D&D Best Adventures Revealed

05 Dec 2022

5th edition Dungeons and Dragons have a myriad of published modules, each of them containing a unique adventure that brings a variety of themes, settings, creatures, and narratives to your table, for the DM to run for a party of 4-6 players.

However, as it is bound to happen, some of these adventures are generally conceived as than others.

These modules typically come in hardcover books that can be purchased anywhere from $30-$60. Adventure modules come with a story and a breakdown of the NPCs, locations, and monsters that players will encounter on their run through the adventure.

Since the price can’t be considered cheap, it's understandable if you’re on the fence over which module to purchase, to help you ease your worries, we’ve made a list ranking the best 16 official modules available for purchase for 5th edition D&D!

16. Storm King’s Thunder

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It begins in the middle of some action, as many wonderful stories do. The players are immediately thrown into a barren hamlet whose only remaining inhabitants are a troublesome tribe of goblins.

This adventure is fairly loosely organized because it does not advise players where to go next. Instead, it sprinkles hooks throughout the more self-contained experiences, leading to different locales, people, and puzzles.


  • It offers an amazing open world to explore.
  • Good balance between combat, roleplay, and exploration.
  • Paper-thin plot with little to keep it going.

Choose Storm King’s Thunder if:

  • You want a more open-world experience.
  • You like giants and wish to explore them more in-depth.
  • You enjoy variety.

Fun Factor: 50/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/adventures/storm-kings-thunder

15. Tyranny of Dragons

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This is one of the few modules that do a good job of putting the dragons in Dungeons & Dragons, and it works particularly well for players who want to be heroes in the conventional sense.

Tyranny of Dragons is a two-part story in which the adventuring party tries to prevent a cult from reviving a mighty dragon. After the legendary dragon has been resurrected, they must hunt down and defeat Tiamat in the second half.


  • A straightforward adventure that puts the players in the spotlight in a straightforward good vs evil adventure.
  • Extremely railroad-y with little to no time for anything beyond the main plot.
  • The main books are full of plot holes and difficult-to-run scenarios that might complicate the game experience.

Choose Tyranny of Dragons if:

  • Dragons are your favorite magical creatures.
  • You like linear stories.
  • You are looking for a straightforward, non-nuanced campaign.

Fun Factor: 60/100


14. Strixhave: A curriculum of chaos

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Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is a campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (5e) that transports players to the magical school of Strixhaven.

Each player will choose the college for their character, and the plot will begin there, following each player's school years rather than the conventional weeks or months a campaign generally takes place.


  • Strixhaven is full of unique choices that make the adventure more accessible for more groups since the players are kept together by the nature of being in college.
  • The book, however, doesn’t focus too much on the adventure which tends to fall short of the strongest point.
  • While fun and full of neat ideas, the delivery isn’t too strong for it focuses too much on the aspect of living your school life rather thann the high stakes adventures most modules offer.

Choose Strixhaven: A curriculum of Chaos if:

  • You want to recreate the Harry Potter experience.
  • A less hardcore, more low-stakes adventure calls out to you.

Fun Factor: 65/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/sourcebooks/strixhaven-a-curriculum-of-chaos

13. Candlekeep Mysteries

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The Candlekeep Mysteries are a series of "book-themed" adventures. Candlekeep, the finest library in the Forgotten Realms, is included in each quest.

While not exactly a module in and of itself, the adventures in Candlekeep may easily be linked together to form a larger story. This makes Candlekeep Mysteries an ideal book for any dungeon master with players who lead hectic lifestyles. Because each adventure is self-contained, players may easily jump in for a couple of sessions and grasp the entire plot.


  • Given its modular nature, this might be the best or worse choice for your group depending on whether or not you need continuity to enjoy the campaign.
  • Every single adventure is well-detailed and bite-sized, so you can just open your copy, pick one and be ready to go.

Choose Candlekeep Mysteries if:

  • You like bite-sized, ready-to-play adventures.
  • Your group is more focused on combat and exploration rather than roleplay.

Fun Factor: 70/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/adventures/candlekeep-mysteries#:~:text=Candlekeep%20Mysteries%20is%20a%20collection,adapted%20for%20other%20campaign%20settings.

12. Dungeon of the Mad Mage

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The group traverses the depths of the Undermountain in search of the evil wizard Halastar Blackcloak.

This guidebook is essentially a 23-level dungeon designed to push players' limits as they strive to establish a name for themselves and dive deeper than any adventurer has gone before in the only current real Mega-Dungeon.


  • It’s a well-detailed dungeon crawl that offers every bit of flavor to challenge high-level players.
  • Besides loot, there is little to no reason for the player characters to actually delve into Undermountain.

Choose Dungeon of the Mad Mage if:

  • Your group enjoys dungeon crawls.
  • You just want to enjoy a classic, old-school experience.

