A player needs strategy, a good weapon, and a great assistant that can dole destructive projectiles. Pod has over 10 programs for you to choose from on your journey through the Nier universe. We’ve taken a look at each Pod Program and ranked them based on their abilities.
[10] Pod Program R040 Blade - Good
- Cooldown:
- 1200
- Charging adds additional blades to the rotation.
What is R040 Blade:
R040 Blade is a program where Pod creates a blade that circles around the player continuously until the timer runs out. The blades strike enemies as the player moves through enemies. Charging the attack will add up a pod, up to three in total. The more pods there are, the faster the rotation and more complete the circle, leaving no gaps for incidental attacks to slip through.
The blade can leave a small opening when there is only one pod circling the character. Adding more offense comes at the cost of charging the Pod. While this is a nice addition to the offensive measure, this was categorized as “good” because I find there to be more effective modes of doing the same thing. However, it's an excellent option to use when surrounded.
What its good for:
- Deals damage to enemies on all sides of the player.
- Damages while simply walking through a mod of enemies.
- Creating an additional source of damage in addition to the primary source.
How to get the R040 Blade:
- Purchase form the maintenance shops in the Bunker or Resistance Camp.
[9] Pod Program A090 Wire - Good

- Cooldown:
- 0 Lvl 1
- 0 Lvl 2
- 0 Lvl 3
- Increases range per pod.
The A090 Wire is an extendable wire that fires in the direction that pod is facing. If it attaches to an enemy, it will draw the player toward the enemy for an up close combat encounter. This wire also works on destroying projectiles by latching on to them. Any launch can be canceled by using a melee attack.
Analysis:The player will come across many flying enemies during the course of the game. Having a tool such as this would help greatly, especially if the enemy flies a bit out of range to attack them normally. This is deemed a “good” pod program because while it can assist in aerial combat, if used improperly it can cause the player to fall off unintended locations, such as buildings. The game was designed in such a way that there aren’t safeguards against falling off of ledges or bridges. In fact, it's quite easy to jump off of them, so hunting an enemy that’s over open space can lead to the player accidentally leaving the current battlespace, which is inconvenient if you are not attentive.
What its good for:- Drawing enemies from a distance closer.
- Attacking aerial enemies.
- Going from enemy to enemy quickly in battle.
Where to find A090 Wire:
- Award for completing the Amnesia quest. This quest is exclusive to 9S.
[8] Pod Program R070 M Shield - Good
Projectile shield, orbs and lasers (lvl1 - 7secs, lvl2 - 11secs, lvl3 - 15secs)
- 1300 Lvl 1
- 1900 Lvl 2
- 2400 Lvl 3
Shield duration:
- Lvl 1- 7 seconds
- Lvl 2 - 11 seconds
- Lvl 3 - 15 seconds
- Increases shield duration per Pod.
It is a protective barrier that blocks projectile attacks, such as orbs and lasers.
Analysis:Given that orbs are a heavy component in battle with robots, it would make sense to procure a defense against them. In a game where bullet hell is normal, sometimes we just want to be prepared and not dodge for our lives.
What its good for:- Staving off bullet hell orbs.
- The higher the level, the longer it lasts.
- Great for long distance projectile areas with limited dodge freedom.
How to get R070: M Shield:
- Purchase from any available maintenance shop.
[7] Pod Program A150: Volt - Excellent

- 500 Lvl 1
- 900 Lvl 2
- 1200 Lvl 3
- Increases duration and damage per pod.
What is A 150: Volt:
An electricity based attack that can temporarily immobilize an enemy and deal stat damage until it wears off. This is only for a single enemy at a time.
Analysis:Stat damage attacks can be incredibly useful because it compounds on top of the damage that you're dealing. The enemy will continue to take damage until the stat wears off. Temporarily immobilizing an enemy can give the player the extra second that could make a difference in battle. This is ranked as “excellent” for this very reason. The only drawback is that the attack only works for one enemy at a time, instead of ideally chaining electric attacks. That being said, it would be too powerful if this were the case, so it's understandable to want to keep a balanced gaming experience.
What its good for:
- Stuns the enemy for a short period of time.
- Damage is continuously dealt to the enemy until the effect wears off.
- More pods and higher level equate more effectiveness.
Where to find A 150: Volt:
This Pod Program becomes available on Route C in the Amusement Park., where the Goliath Tank spawns.
[6] Pod Program R020: Mirage - Excellent

