[Top 5] Graveyard Keeper Best Layouts For Money

 Best Graveyard Keeper Money Layouts
28 Aug 2023

Top 5 Graveyard Keeper Best Layouts For Money 

Graveyard Keeper offers an extensive variety of ways for players to gain money, and this article serves as a complete guide to some of the more profitable tactics. We dig into the finest strategies for making big cash, whether it's streamlining your production workflows, mastering effective workstation arrangements, or developing inventive graveyard and church plans. Stay tuned to learn the best ways to increase your financial standing in Graveyard Keeper.

5. Selling Books With Zombie Text Generator

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See Zombie Text Generator Layout in action: 

The random text generator is a zombie workstation that may be constructed in the alchemy lab if the player has unlocked the necessary technologies. This workstation specializes in written works that are incredibly useful and manage some time-consuming materials.

The player, like all zombie workstations, cannot operate it. A zombie, on the other hand, can be stationed at the workstation and craft anything picked by the player from a queue. The items are then placed in any nearby container.

Why Zombie Text Generator Layout is great:

  • Using zombies with a good level of proficiency will get faster results in crafting quality stories to turn into quality books. These books can then be sold to the Astrologer.
  • There is a lot of space to place multiple text generators in the laboratory because each is only 2 blocks wide and 3 blocks long.
  • Not only is it a great way to get different quality stories, but it’s also great to get tech-point books crafted.


4. Silver and Gold Farm

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See Silver and Gold Farm Layout in action: 

Once players have unlocked the kitchen garden and bought and collected enough seeds, they can start growing crops to make a profit. Adding fertilizers speeds up their growth time as well as the quantity grown and even their quality. But only 3 of the 8 crops that grow in the Kitchen garden have quality levels and these crops are the best to be grown for the most profit as they can be sold to the Farmer or cooked into delicious meals and sold to the Innkeeper. 

The best way to get Silver and Gold quality crops is to either plant them individually using Peat first and then either Silver or Gold fertilizer or to build several zombie farms that will then handle all of the plantings for you. There is space for 6 zombie farms in the Kitchen Garden.

Why Silver and Gold Farm Layout Name is great:

  • Planting the crops yourself is all well and dandy, but utilizing a zombie farm makes it all the easier to grow multiple crops at once.
  • Improving the farms with quality fertilizers makes it so that each batch doesn’t need a whole new set of fertilizers to be placed down.
  • The Farmer and Innkeeper will buy a certain amount of quality products each week, which brings players a pretty penny. 
  • Better yet, save most of the Silver and Gold quality crops to pack them into crates at the crate factory. More information is down below.


3. Zombie Marble and Iron Mining

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See Zombie Marble and Iron Mining Layout in action: 

Marble and iron are important materials that are necessary for different purposes, particularly iron. Iron is necessary for many tools and hardware materials for crafting equipment and workstations, such as nails and simple and complex parts. Marble is an important material for creating a high-rated graveyard with marble gravestones and fences, as well as a way to make money at the crate factory.

Why Zombie Marble and Iron Mining Layout is great:

  • This layout is a great way to produce a passive income product.
  • Combined with the Porter system, using zombies to mine marble and iron saves players a lot of time and energy.
  • Having a stone cutter placed in the quarry with zombies working to break down the blocks is an added benefit.


2. Alcohol Manufacturing

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See Alcohol Manufacturing Layout in action: 

The Cellar is the best place for producing different alcoholic beverages. Players will be able to brew wine, beer, mead, booze, and fermented drinks there using different brewing stations. With the unlocking of the zombie brewery and zombie winery, players can automate the process a little easier, as long as they have enough fruits.

The best way to gather the most fruit for manufacturing is to also have the zombie vineyard grow grapes for red wine and hops for beer. Having an orchard with berry bushes and apple trees growing is also recommended, as well as having bee hives at the apiary for honey and growing a lot of wheat for the beer.

Why Alcohol Manufacturing Layout is great:

  • There is space for one zombie brewery and one zombie winery, with the brewery producing 10 mugs of beer and mead and the winery producing 40 bottles of red wine.
  • There is plenty of space for more wine barrels, which produce 20 bottles of wine, brewing stands, fermentation barrels, and at least one alcohol distiller, which is needed for a quest.
  • Working in combination with the zombie vineyard and having a porter zombie makes the process super smooth to bring all the crops down into the cellar. Players only have to go to the vineyard to choose which crop they want grown.


1. Crate Factory

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See Crate Factory Layout in action: 

The crate factory is one of the unlockable late-game workstations that is a great way for players to make some money. It is unlocked alongside the Trade Office as part of continuing with the Merchant’s questline. This is a place where Silver and Gold quality crops, tools, and other items can be sold in bulk to the Town, making players a pretty penny. The entrance from the village and the hatch from the cellar are both closed until you complete the merchant's quest "Trade Licence".

Why Crate Factory Layout is great:

  • It’s a great way to make use of excess materials, such as ceramic jugs, nails, marble, and any extra-quality crops.
  • These goods crates always sell for the same price, regardless of what produce you package.
  • Placing a zombie at the factory allows players to queue for what they want to be crafted and saves them time and energy. Adding a porter down in the cellar to collect the crates is another time saver.

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