Fun Factor: 70/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/adventures/waterdeep-dungeon-of-the-mad-mage

11. Princes of the Apocalypse

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Princes of the Apocalypse is an Adventure that only cares about one thing: dungeon crawling.

The elemental princes are attempting to bring about the end of the world, and it is up to your motley crew of heroes to stop them. It's full of fascinating experiences and 


  • Though exciting in scale, the repetitive nature of the module turns some players off.
  • Dungeons are mostly elemental-themed, an enemy type seldom explored thoroughly in most adventures.
  • It offers a classic, good vs evil experience, perfect for those looking to get a hang of the game.

Choose Princes of the Apocalypse if:

  • You want to be the heroes that face off against the elemental menace.
  • A well-balanced adventure calls to you.

Fun Factor: 70/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/adventures/princes-of-the-apocalypse

10. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

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The title Waterdeep Dragon Robbery may be a little deceptive, since most people who see it assume that this Adventure will feature a heist. Some may be unhappy to find that the robbery took place about 5 years ago and that the players do a lot more research than heisting.

The group is introduced to Volothamp, who sets them on a treasure hunt within the city.


  • It offers a lot of replayability, for the adventure offers the DM 4 main villains to choose from when developing the main plot.
  • It takes a different approach to most good vs evil adventures as it focuses more on exploration and building connections.

Choose Waterdeep: Dragon Heist if:

  • You wish to divert from the common tropes of adventures.
  • An urban setting is more to your liking.

Fun Factor: 70/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/adventures/waterdeep-dragon-heist

9. Descent Into Avernus

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This adventure leads our heroes from the renowned city of Baldur's Gate to Avernus, the first stratum of the Nine Hells.

The module exposes the complex factions of hell and provides gamers with something fresh to study.

Though the adventure framework was relatively conventional, the actual substance of the module is what made it one of the greatest of that year's releases.


  • Although it's part of the name, players spend relatively no time in Baldur's Gate, instead focusing on the holy city of Elturiel.
  • It introduces fun little systems and lets your players delve into a spiral of madness as they are faced with moral quandaries at every turn.

Choose Descent into Avernus if:

  • You wish to explore the conflict of the blood war.
  • Your players all read the divine comedy.
  • You want to set them up for high-level play.

Fun Factor: 75/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/adventures/baldurs-gate-descent-into-avernus

8. Dragon of Icespire Peak

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Despite not being one of the most well-known adventure in D&D, the module's Big Bad is a great challenge for inexperienced players. 

As an introductory module, Dragon of Icespire Peak new players to experience roleplay, combat, and exploration in a self-contained adventure.


  • The module can be broken down into easy-to-run, one-session adventures for those with time constraints.
  • It’s a sandbox in nature and has little to no railroading.
  • Given its same nature, it is easy to put off new players if they decide to take on stronger foes too early.

Choose Dragon of Icespire Peak if:

  • You wish to introduce a new group of players into DnD.
  • You don’t want to constrain your players too much in their first adventure.

Fun Factor: 80/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/doip

7. The Wild Beyond the Witch Light

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The Wild Beyond the Witchlight is a Feywild-centric adventure that transports players from the Material Land's strange circus to the colorful plane of the fey.

Adventurers can explore the Feywild and become engrossed in the unusual realm's magic and whimsy.


  • While it is amazing, the adventure in itself has a lot to be desired, serving mostly as an introduction to the feywild.
  • Unlike most adventures, the module goes to great lengths to offer alternatives to violence when solving conflicts.

Choose The Wild Beyond the Witchlight if:

  • You want a less combat-centric adventure.
  • You are interested in the fey courts.
  • You want more background information for running the feywild.

Fun Factor: 80/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/adventures/the-wild-beyond-the-witchlight

6. Rime of the Frost Maiden

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Rime of the Frostmaiden includes all of the trappings of a classic D&D module.

The module gives players the option of leveling up or jumping directly into the main narrative. With lots of hurdles to overcome, the module progresses naturally from simpler dangers to the climactic showdown with a strange deity who may inflict eternal winter upon us all.


  • The module rewards creative thinking in amazing ways without also discouraging simplistic combat.
  • The story is well put together, offering branching consequences to let the players know their choices do matter.

Choose Rime of the Frostmaind if:

  • You wish to bring a campaign with a more nordic feel to it.
  • Dealing with hypothermia, snowy peaks, and ice-bound monsters can bring a refreshing sight to the usual settings.

Fun Factor: 85/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/adventures/icewind-dale-rime-of-the-frostmaiden

5. Ghosts of Saltmarsh

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The module introduces ship-to-ship warfare and, when completed, serves as a single maritime journey.

It isn't precisely an adventure, but rather a compilation of adventures from previous D&D versions that have been updated for the 5th Edition.

