There are a lot of shotguns in Destiny 2, but which are the best ones and then how do you get them?
The answers you seek will be laid out for you right here.
10. Lord of Wolves
Lord of Wolves Inventory Picture From Destiny 2
Lord of Wolves is an exotic shotgun. It is a random drop from the bounties that The Spider gives you whose rewards are legendary gear. So go take The Tangled Shore by force!
With the Release the Wolves perk you are able to double the amount of projectiles shot for every enemy killed, leading to a shotgun bloodbath. This gun is brutal in Gambit, it absolutely wipes out the blockers and invading guardians. In PvP it is very easy to score kills as you get up close and personal with other Guardians and just go on a killing spree.
Lord of Wolves perks:
- Shrapnel Launcher
- Chambered Compensator
- Extended Mag
- Release the Wolves
- Composite Stock
- Tracker Disabled or Kill Tracker or Crucible Tracker
How to get Lord of Wolves:
Lord of Wolves, How To Get Video
Lord of Wolves full details:
9. Wishbringer
Wishbringer Inventory Picture From Destiny 2
Wishbringer is a legendary shotgun that is gotten from playing The Crucible. You have to gain the Valor Rank of “Legend” and as soon as you hit that, you are good to go and get the gun from Lord Shaxx. So find yourself a good group to play with and go conquer the Crucible!
If your roll is lucky enough to have Slideshot and Open Shot, then you will be unstoppable when you wield this gun. Gaining a boost in range from both perks, a one shot kill is highly more likely than if neither of these perks existed. Say goodbye to your enemies with a nice shot from the Wishbringer.
Wishbringer Perks:
- Rapid-Fire Frame
- Full Choke
- Accurized Rounds
- Slideshot
- Snapshot Sights or Open Shot
- Tracker Disabled or Kill Tracker or Crucible Tracker
How To Get Wishbringer:
Wishbringer, How To Get Video
Wishbringer full details:
8. Mindbender's Ambition
Mindbender's Ambition Inventory Picture From Destiny 2
Mindbender’s Ambition is a legendary shotgun where you must have high ambition to get it and some friends to play with you. It is only gotten by playing the Fanatics Nightfall quest “Hollow Lair”. This Nightfall quest only shows up every couple weeks, so keep your eyes open for it.
With the Aggressive Frame perk this weapon is one for your enemies to look out for. Once you’ve killed an enemy your rate of fire will get higher allowing you to kill even more enemies, which then leads to Rampage being triggered and stacked giving you more damage per shot. And, as you kill enemies the runes on your gun will light up.
Mindbender’s Ambition Perks:
- Aggressive Frame
- Rifled Barrel
- Steady Rounds
- Opening Shot
- Rampage
- Tracker Disabled or Kill Tracker or Crucible Tracker
How To Get Mindbender’s Ambition:
Mindbender's Ambition, How To Get Video
Mindbender’s Ambition full details:
7. The Chaperone
The Chaperone Inventory Picture From Destiny 2
The Chaperone is a legendary shotgun that you get from a quest from Amanda Holliday. The quest involves a lot of Crucible and Gambit so be prepared! The quest for this gun is a random drop that most have seen come from playing a lot of Crucible.
You don’t have to be super up close and personal with The Chaperone thanks to its range and impact.You do have to be quite accurate with this shotgun, but if you are then you will pack a very nice punch against any enemy or guardian that will most likely result in a one shot kill. Which I mean, who doesn’t want that?
The Chaperone Perks:
- Precision Slug
- Hammer-Forged Rifling
- Accurized Rounds
- The Roadburn
- Hand-Laid Stock
- Tracker Disabled or Kill Tracker or Crucible Tracker
How To Get The Chaperone:
The Chaperone, How To Get Video
The Chaperone full details:
6. Parcel of Stardust
Parcel of Stardust Inventory Picture From Destiny 2
Parcel of Stardust is a legendary shotgun. You can find Parcel of Stardust by going through and doing Gambit Matches. It is a random drop, so it could take awhile to get. But hey, you and a group of friends can have a lot of fun just playing through Gambit for a bit and racking up those kills!
This gun shoots 90 rounds per minute, and has good handling. It fires quickly so you are able to clean up enemies fairly quickly and move on to the next group. It is better as a crowd control gun than a boss fighting gun.
Parcel of Stardust perks:
- Lightweight Frame
- Full choke
- Assault Mag
- Opening Shot
- Quick Draw
- Tracker Disabled or Kill Tracker or Crucible Tracker
How To Get Parcel of Stardust:
Parcel of Stardust, How To Get Video
Parcel of Stardust full details:
5. Basilisk
Basilisk Inventory Picture From Destiny 2
Basilisk is a legendary shotgun that you can only get from The Dead Orbit Faction during Faction Rallies. It costs 50000 glimmer if you aren’t pledged to the faction, or it costs 10000 glimmer if you are pledged to the faction.
