Whether you’ve just started Far Cry 5 or you’re working your way through the game, we all know the undoubted sigh that comes with the first look of how to spend any sort of perk points to gain skills in an open world game. From stealth to melee, there’s many methods of getting through Hope County and defeating the Seeds. How to choose and what to choose? From what to get earliest to latest, here’s the top 20 perks in Far Cry 5.
20. Health Boost 1
Start getting your health up here.
As you’re just beginning, extra health is always an added benefit for a bumbling Far Cry 5 baby such as yourself.
Why Health Boost 1 is Great:
- Extra health gives you more time to deal with new attackers
- Extra health gives you more time to deal with bigger groups of attackers
- Extra health gives you more time to reload or escape enemies
Health Boost 1 details:
- Cost: 6
- Your maximum health is increased to 150%.
19. Health Boost 2
Gain more health with this perk.
Maybe 150% just wasn’t enough health for you! So try this one on for size!
Why Health Boost 2 is Great:
- Extra health gives you more time to deal with new attackers
- Extra health gives you more time to deal with bigger groups of attackers
- Extra health gives you more time to reload or escape enemies
Health Boost 2 details:
- Cost: 7
- Your maximum health is increased to 200%.
18. Health Boost 3
More health with this perk.
What’s better than 200%? How about 250%?
Why Health Boost 3 is Great:
- Extra health gives you more time to deal with new attackers
- Extra health gives you more time to deal with bigger groups of attackers
- Extra health gives you more time to reload or escape enemies
Health Boost 3 details:
- Cost: 8
- Your maximum health is increased to 250%.
17. Health Boost 4
The most health you can get in Far Cry 5.
If you’re really health hungry, this one should fill your appetite.
Why Health Boost 4 is Great:
- Extra health gives you more time to deal with new attackers
- Extra health gives you more time to deal with bigger groups of attackers
- Extra health gives you more time to reload or escape enemies
Health Boost 4 details:
- Cost: 9
- Your maximum health is increased to 300%.
16. Harvest Master
Become every farmer's envy.
Early on, making money is going to be a necessity to expand your arsenal and get you all the materials you need in order to get going in Hope County. This perk will help you with that as soon as you get it.
Why Harvest Master is Great:
- Lessens time spent hunting animals to gain money
- Lessens time spent fishing in order to get money
- Lessens time spend gathering plants to gain money
Harvest Master details:
- Cost: 8
- Double your reward from plants and animals.
15. Locksmith
Lock, Lock, who's there?
With this perk, you’ll be on the inside of some places you wouldn’t be until much further in the game. Plus, it’s kind of a spy perk, which is cool in itself.
Why Locksmith is Great:
- Advance more quickly through locked outposts and campaign stories
- Get access to many more Prepper Stashes
- Get access to more Perks and collectible treasures
Locksmith details:
- Cost: 6
- Stealthily lockpick safes and doors that do not require a key card with E.
14. Leadership
Just a cop with her little followers like ducks in a row.
Well unlike most people, apparently your Far Cry 5 character wasn’t born to lead. So try out this perk to make it seem like they were
Why Leadership is Great:
- Another spot allows for more companions to be chosen
- Another companion helps with lessening damage to you
- Another companion allows for more special abilities from companions to be used
Leadership details:
- Cost: 6
- Condition: 0/3 Unique specialist hired.
- Unlock an additional slot in your squad to let you play with two Guns For Hire in single player.
13. Additional Holster
1 gun, 2 gun, 3 gun, go!
If you’re going to be the wildest gun in the West, it’s good to have two guns. It’s better to have three though.
Why Additional Holster is Great:
- Additional weapon allows you to expand your arsenal
- Helps in having more weapons when stuck in a fight or hunting area
- Allows you to capitalize on more ammo choices you pick up
Additional Holster details:
- Cost: 8
- Carry a 3rd weapon of any type in your weapon wheel.
12. Rifle Mastery
Become the greatest shot in Hope County.
Rifles are great for this game, and being a master of them is enough to put the fear of the god they so love in the Seed family.
Why Rifle Mastery is Great:
- Increased reload means targets have less time to get away in between shots
- Decreased aim means targets have less time to get away in between shots as well as increasing the aiming abilities of the rifle being used
- Decreased sway and bullet spread helps with overall accuracy and risk
Rifle Mastery details:
- Cost: 7
- Reload, aim, and switch rifles and sniper rifles faster.
- Sway and bullet spread are reduced.
- Also works in Arcade.
11. Rifle Ammo Bag
If you've got rifles, you've got ammo.
Like rifles? You’re going to need ammo, and a lot of it. This perk will set you up with that.
Why Rifle Ammo Bag is Great:
- More rifle ammo means you can hunt and fight longer with rifles
- More .50 cal ammo means you can hunt and fight longer with SMGs
- Arcade perk as well, so DLCs will be an easier feat
Rifle Ammo Bag details:
- Cost: 9
- Carry more rifle and .50cal ammo. Also works in Arcade.
10. Weapons Collector
What's better than three guns? Four.
Three guns not enough? Four should suit your American gun crazed fancies…we hope….
