In M&B BannerLord there are twenty six maidens. Many to choose from and give you a happy family.
Why is it important to marry the right girl?
It is important to consider her stats and her traits. These will influence your gameplay in the future. Many traits and stats will depend on the kind of gameplay you are choosing to go with.
Are some girls better than others?
Definitely, in the world of Calradia, equals don't exist. Many excellent candidates could beat up the weakest in a single blink.
In this article, we review the Best Wife candidates from worst to best.
“Too much time has passed since you last visited” Well… That is what my wife, Anidha said in my current playthrough of Mount And Blade Bannerlord. Now, I know she misses me, but every player knows there are hundreds of candidates. In fact, my current wife is giving me the “ick” as they say out there in the streets. She has given me a child with wicked traits. So, today we are going to rate the worst ones to the best ones. A Tinder mode for Bannerlord would be awesome!.
15. Anidha

Anidha is a member of the Banu Hulyan, the family that rules the Aserai kingdom. Her father is the Sultan of Aserai,Unqid. Anisha is an excellent candidate only if you want to take the throne of Aserai, after that, she is pretty useless. Maybe it is because I was set on waging only war, I chose her just to get over with it. Yes, I am now tormented by her, everytime I see her. I realized later that the goals for my playthrough do not align with her, I will need a stronger candidate and unfortunately, Anidha is not the best. But getting to marry her was easy.
How to Marry her:
- Be in a good relationship with his father, this is a must for most. I was lucky that he was waging war on the Southern Empire (I do not know why).
- Strong Clan. Wealthy as well. This wealthy clan will bring you income if you are daring.
- Young, this is a no brainer, you will want a young wife, but many of them die during childbirth. Be careful!
- An excellent rider. If you are determined to give your wife an army, she will have expertise in riding, already!
Anidha Stats:
- Culture: Aserai.
- Occupation: Noble of the Banu Hulyan.
- Athletics: 8
- Charm: 80
- Steward:100
- Riding:90
- Tactics:0
- Leadership: 24
- Trade:80
- One-Handed:0
- Two Handed:0
- Polearm:0
- Bow:0
- Crossbow:0
- Throwing: 0
In conclusion, this woman has never worked a single day of her life.
14. Zoana

Zoana is a member of a powerful family named the Osticos. They rule the Northern empire. Her father is the emperor and her mother Zerosica. She is cautious and loyal.
My opinion of Zona is that one of a kind distant lover. I do not think about her during my gameplay, but if I am married to her, I know I will easily forget her. I would recommend marrying her if you are looking to go with an Empire playthrough. If you are looking for influence in your city and socially between other characters, she has good starting skills. I do advise marrying her only if the other choices in the three empires are not achievable.
She is a great contender, if what you are looking for is to have a boring marriage and an interesting family relationship, she will be the one. She is basically not needed after you marry her, what you want is her father's legacy, not her. She's that one poor wife that gets forgotten in history.
Same as Anidha, this woman is lacking in professional connections for what it seems. Where is her trainer? Did her dad ever think of giving her daughter a sword master?
How to marry her:
She can basically be married by starting to complete quests for her and building her trust. Also you can try and go further. Get closer to her dad and you might eventually get an offer.
Choose Zoana if:
- You are in need of someone for ruling your castle or city. Her stats are high for this kind of job.
- Her clan is incredibly wealthy. She is in line for the throne of the Northern Empire, so if your dream is to become an emperor, she might be a way.
- Her clan strength is also high. The Northern Empire isn’t as strong as his other two brothers, but they can muster a bigger army than most other kingdoms.
- Culture:Empire
- Occupation: Lady of the Northern Empire.
- Athletics: 0
- Charm: 80
- Steward:120
- Riding:90
- Tactics:0
- Leadership:0
- Trade:100
- One-Handed:0
- Two Handed:0
- Polearm:0
- Bow:0
- Crossbow:0
- Throwing: 0
13. Sora.

