10 Cooperative Games That Require Teamwork to Win: Page 3 of 10

Cooperative Games
Cooperative games can be loads of fun, but first you’ll need to know how to play well with others.

8. Dota 2

Here they come, mighty champions from across the realms.

Developer: Valve

Multiplayer MOBA

Champion versus Champion

Moba’s seem to be making a name for themselves lately. To do well in these games, you need to know what role you’re playing and what your part on the team is. In every game, there will be three lanes that five heroes per team will be working to defend from enemy minions and heroes while at the same time striving to work their way to the enemy central point, which must be destroyed to win the game.

Nowadays, the placement of teams are: one guy who can dish out and take damage in the top lane, one person who is some sort of spell-caster in the middle, two people, one with high attack and little defense and someone to support them, in the bottom lane, and finally one person (called a jungler) who is tasked with leveling up quickly and helping out in lane in danger.

The biggest key to success is to know how to play your assigned role, which players usually call out when choosing their character.  If you see someone not performing well, rather than yell at them like I’ve seen most players do, try to offer pointers. Remember you were learning your role at some point. Positive communication and teamwork will ultimately lead you and your team to victory.

This game is great because it is the sequel to the game that began the MOBA genre. The player base will be anyone who has ever gotten into the MOBA genre.  What makes this game great is that it builds on the formula it set up in the first game, better graphics and more features.

Come forth warrior, show us your skill in battle.

Official Site: Dota 2

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jaybirdtg's picture

jaybirdtg 1 year 9 months ago

I do not understand why LoL keeps getting put on the top of these lists. It has the most toxic community, unhelpful support and if parents had any notion what their kids were exposed to...

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