- Cooldown 1150
- Player turns invisible and unable to be targeted during the damage animation.
What is R020: Mirage:
Pod projects a radius around the player. Enemies in the radius are delivered a series of attacks if caught within the radius. This can mean that the singular player can attack multiple enemy locations simultaneously. Charging to increase pod count increased the radius and damage dealt.
Analysis:Mobs can be a consistent barrier in game, so it comes down to figuring out the best way to execute attacks to dispose of the enemies. This is determined as an “excellent” program because outside of projectiles, this is an excellent option to deal with those closest to you in a similar fashion of damage output.
What its good for:- Attacks multiple enemies at all angles.
- Able to set the radius to desired location.
- Ideal for quickly dealing damage in a mob setting.
How to get R020: Mirage:
Buy it from a maintenance shop in the Resistance Camp or the Bunker.
[5] Pod Program A130 Bomb - Excellent
- 800 Lvl 1
- 1200 Lvl 2
- 1500 Lvl 3
- Increase the bomb count and area affected by adding more pods.
Pod throws multiple small bombs during a set period of time. Charging the attack adds more pods to increase the bomb count and area of effect.
Analysis:This is an excellent means to deal plenty of damage to a crowd. Volleying a flurry of explosives can give the player a chance to reposition themselves, heal, or whatever needs to be done. A130: Bomb made an excellent ranking for its sheer ability to array destruction around the player, disrupting the battlefield.
What its good for:- Attacks spanning the battle field.
- Able to increase radius with charge.
- Mob busting at a distance.
How to get A130: Bomb:
It’s a reward from Operator 6O for completing the side mission “Find a Present.”
[4] Pod Program Repair - Best

- 500 Lvl 1, 50% of health restored
- 900 Lvl 2, 70% of health restored
- 1200 Lvl 3, 90% of health restored.
Creates a beam with a perimeter that heals combatants as long as they stay within the radius.
Analysis:An excellent program that could literally save your life in a pinch. Even if it is a portion of health, it can make the difference. Only issue is making sure that the player stays within the radius, but this is a great way to minimize the use of consumable materials.
What its good for:- Repairing your android.
- More pods equate quicker and more effective repair.
- Safe locations to stop and stand still for repair.
Jackass gives this reward for completing Sorting Trouble 3. This is the last of the 3 quests; the prerequisites would need to be completed.
[3] Pod Program R050: Spear - Best

- 600 Lvl 1
- 900 Lvl 2
- 1200 Lvl 3
- Additional lines of spears added per pod.
What is R050: Spear:
Energy that sprouts from the ground in the shape of spears. The spears are reminiscent of the spearing attack dealt by Grimoire Weiss in Nier Replicant. The spears can impale enemies, leaving them temporarily immobile.
This attack can temporarily immobilize enemies on a larger scale. The more pods available, the more enemies that can be subjected to the immobilization. Larger enemies can also take multiple hits from this singular attack. This makes it an effective choice to cover ground. Even if the player only used one pod to execute the attack, it would follow in line to wherever the pod is facing. Using lock on would be advisable.
What its good for:
- Impaling multiple enemies.
- Wide attack radius when charged.
- Larger enemies can be speared multiple times.
- Great for battles with bosses and multiple minions.
Where to find R050:
Simply purchase from a Maintenance Shop.
[2] Pod Program A110 Slow - Best
- 1300 Lvl 1
- 1900 Lvl 2
- 2500 Lvl 3
- Charging greatly increases the effect area.
What is A110 Slow:
Pod creates a field that slows down all enemies who enter or are caught in the vicinity. It does not matter if these enemies are airborne and doing an aerial attack, they will slow upon contact.
This is one of the more effective ways to effect an enemy in large groups. If you are in a mob situation, this is a great way to deal damage and not have to worry about attacks landing. What’s better, is that since you are in an enclosed space, no matter the attack launched at you it will effectively slow down. This makes picking off enemies easier, especially when you are in a pinch.
What its good for:
- Enemies cannot escape the radius.
- Immediately slows an attack.
- Radius increases with charge.
How to get A110:
Operator 21O awards the player for completing the Data Analysis Freak 2 side quest. Prerequisites will need to be completed first.
[1] Pod Program R030 Hammer - Best
- Cooldown
- 1200
- Charge adds additional hammers per pod to slam at the same time.
What is R030 Hammer:
This pod summons a large hammer shaped mass of energy that slams down on enemies in the direction the pod is facing.
Analysis:Once again, we visit the mob argument. This hammer can actually send enemies flying upon impact. It’s a fantastic mob buster. The more pods that you charge, the more hammers at your disposal. If time is a factor for you yet you find yourself inundated with robots, this is an excellent tool at your disposal.
What its good for:- Mob busting.
- Attacking large areas when charged.
- Cooldown is the same no matter the charge.
- Purchase from the maintenance shops in the Resistance Camp or the Bunker.
There’s a little something for everyone’s different playstyles. You can use Pod defensively, offensively, and of course a combination of the two. We hope this ranking gives an idea for some strategic planning when it comes to which Pod Programs you seek out during your playthroughs. Happy gaming!