Sora is the daughter of Manteos. An archon in the Northern Empire. She is a member of the Argoros clan and at the start of the game she has lordship over a castle called Argoros.
I do believe Sora is that one bride I have nothing to complain about. Her skills are not terrible, but they are not great. Definitely, I will not take her to battle. Sora is best left at ruling castles where she does good. Never, ever take her to battle, unless you, of course, want her to explicitly die.
Take extreme interest in her, ironically, she's not that interesting. But I advise getting her to marry you if you want a castle and don't want to start a war for it.
She is an excellent lover. Sora is cute and small, many can agree that's a killer Yes!. But do not bring her to war, I'm pretty sure what's gonna kill her is her own legs.
How to marry her:
Try to give her space, she is merciful so even if you make a mistake and get in trouble with the Empire, you will still have a chance of getting to like you.
Choose Sora if:
- You need a ruler while you are out. She is the best at it and She would be one of the best if we were to only classify them as rulers.
- You need loyalty to avoid rebellions. Yes, avoiding rebellions is the best option, Sora saved one of my saves when all of my cities rebelled but one. She and I reconquered our empire.
- You want your cities to thrive. With her stats, everything related to ruling, building, trading. I think it is enough to recommend her.
- In conclusion, if I could marry her in real life I would sing poems to her all day long. She is perfect for peace.
- Culture:Empire
- Occupation:Lady
- Athletics:0
- Charm:60
- Steward:160
- Riding:90
- Tactics:0
- Leadership:0
- Trade:140
- One-Handed:0
- Two Handed:0
- Polearm:0
- Bow:0
- Crossbow:0
- Throwing:0
A ruler and a peaceful, but not physically prepared for war.
12. Bolat

Bolat is the daughter of Monchug. They are the current ruling family of Khuzait. The Khans of the hordes. She is known to be reckless.
Honestly, I would avoid her. No hate for her. You can only marry her for one thing and it is just that she might be better off just getting her good armor and having her suffer in battle every time.
Might have been because in the last run I chose her. She is terrible, not to insult her or make her feel bad. This woman is straight up the worst candidate. She is not in the 15th place because I feel that you can have fun with her by training her. Her stats are bad and her trait of impulsiveness just makes it worse. Also, she really is ugly. Look at that, she looks like she has seen countless tragedies. The only time I would recommend her to marry is if you are looking for a wife you want to train from the start. That is why she has the 12th place.
How to marry her:
You need to approach her father, but you will have a lot of trouble trying to get him to like you. He is cruel, wicked and devious. So, building a relationship with them will be hard.
Choose Bolat if:
- You are looking to train traits from the start. She only has one good trait and the rest are lacking.
- If you are looking for a Khuzait playthrough, her clan is strong enough to help you, but you will be surrounded with evil people all around.
- If you are looking for an easy wife. This is her, she has no skills whatsoever, but I would go with her only if anything else fails.
- Culture: Khuzait
- Occupation:Lady
- Athletics:0
- Charm:0
- Steward:0
- Riding:90
- Tactics:0
- Leadership:0
- Trade:0
- One-Handed:0
- Two Handed:0
- Polearm:0
- Bow:0
- Crossbow:0
- Throwing:0
In conclusion, she is a horse girl, nothing else. No special traits for her, plus she is cruel.
11. Alynneth

Alynneth is the powerful daughter of chieftain Ergeon. She is battanian and a good representation of her origins. She is known to be considerate to others. She is thought to be the daughter of another woman, since her mother is not Sein.
I recommend her either if you are roleplaying or taking a good take on the Battanian lore. She is wonderful at only one thing and that is charm. Her place is in a castle or relating to other lords. Having her in a castle would be amazing for you. If you are looking to expand your kingdom or keep safety levels up. Choose her if you are to be a peaceful and considerate lord.
The naive girl on the bus. Alynneth reminds me of that one specific girl. Those gorgeous eyes with that hair. She is known for being merciful. She is the one that will always treat me with kindness if I marry her. Unlike other spouses that complain when I am not home for a long time. She’s got a big family as well. Perhaps one of the strongest Battanian clans.
Basically, this woman would make me win battles or wars fast to come back to her and hear her sing or cook a favorite meal for our kids. Maybe I got a thing going on with girls like her…
How to marry her:
Her father and brother might be the best approach. Mostly her brother in my opinion. She is close to him. In my current playthrough she is leading an army of five hundred men. Scary?
Choose Alynneth if:
- You are looking for a gorgeous and naive girl. This is a no brainer, the cutest around Calradia? She might not be, but you will be treated with respect. Plus, she is Battanian.
- She is compassionate. If you are that one player like me, who doesn’t enjoy killing the other lords, then she will align with your goals.
- If you want loyalty, she will make others like you and your clan, hence a bonus on loyalty.
- Culture: Battanian
- Occupation: Noble Woman
- Athletics:0
- Charm:100
- Steward:60
- Riding:90
- Tactics:0
- Leadership:0
- Trade:0
- One-Handed:0
- Two Handed:0
- Polearm:0
- Bow:0
- Crossbow:0
- Throwing:0
In conclusion, you might have loyalty, but she doesn’t have any other special traits. She is cute and compassionate, so a point from my part.
10. Asela

