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robertw's Profile

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About - Robert Wardius: Raised in the woodland realm of Northern Wisconsin, I am a current high school teacher with a career in creative writing. I've been playing videogames since I could hold a controller, starting in late 2007 with the PlayStation 2 and a copy of SW Battlefront 2 (2005). Since then, I've transitioned on to the PlayStation 3, then to the Xbox One, and as I honed in on that skill, I also started to write. I started my first short little novel in 2014, and since then, my small side hobby has turned into a hopeful career. I usually stay well-informed in the current gaming sphere, whether it's rumors about new consoles or news about a new gameplay trailer, and as a FPS/RPG Xbox One gamer who doesn't go outside, it's safe to say I know what I'm talking about. Most of the time, anyway.

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