Why Weapons Collector is Great:
- Fourth weapon allows for greater variation in carried arsenal
- Can optimize carried ammo given more weapon choices
- Easier fights given more weapon choices
Weapons Collector details:
- Cost: 9
- Carry a 4th weapon of any type in your weapon wheel.
9. Grapple
They call this one an Assassin perk for a reason.
For only one point, you can make getting around the Hope County landscape a lot easier. This perk will help you get to the top, pun intended.
Why Grapple is Great:
- Helps you get around Far Cry 5 map a lot quicker and easier
- Helps reach extra prepper stashes and treasures
- Helps to overtake outposts easier
Grapple details:
- Cost: 1
- Unlocks the grapple tool.
- Find grapple spots in the world and use LMB and RMB to climb up and down quickly.
8. Sneaky Sprint
Become sneaky like the fox....
What happens when you take two opposite things and put them together? You kill people more quietly! Well….at least in the case of Sneaky Sprint…..
Why Sneaky Sprint is Great:
- Makes risk of taking down target less
- Helps to take down outposts quicker
- Helps to capture more targets while hunting
Sneaky Sprint details:
- Cost: 4
- Move much faster while still staying crouched. Also works in Arcade.
7. Ghost
Like Casper...but much scarier...
With this perk, the cultists will be believing not only strongly in God, but also in Ghosts….
Why Ghost is Great:
- Easier to take down opponents
- Quicker time and less risk taking out outposts
- Falling damage reduced helps in risky situations
Ghost details:
- Cost: 7
- You make less noise walking, sprinting, and landing.
- Falling damage is reduced.
- Also works in Arcade.
6. Takedown Mastery
Become the top assassin of Hope County.
If you’re going to do anything sneaky, you might as well be the master of it. With this perk, they’ll call you the Ninja of Hope County.
Why Takedown Mastery is Great:
- Easiest level for to taking down opponents given heightened takedown range
- Quickest time with the least associated risk taking out outposts with chain takedowns
- Melee throw and sidearm takedowns allow for weapon abilities to be increased
Takedown Mastery details:
- Cost: 6
- Unlocks chain, melee throw, and sidearm takedowns.
- Takedown range increased.
5. Parachute
The best view is from the top.
Skip the tandem jumps and grab this perk to be parachuting all over Hope County.
Why Parachute is Great:
- Helps to save from falling if out hunting or escaping enemies
- Great use for getting from place to place faster
- Helps to get above ground look if scouting an outpost or hunting area
Parachute details:
- Cost: 1
- Unlocks the parachute. Deploy it by holding Space while you are falling.
4. Wingsuit
Like a squirrel....but cooler....
This is another spy-level perk that expands on the Parachute perk. Worth every one of the four points, mostly just because its so cool.
Why Wingsuit is Great:
- Helps to save from falling if out hunting or escaping enemies
- Great use for getting from place to place faster than Parachute perk
- Helps to get above ground look if scouting an outpost or hunting area
Wingsuit details:
- Cost: 4
- Unlocks the wingsuit. Use it by pressing Shift and switch between parachute and wingsuit in mid-flight allowing you to cover more distance.
3. Airdrop
Cue the James Bond soundtrack.
The trifecta of the Parachute-Wingsuit series, this perk is sure to be an eye opener…from 8,000 feet…
Why Airdrop is Great:
- Helps get vantage point from any fast travel location and travel further
- Great use for getting from place to place faster than Parachute or Wingsuit perk
- Helps to get above ground look if scouting an outpost or hunting area
Airdrop details:
- Cost: 10
- Unlocks the option to arrive by air drop when you fast travel to a location.
2. King of the Jungle
Mufasa isn't the king of Hope County anymore....
As Hope County is a jungle in its own rugged mid-Western sense, it’s only fair that there’s a King. Why not make it for the price of 6 points. Going once, going twice, growl.
Why King of the Jungle is Great:
- Reduces overall attack damage from animals, making hunting or sneaking near an outpost easier
- Predators are more likely to attack enemies over you, helping you in battles as well as to avoid animal attacks
- Prey flees less, making hunting missions a breeze in both main game and arcade mode
Perk details:
- Cost: 6
- Reduced animal attack damage.
- Predators (except Judges) prioritize nearby enemies over you.
- Prey animals flee less from you.
- Also works in Arcade.
1. Weapons Pro
A gunman amongst gunmen.
If you’ve reached the end of this list, you’ve come to spend the extra point you’ve been saving for no reason. And in true American stride, why not waste them on guns.
Why Weapons Pro is Great:
- Reload is faster, allowing for you to not take as much damage and more quickly defeat enemies
- Aim is increased, a helpful perk for SMGs but even more for shotguns
- Sway and bullet spray reduction is especially useful for shotguns
Perk details:
- Cost: 6
- Reload, aim, and switch SMGs and shotguns faster.
- Sway and bullet spread are reduced.
- Also works in Arcade.
PSA: As some of these perks require a lot of points you should look into Prepper Stash locations and certain Challenges that can help you can get a lot of the skills a lot faster than you would realize. Attached above are extra links to assist you with this.