Member of the Dey Cortain, a family of Vlandians. A noblewoman known for her compulsiveness. Little is known about her. She is related to Ingalther (we all know how ruthless his family is)
Marrying her should only be alright if you want to get close to Ingalther. That man is awesome but incredibly dangerous. Most of the Vlandians can agree that her family's history is filled with blood.
I wouldn’t marry her at all. She is old and she is definitely mean. She is made to be a stay at home wife. Just like Zoana or Sora, If you are looking for a ruler for your cities, she might be a good choice, otherwise, ignore. You will have nightmares.
How to marry her:
If I am correct, her brothers and dad are dead even from the start of the game. (I might be wrong). I do know that the way to win her over is by going into your womanizer phase and “rizz” her up with the time. Maybe some matches on Mutorere and some donations would suffice.
Choose Asela if:
- You need to get close to the Vlandians but you don’t want to have anything to do with Derthert.
- If you want people to feel bad for you. Yes, I would choose her if I wanted a playthrough of chaos and violence.
- If you want to rest assured that your city won’t lose loyalty. Her traits align with it.
Asela stats:
- Culture:Vlandian
- Occupation: Noblewoman.
- Athletics:0
- Charm:120
- Steward:120
- Riding:90
- Tactics:0
- Leadership:0
- Trade:0
- One-Handed:0
- Two Handed:0
- Polearm:0
- Bow:0
- Crossbow:0
- Throwing: 0
A charming woman that loses her temper easily. I would choose her if you are role playing hard on Vlandia.
9. Elys

Elys is a noblewoman of the Vlandians. A member of the strongest house, dey Meroc. She is the daughter of king of the Vlandians Derthert and Philenora. She has been known to help her allies.
I advise you get close to Derthert. She is single and I normally marry her, so I always befriend the king first. Elys is for me, another girl that you want her only for her name and clan, nothing else. Her stats are alright. I do agree, she can potentially be helpful.
Elys is the counterpart of Spanish royalty. She’s got the looks, she’s got the family and she's got the wealth. Unfortunately, she lacks in combat. After all, she is a preppy daddy’s girl. She is known to be helpful. In my current playthrough, she died. But I normally choose her, you cannot go wrong with her. Although, her fertility is not as good as other candidates.
How to marry her:
Get yourself to Sargot or any other large Vlandian city and fight in tournaments until she reckons you. I find that winning tournaments in her name gets you closer to her. You can try to court her. I cannot reassure you that it will work. If it doesn’t then you cannot go wrong with her father. If you are willing to pay a high sum of gold, then just pay her father.
Choose Elys if:
- You want to join the Vlandian royalty and eventually take the throne. Elys is one of the first in line. If you marry her, your children will have royal blood and might become kings.
- Get very rich, easily. Yes, her family is the wealthiest one in Vlandia and her father is one of the main rulers of Calradia.
- You want the Vlandian banners to rally along your side. There is no better option, marrying her will guarantee safety when you have a war going on. Her father is an excellent commander.
Elys stats:
- Culture: Vlandian
- Occupation: Noblewoman of dey Meroc.
- Athletics:0
- Charm:140
- Steward:120
- Riding:90
- Tactics:0
- Leadership:0
- Trade:100
- One-Handed:0
- Two Handed:0
- Polearm:0
- Bow:0
- Crossbow:0
- Throwing:0
In conclusion, Elys is a strong candidate if you are planning on only using her family. She is not very special after that.
8. Phaea