Aside from a captivating main tale, Ghosts allows players to become involved in some spicy political intrigue.


  • While overall amazing, when run as a single campaign, the players can feel the lack of an overarching story.
  • From crewmates to braving the dangers of the sea, saltmarsh offers a bit of everything and then some.
  • Ship-to-ship combat, as well as nautical adventure rules are so easy to manage that you can easily adapt them to any other adventure.

Choose Ghost of Saltmarsh if:

  • You enjoy ship-to-ship combat.
  • Your party is interested in sailing the seas.
  • From intrigue to high adventure, you can give your table a taste of everything with a Lovecraftian touch.

Fun Factor: 85/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/adventures/ghosts-of-saltmarsh

4. Tales from the Yawning Portal

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Like several other modules in this list, this isn’t truly an adventure, but rather a framework for several fantastic mini-adventures revolving around one of D&D’s most famous taverns.

While this might not seem like much, each adventure is action-packed and offers a great time for those groups who enjoy the more modular play.


  • This is a must-have supplement to bring its dungeons to your world, for each one is pretty well done and polished.
  • You can easily adapt the dungeons to any part of your world, helping you create villainous lairs on the fly.

Choose Tales of the Yawning Portal if:

  • You need to populate your campaign world with dungeons.
  • You want easy-to-run, straightforward adventures for your campaign.

Fun Factor: 85/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/bundles/tales-from-the-yawning-portal

3. Tomb of Annihilation

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The party must figure out the source of the death curse that plagues the land, making resurrection magic null. This module is set in the jungles of Chult, which are teeming with ancient ruins, swaths of mindless undead, tribal humanoids, and strange flora and wildlife.

The plot is clear, yet it allows for a lot of flexibility, even if the tough players are (supposedly) in a race against time.


  • While seemingly paradisiac, chult is dangerous and alien enough that players will have more than enough action, roleplay and exploration.
  • This is a godsend for players who enjoy dungeon crawling, for once you enter the tomb difficulty spikes skywards and it gives even veteran players a run for their money.

Choose Tomb of Annihilation if:

  • You want to experience the epitome of open-world exploration in D&D.
  • Your players enjoy a decent mix of roleplay, exploration, and combat.
  • You wish to challenge them with dungeons that put their decision-making skills to test.

Fun factor: 90/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/adventures/tomb-of-annihilation

2. Lost Mines of Phandelver

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The most popular 5e adventure to date. The module is meant to serve as an introductory adventure to the world of D&D. It includes a basic set of rules, an adventure, numerous pre-made character sheets, and a set of dice.

The Lost Mine module isn't only for novice players since it helps to teach the game's basic ideas as well as its most renowned aspects, but rather its simplicity also makes it ideal for an on-the-go D&D game.


  • Sometimes simple is best, Phandelver takes all the classic nuances of high fantasy and lets the players become true fantasy heroes with a straightforward, choice-packed adventure.
  • It offers well-thought-out encounters and challenges that might prove a bit too difficult for beginners, but not without making sure that they are warned beforehand.
  • For all its glory, the adventure does lack a proper villain, relying on a generic “Evil mage” figure to fit the bill.

Choose the Lost Mines of Phandelver if:

  • You wish to introduce your players to the game.
  • You wish to give them enough room for exploration and decision-making without derailing too much.

Fun Factor: 95/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/lmop

1. Curse of Strahd

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Curse of Strahd demonstrated that D&D packs a bite by bringing the atmosphere of some of the finest gothic monster flicks of all time.

The players have been mysteriously called to the kingdom of Barovia and must go to Castle Ravenloft to deal with the wicked vampire Strahd, who lords over the area.

Curse of Strahd is set on the cursed demi-plane of Barovia, where players are imprisoned until they complete the tale. The countryside is plenty of intriguing sites to explore, culminating (possibly) with the legendary Ravenloft Castle. The entire module has a gothic horror vibe to it, and the detailed descriptions of locales, NPCs, and creatures help to create an awesomely eerie atmosphere.


  • The adventure offers tons of replayability thanks to the tarokka deck, which randomizes the location of the McGuffins, but it also offers different starting hooks to keep your players engaged.
  • Unlike most modules, Curse of Strahd is sharp and it likes to bite. The module is plagued with dangerous encounters that might easily TPK your party if not careful.
  • Strahd is D&D’s own Dracula, a dark villain with a rich story that might move or sway your players, but don’t be fooled. He’s an irredeemable villain, but it can’t stop us from loving him.

Choose Curse of Strahd if:

  • Gothic horror calls to you, especially near Halloween.
  • You wish to introduce one of D&D's most iconic villains.
  • Your players ache for a challenge beyond simple combat.

Fun factor: 100/100

Details: https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/adventures/curse-of-strahd

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