10 Weirdest Video Games Ever Made: Page 9 of 10

10 Weirdest Video Games Ever Made
“You haven’t seen anything yet” *smirk* - goat, from Goat Simulator

2. Seaman

A new pet. Seaman is the dream-come-true pet everyone wants to have in their home.

Eccentric is not enough to describe this weird video game. Created for Sega Dreamcast, the game was released in the US on 2000. The game is narrated by none other than Leonard Nimoy himself (a.k.a. Mr. Spock) in the English version of the game.

As a pet owner of the mysterious “Seaman” species, your role is to feed, care, and provide it company. Sounds like a normal pet simulator, right? Well, it has a “-man” in its name because it has the body of a fish and a face of a human. It looks like something from a morbid horror movie where scientists mix species to create monster-like creatures.

No worries though as it’s actually friendly. You can talk to it via the microphone bundled with the game console, and it will respond back just like your average friend.

I… I don’t know what’s happening.

Let’s play Seaman! Seaman gameplay care of PewDiePie

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Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: RPG
Top 3 Favorite Games:The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings, Bioshock Infinite, Fallout 3: Broken Steel

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augustwright's picture

augustwright 7 years 10 months ago

No joke, though, Goat Simulator is pretty awesome (there's even a goat Hell you can gain access to!).