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Libby28791's Profile

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About - Elizabeth Anger: Libby Anger is a stay at home mum hailing from Brisbane, Australia. That may sound boring, but she is actually quite interesting once you get to know her. Ever since she was a young girl, Libby wrote short stories and shared them at school. Libby's talented at writing, but not much else, so she outsourced any illustrations to friends who could draw so she could make 'books'. Libby is a typical casual gamer, whose favourite game series is The Sims. She has lived out many fantasies (and killed countless Sims) over the years. She has watched many movies and TV shows and played a variety of games. She loves to write about them, including her opinions, theories, and feelings (feelings in regards to TV shows mainly. She gets very invested). Libby genuinely loves to write, about anything and everything, and that passion and excitement shows in her work.

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