Phaea is a noblewoman of the Empire of West. Her family are the Dionicos clan. She is considered to be honorable. Archon Crotor is her father and Lysica the one who carried her for nine months.
In my opinion, you cannot go wrong with her. Her family is strong and Lageta is a well positioned castle for your kingdom. In most of my playthroughs, Lageta is my capital. She is excellent in fighting but alright at ruling. Definitely get her to lead armies.
This woman is my dream. She is in the perfect age. Phaea is like that one girl that everyone was afraid of. For the rough men out there, who like their women to be strong. She is a beast at almost everything. A perfect example of “femme fatale”. Her family is not as strong, but still, she is trained in battle and also can act as a ruler. In my current playthrough, she is rotting away in a dungeon, in a castle of mine. I visit her now and then. She is always crying.
How to marry her.
Perhaps don’t do what I am doing to her if you are planning on marrying her. You can try and help with the northwestern defenses or side with Garios to marry Phae. His dad is easy to please. Eventually, they will go after the Battanians… right?
Choose Phae if:
- You need someone to get you close to Garios. Her father is also a great leader and loyal.
- If you want a woman that can beat you in a swordfight. She can lead, she can fight and she can ride. I recommend her.
- If you are looking for a young and strong woman to give you many kids. She is pretty strong, I believe she will give you many babies.
Phaea Stats:
- Culture: Empire
- Occupation: Noblewoman
- Athletics:160
- Charm:80
- Steward:90
- Riding:160
- Tactics:120
- Leadership:90
- Trade:80
- One-Handed:150
- Two Handed:110
- Polearm:130
- Bow:155
- Crossbow:90
- Throwing:100
7. Yana

Yana is a Khuzait noblewoman, daughter of Mesui, leader of the Khergit, one of strongest families in Kuzhait land. Her family all around are cruel and she is no exception.
My opinion of Yana is that she is made to fight and rule. Not good at both but enough experience to bring terror to her enemies. I would advise getting her to like you. Also, her mother Mesui is worth meeting her. Get close to Mesui, apart from having great dialogue, she is wise and will definitely listen.
Well. This is embarrassing, she died during my game. But it is okay, I know her pretty well. She is first of all, great. Not only cute looking, but young. If you are looking for your next toxic relationship, I say she is the one. Yana will bring you not only babies, but armies. She is an expert in almost everything, just like the next six candidates, Yana is the weakest out of the strongest. But nonetheless, a boss of a mommy.
How to marry her:
Court her and maybe show her you are worthy of her value. You can always enter a barter with her father, but you will need lots of money. Her father is a great man and should be easily pleased. You might need to wait until Mesui is out of her clan or dead.
Choose Yana if:
- You are going to have a Khuzait playthrough. Out of all of the Khuzait girls, I think she is one of the best candidates, her stats prove it.
- If you want an expert in fighting and ruling alike. Maybe do not marry her for you, but for your son.
- If you are looking for a fierce commander. She is known to be cruel and she will not hesitate in battle. Loyalty is guaranteed with her.
Yana stats:
- Culture: Khuzait
- Occupation: Noblewoman.
- Athletics:80
- Charm:60
- Steward:100
- Riding:100
- Tactics:140
- Leadership:140
- Trade:120
- One-Handed:120
- Two Handed:120
- Polearm:120
- Bow:100
- Crossbow:80
- Throwing:80
She is an excellent candidate, a little too hard to get her to marry you.
6. Abagai

Abagai is a noble woman of the Khuzait. Her clan are the Arkit. Her father is Tulag. She is valiant but has a problem with listening to others.
The only reason I am placing Abagai on sixth instead of Yana, is because she is a warrior, and better at that. Also, her family is greater than Yana’s. Abagai is considered for me, one of the first six to choose from. She is easy to please, unlike the five next contenders. Just be prepared, this woman is rich, hence, her armies are as well. So you would need a lot of money.
She looks like one of those creepy movies where the evil demon is a girl. I swear, those eyes go through your heart in a bad, bad way!
How to marry her:
Bartering? What can I tell you other than gaining her trust, get higher reputation? Also, try to get your charm really high, she is tough, but not like the others.
Choose Abagai if:
- You are going to make her a general. Her skills are high for combat and she normally has her own army, or that’s what I have seen.
- You need more troops. Definitely, she will have not only her army, but her family’s.
- She is a warrior, use her as intended. Ruling is not for her. You want a warrior? she is the one.
Abagai Stats
- Culture: Khuzait.
- Occupation: Noblewoman
- Athletics:120
- Charm:80
- Steward:60
- Riding:140
- Tactics:100
- Leadership:80
- Trade:0
- One-Handed:180
- Two Handed:180
- Polearm:180
- Bow:150
- Crossbow:120
- Throwing: 120
Abagai is a maneater. Be careful!
5. Ira

