Top 10 Best Games for Kids 4-7 (Games That Make Kids Smarter)

Best Games for Kids 4-7
They Smile and they Approve

A child’s development is very important in today’s world and keeping them entertained and educated plays a factor into that. Fun, educational games that keep their minds moving, keeps them entertained, and expands their attention span is truly beneficial in the long run.

Let us go back to our childhood, imagine your favorite games that you would spend hours playing either with your friends or family, didn’t they bring you utter joy as well as knowledge? These top 10 games answer and fit that question.

10. Cluedo Junior

A spinoff to the classic original Clue game, but for children. Let your inner child rediscover the joy, inquisitiveness and suspense of Clue Jr-Cluedo Junior, as you work to solve the untimely murder of an innocent citizen. Do not stray far from your mystery solving path, or you could end up as the next victim lost in this dark, dank, and mysterious old house.


  • Teaches problem solving skills.
  • It makes the kids use critical thinking skills to solve the clues in order to solve the mystery.
  • They will learn new team building and trust skills, that will help them discover the difference between friend and foe.

9. Scrabble

Who says spelling and words can not be fun? This game helps children and adults in various ways. Scrabble is chaos turning into order, where you will create your own words, linked to another word on the board. Let your imagination run wild, be sure to check your spelling and let the endless spelling- word contest begin!


  • It will test and teach basic spelling skills.
  • It will teach word variety and connections.
  • It teaches patience, due to the endless time of this gameplay and the ability to play it in consistent, various ways.

8. Elevate (Android)

Every child is curious and eager to learn, this game provides a source to easy fun learning. A fast, endless game that builds confidence through unlimited strategies, elevating the mind, and teaching basic math, English and even memory skills. It was built for all ages, but it has proven to benefit young minds the most, due to its convenient accessibility on mobile devices. Don’t fret parents, this is one time where technology is not a problem for your child.


  • It is easy to understand making it fun to play, with the step by step guide and help desk sources.
  • It has endless strategies that update the player on their skill levels.
  • The app is available on mobile, with attention grabbing colors, shapes and text that help with visual focus

7. Chess

Test your patience, and thinking skills with this classic, timeless game, strategizing your way to knocking out your opponents King. A child loves to win at anything, and to over-throw anyone’s rule such as a King, is pure enjoyment. Watch a child’s face light up through this quiet, skillful game of back and forth fire of claiming a board kingdom.


  • It will help advance their strategy thinking and building skills.
  • It will teach them patient building skills.
  • It will teach them the basics in team cooperation and honesty.

6. Brainwell (Android)

There is so much rewarding glory behind a strategy, problem solving game! Test your memory, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, while having fun, not only learning your, but challenging your visual, attention and language skills. Very similar to Elevate, you can gain confidence in personalized areas that show your strengths and weakness. Imagine it, an online mobile game that provides all of this for your child, is It even possible? Let the gaming begin to find out.


  • It gives an easy to understand score board showing the levels in developmental skills and personal training skills.
  • Over 50 plus games and puzzles to keep attention driven and entertained.
  • A very colorful, animated, cartoony visualization that keeps a child’s attention.

5. PowerVocab (Android)

You want the best for your kids, even when it comes to proper speech, so give them the joyous education that is within PowerVocab. Let the friendly owl teach your kids the fast, and one of the best ways to properly spell, pronounce, match and understand even the most challenging words in the English-speaking language.


  • It teaches English speaking skills in a fun and easy way, that will build confidence and structure.
  • Animals make everything enjoyable, and the owl is the wisest creature of them all, watch as your child has fun learning from a friendly owl.
  • It makes spelling, pronouncing and even word matching, fun, easy and very fast.

4. Monopoly

One of the perfect family game night choices, the game that never ends, this is Monopoly! A business strategy game, where you can create your own industry, if fate favors you. The options are endless, and the rise and fall of products, money and stability are at your fingertips. This game is simple for all ages, and will build not only time with your child but also his or her interest in some of the fundamentals of success.


  • It can teach and test math skills.
  • It teaches team building and cooperation skills, centering around fairness, honesty and being humble with money.
  • Like many endless games, it teaches a great amount of patience and focus.

3. Eidetic (Android)

Memory is key in this game, for if you lose focus and get distracted, you will not see, and you will not remember. This game has so many fun qualities that relate to kids in development such as shapes, colors, fun images, numbers, and sounds, that will keep your child’s attention and amusement. Ready to see various images, patterns and shapes change before your eyes?


  • It has different shapes, patterns, colors, numbers and sounds that will keep them familiarized and learning.
  • The shapes and patterns can be hidden within fun images of their favorite, familiar animals and objects, helping with relatability skills.
  • It teaches basic math skills as well sketching skills.

2. Little Big Planet

This is a personal favorite that brings instant joy. This cute little guy resembles a child like plush toy, that is built around comfort, joy, and confidence. Inside of this cute little plushy, a child will solve strategic puzzles, and travel through colorful, fun shaped environments, all built to capture their attention. It touch base on visual skills, social skills, friendship, and team building skills that will help them socialize and build bonds throughout their entire life.


  • It teaches kids observation and visual skills, by watching surroundings for not only obstacles but helpful fun guides through challenge and obstacles.
  • It enhances their social skills, teaching them to work well with others.
  • It will give a child a fun and easy way to solve and understand odd puzzles and word problems.

1. Charades

A child has so much bottled up energy, so why not drain that energy before bedtime with a fun, fast, and stirring game?  This game not only keeps them quiet for a short period of time during their turn, but it gives them the chance to act out their view of a word through movement! Be ready to make this a nightly routine, for all that little wind up toy you love so much, will be ready for bed by the time this game is over.


  • It teaches various methods of mobility skills that help define any and every word.
  • It teaches them the basic skills of listening, being patient and focused.
  • It will help them learn new words as they watch and guess what word matches the other players actions.

Are you eager to get your kids learning and having fun while they do it, with even more life long treasuring games?

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On a quest to discover the treasures of the world, I a young warrior adventure out into the great unknown. My creative magic leads the way, as i leave North Carolina behind on the horizon.
Gamer Since: 2001
Favorite Genre: RPG
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