Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs
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Watch Dogs (2014)

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Enter the world of Aiden Pearce, a grey hat hacker and former thug who seeks revenge against those who caused the death of his niece. Equipped with a set of advanced hacking skills, use Aiden to hack into the central OS - the software mainframe that controls Urban Chicago, as you track down the perpetrators to inflict your personal brand of justice. With options to hack into online personal records of citizens, manipulate traffic signals to create chaos or even break into police systems to prevent arrest, utilize cutting-edge in-game hacking gadgets to lead Aiden to his goal.

Watch Dogs intensive single player missions are perfectly balanced by the online multiplayer modes that allow players to hack other player's or just free roam in Chicago causing mischief and mayhem. Awesome graphics, a strong core game and being able to step into the shoes of a cool vigilante hacker makes “Watch Dogs” one of the most unique games ever.

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RKChauhan's picture

RKChauhan 7 years 9 months ago

Its a good game, but just not as good as it was marketed to be. The gameplay is fine and the story is good too. The graphics are also very very good and so are visual effects. The driving system however is not very good and yes the driving is too much. Its just that every other mission is about a/several people chasing you. You are chased after practically every mission (almost). The game gets pretty monotonous and boring as you play it, and it may just be my personal preference but I was not able to play through it completely. However, the idea is new and fresh and I have very high hopes for Watch Dogs 2.

erekerendo's picture

erekerendo 7 years 10 months ago

To many cheaters online invading your game.

Alezzio's picture

Alezzio 8 years 3 months ago

Inspiring game for hackers, with nice story line n amazing graphic. i love it

Parthians's picture

Parthians 8 years 6 months ago

well here we see a new kind of game and unlike other action games,this one inherits a great story-based game that remains loyal to plot till the end of it.also without any exaggeration that really brings any realistic gamer like me a smile to his face in the world of legends. i wouldn't ever leave a comment on this game if it had a cliche or strange story.of course those two are different from each other and that's what I'm crazy about:a tragic story written to make a balance between a chosen hero full of good features and a wild pleasure-seeking gunslinger.what came out is actually what you name him vigilante;a meaningful word really.

danon's picture

danon 9 years 2 weeks ago

The storyline along with the use of the hack was the best part of an otherwise rough gameplay. The driving wasn't as smooth as on GTA V, and the aim on the shooting was terrible (Or I got one with a bug). On the whole, the game was okay at best.

darkknight88's picture

darkknight88 9 years 2 weeks ago

This game results out for me, as the most possible hacking advancements i am going to see for sure in my lifetime. Hacking in and out, of and any connected device of present scenario; is the exact description for this game. And the good thing with the game is that, it’s an open world there. Go hack any cctv cameras, security systems, unlock doors and even unlock vehicles with a smart phone provided within the gameplay. You are free to roam around the city with any vehicle, or just follow the map for completing storyline or side missions.

WilliamH's picture

WilliamH 9 years 3 weeks ago

most difficult story line to follow, but excellent gameplay, WATCH DOGS brings new life to the hacking world with new technologies. graphics are amazing along with gameplay. story progression is a bit of a pain and frustrating at times, but sometimes is totally worth it.

syahrir's picture

syahrir 9 years 1 month ago

The feature that made this game 'WATCH DOG' is the hacking system,which also was the main reason gamers around the world wanted to played as it was the first of it's kind.and Ubisoft did a great job on not messing it up.including the graphics and gameplay,to me it was 6/10,"fun"

syahrir's picture

syahrir 9 years 1 month ago

This game was anticipated and waited by gamers around the world,on my self opinion about the graphics,it was on an average scale,nothing special,as for the main story line,it was a bit predictable,the same old,get targeted,one of your loved one dieds,u seek revenge and so on.but the "fun"part it's a free roaming city where you can either go around and knock yourself out,shooting people.rob people,steal cars etc,or do side missions.True,is a bit more like GTA when say it like that but this game here,has a feature that made it WATCH DOGS,one of the main feature,the 'hacking system' which many people enjoy it because of it.

syahrir's picture

syahrir 9 years 1 month ago

this game was anticipated and waited by most gamers,on my self opinion i would say that the graphics were okay,as for the main story line was a bit much predictable,after what has happened to the main character,on what he was gonna do and so on,but to me the most 'fun'is that it's a free roaming city where you can do about anything u want,more like GTA,steal cars,shoot people,rob people and so on.The thing that seperates Watch Dogs and GTA is a little something they add on,which is also one of the main features in this game is the hacking system,which many people enjoyed it very much,so do i.overall i would rate 6/10

riddle92's picture

riddle92 9 years 1 month ago

Set in Chicago, Watch Dogs does its best to make you feel like the game is unique. From a beautifully designed city to shooting guns and a decent narrative, Watch Dogs is everything it was advertised to be. The story line is fantastic, but the actual gameplay is a bit rough. Personally, I enjoyed the game and am looking forward to a second title, but many don't feel that way. The driving is lackluster, there are texture issues and the city doesn't feel alive. Watch Dogs had the potential to be a great title - instead, it's average.

