11 Best PC Games for Girls in 2018: Page 7 of 11

 Best PC Games for Girls
Time to look back on the year the way Chloe looks at Max. http://www.gamespot.com/life-is-strange/

5. Cities: Skylines

Can you manage a city?

Multitasking is an area in which most females excel. Whether it’s juggling household chores, the latest homework assignment or just playing a game in which it requires you to do various tasks at once. For instance, Cities: Skylines.

Cities: Skylines is a city-building simulator released on March 10, 2015. The creators put a huge emphasis on the player being able to create their “dream” city. Want skyscrapers everywhere? Go for it!

Cities Skyline gameplay video

You start off with a set amount of land and money and you start off from there. As time goes on the player unlocks items and increases the size of their city.

Is this your dream city?

The citizens or AI systems in the game will tell you what they like or dislike about any new add-ons to the place. This allows the player to have a guide when building their city instead of going in dumb-founded.

Even one person could be a huge help!

The player has to make sure they keep the citizens happy with providing them “tools” for their basic needs. The basic needs of your citizens being health, education and jobs. It may seem tedious at first but remember, these citizens are the backbone of your city! Treat them well.

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Gamer Since: 2004
Currently Playing: Rainbow Six Siege
Top 3 Favorite Games:Batman: Arkham Knight, The Walking Dead, Tomb Raider

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