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QuartzTerrarium's Profile

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Available GD Points: 7
About - Sam B: Sam is a professional writer from the UK that specialises in creative writing. They have recently published a collection of short thriller stories and is currently working on a series of high fantasy novels. In terms of official credentials, they have a university degree in English Literature and Creative Writing and have worked as a freelance writer for three years. They have always had a passion for all things geek related: comics, anime, cosplay, and of course games in all forms. Table Top RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulu, and Paranoia, are some of their favourite things to play. DnD especially has remained as a constant love for six years. They have played as both a player character and taken the reins as a dungeon master. Running their own homebrew campaign was the perfect blend of writing and gaming. As well as TTRPGs Sam is also deeply involved in the anime and cosplay communities. They are always up to date with the latest season releases and the most anticipated shows amongst the community. They take great enjoyment in analysing their favourite shows and delving deep into the lore. Writing reviews and comparing anime vs manga is always something Sam takes enjoyment in.

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