The Best PVP Games on PC: Page 14 of 56

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Which games should you play this year?

14) H1Z1: King of the Kill

The H1Z1: King of the Hill teaser trailer shows off the playable characters in a very chaotic fashion.

Drop into a an utterly chaotic grudge match and just kill things. Choose a character, whether the Scarecrow like Brian Moore or the pigheaded killer Kyle Bacon, and just go ham.

The game was created after the original H1Z1 was split into two projects back in February of 2016. Though still in early access, it provides a fun chaos deathmatch experience.

Although, if you didn’t care for H1Z1 before it split, you probably won’t care much for this. It seems like they might be trying to hype it up way too much for what the actual experience is, and the gameplay doesn’t lend itself well to the whacky, utterly chaotic tone of the trailer. It boasts that it is a “fight to the death” shooter, but really, what shooter isn’t?

However, King of the Kill has a lot of potential in the playerbase, which is in my opinion the one thing that, for a published game, will make or break the experience and the base for this game is both creative and, well, murderous. So even if the game might be slow-paced, you have a lot of creative freedom in how you murder the other guys.

Yeah, that seems about right.

Gameplay footage of a man trying to beat 100 opponents in the game.

Gamer Since: 2003
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Fallout 4
Top 3 Favorite Games:Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine , Dark Souls 3 , World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

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darkclow's picture

darkclow 7 years 9 months ago

Equally as good* and overwatch* autocorrect doesn't like me today lol.

darkclow's picture

darkclow 7 years 9 months ago

I don't get how lol can be in first and smite be on 9th when both are equal on the paper front and overeat check was a joke and shouldn't even be on this list even though I do agree with some of the rankings but jeez.