
Video games have been a lifelong passion Rhys, as they have for many individuals in Rhys’ generation. However, for Rhys, this passion has evolved to expertise with the study and practice of English.
Rhys graduated from an institution well known for its commitment to academic excellence with a BA in English/Journalism and with the ability to see video games in a much more profound way. The knowledge Rhys learned in college and the experience Rhys has gained afterwards has expanded his passion for gaming past the surface-level playing experience. Rhys developed an interest in not only video games themselves, but the cultural ecosystem they exist within.
New questions began to arise for Rhys as he became a better writer, editor, and critical thinker: What makes a game “good?” How does a game fit within the larger media landscape? How do individuals relate to video games differently? Business models? Government regulation? Rhys now holds video games up to the same critical standards as literature, cinema, photography etc., and he thinks video games deserve all the same respect when they excel.
Rhys graduated from an institution well known for its commitment to academic excellence with a BA in English/Journalism and with the ability to see video games in a much more profound way. The knowledge Rhys learned in college and the experience Rhys has gained afterwards has expanded his passion for gaming past the surface-level playing experience. Rhys developed an interest in not only video games themselves, but the cultural ecosystem they exist within.
New questions began to arise for Rhys as he became a better writer, editor, and critical thinker: What makes a game “good?” How does a game fit within the larger media landscape? How do individuals relate to video games differently? Business models? Government regulation? Rhys now holds video games up to the same critical standards as literature, cinema, photography etc., and he thinks video games deserve all the same respect when they excel.
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