Ira is the daughter of emperor Arenicos and the poor grieving woman Rhagae. Her clan is Penthos, a power in the Empire. She is known to act before thinking. She has cruelty in her insides but she is incredibly brave. She is known to avoid advice.
Basically, if you marry Ira, you will be fourth on the throne (if you have children) and take advantage of her family. In my opinion she is dangerous. She is not pleasant to have around and the moment you run away from battle, she will lose respect for you. Ira is a valid candidate to conquer Calradia.
I am sorry for anyone who tries to marry this woman, I really am. Some people say she is not a human. Well, I can agree. She is a very strong candidate in terms of force and influence. Even her mother is now eager to find someone to marry her. Some people in all of the Empire whisper that they don’t want her to have children.
How to marry her:
This woman is dangerous, so I recommend caution. She is hard to please and she loves war. Rhagae (My MILF crush) is the one to talk to. Getting Rhagae to like you is a hassle, she is in the middle of her life, so she is not concerned about marrying. Courting Ira would be the best option, but it will take a while.
Choose Ira if:
- You are looking to get the imperial throne. She is the best option for this, she is first in line, but you will be hated by her enemies, which are many.
- You are in search of a devious general. If you want a general that can destroy armies and help you when you need them the most, she is the one. Her stats give her an edge on the others before her.
- A bodyguard and a mother. Basically she can do both, she will not give easily and you should go for that. Fighting is a day to day spirit for her.
Ira stats:
- Culture: Empire
- Occupation: Lady, noblewoman
- Athletics: 120
- Charm:120
- Steward:80
- Riding:190
- Tactics:100
- Leadership: 90
- Trade: 0
- One-Handed: 180
- Two Handed: 150
- Polearm: 190
- Bow: 130
- Crossbow: 80
- Throwing: 150
A bear in all her senses. This woman is made for war and violence.
4. Svana

Shana is a noblewoman of the Vagiroving, a noble family of the Sturgians. She is known to be valiant and honorable to have around. Little is known about her.
Svana is the best candidate of the Sturgians. She excels in everything, from fighting to ruling. Her traits are all good and her honor is known by all. I hope she can also honor me whenever I marry her. Svana comes from a strong family. Not the strongest out there, but a worthy one. I advise taking it slow, she wants to respect you and you should do the same.
She will basically bring you to tears the rest of your life if you divorce her. When she dies, she will be remembered in your game. And that… that's deep.
How to marry her:
Svana is known for her honor, so try to be like her. Your charm shall be high and you should let her know that you share her traits. She despises devious people.
Choose Svana if:
- You want the best Sturgian candidate. This is her, Svana can bring a lot of influence to your clan.
- If you want an army. She can provide you with one.
- Her family is loyal. Basically, once you get her to marry you, her family will be loyal to you and help you in anything you need.
Svana stats:
- Culture: Sturgia
- Occupation: Noblewoman
- Athletics:120
- Charm: 80
- Steward:90
- Riding:140
- Tactics:100
- Leadership:80
- Trade:80
- One-Handed:180
- Two Handed:180
- Polearm:180
- Bow:150
- Crossbow:120
- Throwing: 120
She is a woman that will make sure your dynasty lasts.
3. Siga.