You are able to rapidly fire your shots at your enemies and watch as they fall before you, no match for the fast paced speed at which this gun shoots. This is a great gun for PvE as once you’ve gone through your magazine, you can switch guns and let it auto reload itself after a few seconds and continue on with your killing.
Basilisk Perks:
- Rapid-Fire Frame
- Smoothbore or Rifled Barrel or Fluted Barrel
- Extended Mag or Accurized Rounds
- Auto-Loading Holster
How To Get Basilisk:
Basilisk, How To Get Video
Basilisk full details:
4. Perfect Paradox
Perfect Paradox Inventory Picture From Destiny 2
Perfect Paradox is a legendary shotgun that is attained by doing the quests from Brother Lance on Mercury. There are quite a few quest steps, and so keep on keeping on and don’t give up! Just imagine you’re on an adventure in Middle Earth.
Imagine going up against a big boss and being able to unload your shotgun on full auto shot. Perfect Paradox does just that thanks to the perk of Rapid-Fire Frame. It turns this gun into an automatic and with the auto-loading holster you are an unstoppable force to be reckoned with!
Perfect Paradox Perks:
- Rapid-Fire Frame
- Smoothbore or Rifled Barrel or Fluted Barrel
- Extended Mag or Accurized Rounds
- Auto-Loading Holster
How To Get Perfect Paradox:
Perfect Paradox, How To Get Video
Perfect Paradox full details:
3. Dust Rock Blues
Dust Rock Blues Inventory Picture From Destiny 2
Dust Rock Blues is a legendary shotgun that you get from the EDZ or Mars. There are a few different ways to get this gun. They include farming different sections in the EDZ and Mars, which is time consuming but the payout is definitely worth all the time grinding.
It is great in PvP as your range and impact are amazing . So it’s wonderful for the moments when you are just a little too far away for a normal shotgun to hit them, but far enough away that they can’t hit you with their shotgun.
Dust Rock Blues Perks:
- Precision Frame
- Barrel Shroud or Smoothbore
- Appended Mag or High-Caliber Rounds
- Moving target or Field Prep
- Tracker Disabled or Kill Tracker or Crucible Tracker
How To Get Dust Rock Blues:
Dust Rock Blues, How To Get Video
Dust Rock Blues full details:
2. Threat Level
Threat Level Inventory Picture From Destiny 2
Threat Level is a legendary shotgun that you get by doing the Scourge of the Past raid. It typically drops the first time you finish the raid with random perks attached. This gun is said to be the next IKELOS shotgun or at least a sister to it.
Melee kills will be your best friend with this shotgun as it has the perks Trench Barrel and Grave Robber. You’ll get the increased damage and you’ll be able to reload your gun at the same time! Plus with Rapid-Fire Frame you will be firing at an increased rate of speed, so this is definitely a shotgun to have around when taking out ads, or even the big boss himself.
Threat Level Perks:
- Rapid-Fire Frame
- Barrel Shroud
- Light Mag
- Trench Barrel
- Grave Robber
- Tracker Disabled or Kill Tracker or Crucible Tracker
How To Get Threat Level:
Threat Level, How To Get Videp
Threat Level full details:
1. IKELOS_SG_v1.0.1
IKELOS_SG_V1.0.1 Inventory Picture From Destiny 2
A fan of many, the shotgun IKELOS_SG_v1.0.1 makes number one on the list of Top 10. IKELOS is one of the many legendary shotguns in Destiny 2. It is found by completing Escalation Protocol Level 7, which is hellish to do, but rewarding once you finish it.
Trench Barrel is the primary perk of IKELOS. When you punch an enemy your range will be reduced, but your fire power will increase. This is perfect for those who play Titan with Hammerstrike, punch an enemy and then the next one to come up will get this shotgun at full power and will be left wondering how they died so fast.
It is super great in PvE, for when you are up close to the boss or other enemies, you will be doing about 10K damage if you shoot anywhere on them. And about 18-20K damage on a headshot.
It has the perks of:
- Trench Barrel
- Tactical Mag
- Moving Target or Threat Detector
- Rifled Barrel or Hammer-Forged Rifling or Polygonal Rifling
- Rapid-Fire Frame
How To Get IKELOS_SG_V1.0.1:
IKELOS_SG_V1.0.1, How To Get Video
IKELOS_SG_V1.0.1 full details:
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