Experience Evolution From Grass Roots Up In 'Sapiens' First Person Civilization Builder

Experience Evolution From Grass Roots Up In 'Sapiens' First Person Civilization Builder
You'd better prove that you've evolved past the neanderthal stage!

Human civilization has come a long way. And when I say a long way, I mean that human civilization has gone from chopping down trees with sharpened rocks to flying around in space! For most of modern civilization, the primitive ways of ancient Sapiens are somewhat of a mystery.

Building a home and collecting resources. Image by 'Sapiens.'

‘Sapiens’ is a first-person civilization-building game that sheds a bit of light on the ways of the ancients and lets you experience the evolution of human society over the ages. 

You will start as a primitive group of sapiens. You can explore the world to find new resources and materials that will allow you to build more advanced tools, buildings, equipment, and weapons. 

You need to establish new colonies and assign tasks to your fellow sapiens individually. Colonies can be established for collecting area-specific resources, which can be transported to the home colony with transportation networks.

Using fire as a source of heat and a place to cook. Image by 'Sapiens.'

The game features advanced construction mechanics, allowing you to dig anywhere, and even place/remove individual logs, bricks, or whichever other construction materials you choose to use.

You must ensure that all your sapiens are warm, fed, have shelter, and are protected against dangerous wildlife and environmental conditions. You must work to collect resources and advance through the technological ages successfully while making sure that the Sapien population continues to grow.

Developers have stated that ‘Early Access’ for the game will open in mid-2022, so buckle up and prepare for a mind-blowing ride through time!

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