She is part of Sturgia and her clan is the Kuloving. Her father was Olek the Elder. Mother to Apolanea. Varra is her brother as well as Olek. She is known to be cruel and avoid council. Brave at all costs.
This woman is a sad one. Just look at her, I feel bad for her, that is why she is needed if you need someone to help you in the fight. The world of Calradia has been cruel to her, hence, she is wicked as well. She is Sturgian, but not the best candidate. If you want a better character, but for lesser stats, go with Svana.
She is old. Older than she looks. Of course, that's her life. I can relate to her! But hey, quitters never win. She's no quitter. Go! Go! You can do it Siga!
How to marry her:
Maybe showing your strength. But she is really hard to marry and also, she will not be good enough if you are looking for a ruler. But nonetheless, fighting is her life. So you need to have that charm up. Her father was famous and many people blame Raganvad. Opposing him will be good for your relationship.
Choose Siga if:
- You are looking for a bodyguard. She will be stronger than most, in the midst of the battle, she will save you.
- If you are looking to have a large caravan protected. Her riding skills are out of this world.
- You want someone to win tournaments for you. She will destroy most of her adversaries.
Siga stats:
- Culture: Sturgian
- Occupation: Noblewoman
- Athletics:210
- Charm:0
- Steward:0
- Riding:200
- Tactics:120
- Leadership:0
- Trade:0
- One-Handed:270
- Two Handed:250
- Polearm:250
- Bow:225
- Crossbow:160
- Throwing: 210
She is a true warrior. But she is bad at anything technical.
2. Liena

Liena is a lady, noblewoman of Vlandia. Belonging to the clan dey Stihr. She is the only daughter of Baron Aldrig.
In my opinion, she is the best. Her stats are equal in all aspects and that makes her the perfect mix. I advise taking it slow as well, build up your charm and let her trust grow. That woman is hard to get and the reason are all justified.
As the second best. Liena gets my heart. She is cute, strong, willful and merciful. She is by far the best mother out there. She also comes from a strong family of Vlandians. Small family, but still strong. Be careful, she might break your legs if you ever look at another woman.
How to marry her:
Her father is always the best course of action. Be careful, her father is one son of a gun. I would recommend donating to him or even to her. But Liena is hard to please and you will need a high charm stat.
Choose Liena if:
- If you are looking for a wife that can do all and everything. She can fight, she can lead, she can trade. Whatever you need, she’s the second best.
- Take over her family. Her family is small. You can take over her clan and take over Vlandia if you slowly build your way up.
- A ruler that will deliver. Liena has shown many times that she can deal with ruling.
Liena stats:
- Culture: Vlandia
- Occupation: Noblewoman
- Athletics:160
- Charm:80
- Steward:110
- Riding:140
- Tactics:160
- Leadership:100
- Trade:120
- One-Handed:180
- Two Handed:180
- Polearm:180
- Bow:150
- Crossbow:120
- Throwing:120
She might not have patience, but she’s a great queen.
1 Arwa

Arwa, daughter of Adram, member of the clan Banu Sarran, she has a good reputation of being smart and a rebellious side as well.
Arwa is the worst of nothing. She is great at everything but trading, she doesn't know how to trade. In my opinion, she is the best woman in BannerLord. The Aserai are very interesting. I advise working on that charm of yours, because she will reject you time, after time, after time.
Arwa is that one wife everyone wants. Equal to you. You and her are the same when you marry her. She is really hard to marry. She often rejects, even when the outcome of your charming or barter is high. She will reject you. I say, she is the hardest one to get and with enough reason to justify it. When they call your name in Calradia, they will be afraid of you, but they will fight. With Arwa at your side, they will forsake any cause that holds them together. Hell, I am scared when my army has to face her. This woman is one of those historical women that amaze every person, take Zenobia for example in history. In any case. This woman is enough to calm all your woes (as well as waking them).
How to marry her:
It is pretty expensive to marry her and also, she is often seen commanding armies and she will not be able to begin the dialogue to get her to desire you. You need to be patient. Try to get close to her father, but that is also really hard. Simply put, Arwa could definitely be a rough ride, but she is worth the effort.
Choose Arwa if:
- You are set on getting the best wife for war and leadership. This woman is enough to make any lord wet their pants.
- You want a commander. She has high tactics skills.
- Her clan is one of the most powerful clans in Aserai.
Arwa stats.
- Culture: Aserai
- Occupation: Noblewoman
- Athletics:140
- Charm:140
- Steward:100
- Riding:210
- Tactics:120
- Leadership:90
- Trade:0
- One-Handed:210
- Two Handed:180
- Polearm:220
- Bow:115
- Crossbow:100
- Throwing: 170
She is terrible at economics, but at anything else. She is the best one out there!