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About - Igor Stefanjuk: Igor Stefanjuk is a seasoned and innovative writer, fueled by an unwavering passion for the captivating world of video games. With a profound appreciation for the intricate narratives woven within gaming realms, Igor's existence intertwines seamlessly with the stories these games unveil. While some may label him a "geek," his prowess in any game surpasses mere skill, as his genuine enjoyment propels him to conquer any challenge. Throughout the monotony of everyday life, Igor has sought solace in the immersive realms of video games, valuing their emotional depth as an art form on par with esteemed mediums such as film, music, and crafts. Games transcend passive consumption; they beckon us to dive into their depths, allowing us to relish them in our own unique ways. Beyond his profound love for gaming, Igor is an accomplished writer with a decade of experience, specializing in the realm of fantasy fiction. As a connoisseur of MOBA and MMORPG games, World of Warcraft and Dota 2 hold a special place in his heart, with thousands of hours dedicated to their immersive gameplay. Additionally, Igor indulges in Action RPGs, Strategy, Sports, and Racing games, broadening his expertise across various genres. Previously contributing to a renowned US videogame blog, Igor crafted engaging news pieces, thought-provoking previews, and discerning reviews for a multitude of popular games. Furthermore, he boasts membership in a team of qualified experts affiliated with a Pre-Built PC company, where his profound knowledge of PC parts and accessories allows him to design experiences that simplify the lives of avid gamers. With Igor Stefanjuk, gamers are privy to a professional whose unwavering dedication and profound understanding of the gaming world enable him to seamlessly blend his passions for writing and video games. Prepare to embark on unforgettable journeys and revel in gaming experiences curated with meticulous care.

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