, a stun, and an execute, to help him get ahead early on. Using these tools, you’ll have to try and get ahead, or else you’ll eventually fall off and not be that useful.

Pyke is a character who makes tough decisions. Sometimes you’ll have to use your cooldowns to go in, but if you do, you’ll most likely have to fully commit in most situations, or else your stealth won’t be enough to get you out sometimes. But Pyke has the potential to highly reward players when played correctly; he’s a master of catching your enemies off guard. This is where his main ability to carry comes from, his high damage and his ability to hard engage.


  • High mobility
  • A lot of crowd control
  • Self sustain after taking damage
  • High early damage and high damage when fed
  • Great at roaming
  • Incredibly fast
  • Can typically ward quite safely.


  • Short range
  • Scales horribly without gold
  • Requires engaging or hooking enemies to be useful.
  • Weak against poke lanes
  • Cannot be built to be tanky.
  • Dies quickly if mispositioned


6. Morgana

She is able to poke, but typically only when landing her key ability, her q. This means that Morgana depends heavily on landing this one ability to be useful. Morgana also provides her ally with support with her shield, which makes her great versus champions with high CC, as the shield can cause her to ignore all of it. Morgana has many tools in her kit, but it heavily depends on the player landing and timing the key abilities to find use out of her kit.

Morgana mainly carries through her damage with her main combo and then depends on her allies to assist her when she uses her long CC chains. While she may be on the lower end of damage on this list, the utility she provides while doing the damage she deals is easily one of the best.


  • Long range
  • A lot of CC
  • CC immunity 
  • Can assist in pushing waves
  • Can ward relatively safely
  • Can be useful at all stages of the game.


  • Very dependent on landing Q
  • You cannot poke if enemies stand behind minions.
  • Struggles against poke champions
  • No mobility
  • Struggles against champions with high mobility


5. Lux

Lux is a burst artillery-type mage who excels at catching enemies from afar and bursting them with high damage. She brings a moderate amount of utility and CC that allows her to deal damage quite safely.

Lux is really good at poking from safe distances and providing long-range utility with slows and shields. She can also do a lot of damage quickly when using her full combo. She can dominate the lane, especially when paired with a carry that can make use of her range such as Caitlyn.

Lux as a carry can bring out incredibly high damage, even from the support role, but requires gold to be effective when it concerns her damage. But when Lux gets gold, she’s a monster carry and can easily cause many issues for the enemy team, even from extremely far ranges using her ultimate.



  • Long range
  • Safe poke
  • High burst
  • Can ward safely
  • Decent utility


  • No mobility
  • Low survivability
  • Weak into champions with high engage or better poke
  • Skills are slow and avoidable.
  • Struggles against champions with high mobility


4. Zilean

Zilean is a range-type support that specializes in high utility while also doing decent damage. He has the ability to greatly slow enemies and even resurrect allies, which gives him some of the best utility in the game, but at a limited value.

Zilean is incredibly unique, as he has a lot in his kit, but it’s all very conditional. His revive is one of the most powerful abilities in the game, but it requires great timing for the player you cast the skill on to die. Zilean also has great CC with a high value slow and a stun if you hit both of his q’s on the same target. While he has great utility, his low range on his E, combined with the need to hit both q’s to get full value, makes it hard to get full value on the champion.

While his solo carry potential isn’t as high as some others on this list, the utility he provides while providing good damage and crowd control easily makes him one of the best carries when it comes to supports. He’s also the most efficient person on this list when it comes to having a good person to carry with him, as he enables both them and himself to be in the best position possible.


  • Tons of crowd control
  • High utility 
  • Good poke
  • Good at all stages of the game.
  • Can resurrect teammates
  • Good at engaging in lane
  • Good at roaming


  • Low overall damage
  • Little mobility outside speed boost
  • Quite a weak early game.
  • Mana issues


3. Xerath

Xerath is an artillery mage-type support that can deal high damage from very far away. He also brings utility with a slow and stun, while also being able to sustain his mana in lane, making him able to last longer than other typical poke champions.

Xerath is probably one of the best poke supports in the game when it comes to raw damage with range. He wins many matchups against other poke champions and typically reigns supreme partially due to his mana sustain with his passive. Xerath does fall off when he faces tanky champions who can easily engage him from far distances, so it’s best to abuse the maximum distance of your range when possible in those matchups.

He can carry his allies by constantly lowering the enemies health with high damage far range poke. While he does not do well in direct fights like some others on this list, he can assist in fights while being completely safe. 


  • High poke damage
  • Very high range
  • Rarely has mana issues
  • High burst damage
  • Decent utility


  • Struggles against champions with high mobility
  • No Mobility
  • Struggles against long-range engagement champions.


2. Zyra

Zyra is a control-type mage that’s amazing at controlling both the lane and teamfights. With her summons and CC, she can control most situations and leave her enemies surprised with her rather high damage.

Zyra is an amazing support, especially when the enemy doesn’t have many ways to get onto her. She has an incredibly high CC chain along with plants that make it hard for enemies to win trades versus her. She has poke, which is quite safe behind minions, and can burst enemies using her full combo, which is rather easy to hit. Out of many champions on this list, she is probably one of the easiest to play, but also one of the strongest.

Zyra is a particularly strong carry due to her ability to control fights while keeping a safe distance. Unlike most champions on this list, she can control wide areas without putting herself at risk. Her CC is also much harder to dodge than others.


  • High damage
  • Good poke
  • Tons of CC
  • Can ward relatively safely
  • Good at catching enemies out
  • Amazing teamfighting


  • No Mobility
  • Can fall off at later stages if not fed.
  • Weak against enchanters with poke.

1. Senna

Senna is a marksman-type support who provides healing, utility, and damage to her team. She can sustain herself and her allies while providing powerful benefits as she scales into the late game.

Senna is a very interesting champion because her role changes as the game goes on. She starts as a strong support who has good poke and really strong healing, which makes her difficult to deal with in the laning phase. But as she scales with souls, she becomes a powerhouse of range and damage in the late game.

The longer the game goes on, the stronger she is. Senna suffers mostly midgame, where her utility isn’t as strong, but yet she hasn’t scaled enough to be a threat. But late into the game, she has the potential to become even stronger than your actual ad carry.


  • Very good power scaling
  • Great healing 
  • Amazing utility
  • Good poke
  • Not gold-reliant
  • Can impact other lanes without roaming
  • Great teamfighting


  • Awkward midgame
  • Low mobility
  • Cannot ward safely.
  • Dependent on passive to scale
  • Struggles against champions with a lot of CC who can engage her.


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