
The gaming world is filled with wonderful people who have been inspired and enthralled by the epic fantasies that have fueled imaginations for decades. Aaron McLaughlin is a lifelong geek and gamer, spending his younger years on an upturned milk carton playing countless hours of K.O.T.O.R. and World Of Warcraft, as well as being completely pulled into character adventuring with D&D 3.5. High fantasy had always been his passion, and the works of Tolkien and Lovecraft forged the writer that he is today. With works ranging from numerous interwoven 5e homebrew campaigns, a Sci-fi murder mystery soon to off to print, and a handful of in-depth gaming reviews his years of experience and passion for gaming lead to well rounded and expert level input. Naturally drawn to the complex realities of RPG’s, his favorite games are a balance of Witcher 3, Fallout New Vegas, Breath Of The Wild, and his new favorite strategy-driven game XCOM 2. As well as being an avid tabletop gamer and local Game Master at the friendly neighborhood game store, he finds true joy in the local geek culture and encourages young gamers to pursue an interest in D&D and Pathfinder game systems. Finding an epic connection in the shared gaming experience, as well as, the encouragement and creativity that goes with this genre of gaming. From mission walkthroughs and quality lore drops, Aaron is a wealth of nerd-culture knowledge and goodness. So adjust the height of your gaming chair, crank the volume on that headset, and take a journey into the world of pure imagination.
aaronmac's Rank: Total Noob
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
XCOM 2 Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord Witcher 3
Top 3 Favorite Games