
Ever since playing Super Mario 64 in the late 90's, Sam has been an avid fan and consumer of that exalted art-form called the video game. When it comes to puzzlers, shooters, and RPGs especially (think Fallout or Skyrim), he knows his way around after many years on the grind. Having earned both his Bachelor and Master of Arts, he now uses his finely-honed writing skills to give back to the games and stories that first gave so much to him. His specialties on this front include console gaming, anime, and all manner of geekery in between. When he's not harping on about the latest releases, though, you'll probably find him reading, hiking, or playing with his two Golden Retrievers.
SamWin's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Subnautica (Steam)