TrueBolt's picture

TrueBolt 9 years 1 month ago

As far as third person games go, Watch Dogs takes the cake. The story is engaging and dynamic, with characters you get attached to. And your morality will be tested as you can go almost the entire game without killing anyone, or happily eliminate all who stand in your way.

TrueBolt's picture

TrueBolt 9 years 1 month ago

As far as third person games go, Watch Dogs takes the cake. The story is engaging and dynamic, with characters you get attached to. And your morality will be tested as you can go almost the entire game without killing anyone, or happily eliminate all who stand in your way.

GuiImin's picture

GuiImin 9 years 1 month ago

Watch Dogs is one of my favorite games in terms of the storyline and game concept. Although graphics are not anything special, you still have to love being able to control a whole city with your fingertips. From the most obvious traffic lights to more complex systems in the city’s infrastructure, the hacking is what differentiates this from other open world games. Because this is being played in a PC, there is a unique “meta” aspect to Watch Dogs which makes the gameplay look and feel more vivid

kimandre195's picture

kimandre195 9 years 1 month ago

So when it comes to Watch_Dogs, i feel it is a game that is really worth playing as it brings out more of the characters story as the story develops toward his own personal quest. The game brings out more of the technical world, such as hacking. You will be able to hack everything from steam-pipes to ATM's. As you develop further within the story you will engage many characters that will build up to an ominous history and friction among all the characters. for me, it's worth playing!

soypatrick's picture

soypatrick 9 years 1 month ago

Amazing game where you got to catch criminals with a ultra cool ultimate smartphone wich you'll be able to activate all type of things in the streets or in buildings. Fun.

STi.Boy's picture

STi.Boy 9 years 1 month ago

While the initial gameplay mechanics feels a little clunky at first, 30 minutes later you forget all about it. Watch Dogs is a sandbox game in the vein of Red Dead Redemption; just enough side missions and goodies to keep you busy for a while, but a story line that demands you stay on task and finish it through.

hannahsmithlara's picture

hannahsmithlara 9 years 1 month ago

Watchdogs initial gameplay preview debuted high expections for gamers across the globe. When the game was released, it didnt provide the graphics or story the gamers expected. Even though it showcased a highly noticable graphical downgrade, gameplay was smooth and missions where fun. Despite the overall story lacking creativity, the open world provided a great feature; co-op invasions, providing unique, spontanoues gameplay, unlike any other game has been able to sucessfuly master in a long time

ancetti's picture

ancetti 9 years 1 month ago

Hoping to get a GTA with hacking?! Maybe just in the beginning. Watch Dogs can get your attention and even set the expectations way high, however once you get to play over the hours, you see no evolution and the game gets a little boring. Maybe they could create different missions, other interactions. Anyway, one of the PROs is the fact that you're walking around checking other people's bank accounts when a hacker (online user) starts stealing your info and bank accounts as well. Cool!

usama395395's picture

usama395395 9 years 1 month ago

The game was designed to put control into the player’s hands and it succeeded. I thought the concept was incredibly epic and it didn’t leave me with that “I wish I could do this” feeling I get from some games. The power to play the game how you want is also a bonus. Also, if you’re looking for a game with a ton of replay value, Watch_Dogs will definitely do it. While I figured. Ubisoft challenge to GTA has succeeded and shows great potential.

Evan's picture

Evan 9 years 1 month ago

The expectation for this game was not properly fulfilled for the gamers I must say, it could have been provided a more unique storyline and open world interactions. Although the advanced technology used throughout the game was extra-ordinary, and the action was awesome.

fr34kfrag's picture

fr34kfrag 9 years 1 month ago

This is one of those failed fire work gaming events we experienced with titles like Grid without a dashboard. You expected so much from the title it only had to grow wings and sing angelic songs while catching a tan on a cloud. It is not a total failure and will not make you run for anti depressants, instead it sweeps you away for a few hours. When it spits you out you realize this is what Altair in Assassins Creed would be like with a cellphone. It's worth the buy but don't expect much.

nickjones2's picture

nickjones2 9 years 1 month ago

I will give it to Ubisoft on this one, perfection. Watch Dogs doesn't have the free-roaming spirit Blackflag had, but the open world platform doesn't end up leaving you wanting. I am on my second go through of the game and it's just as fun as it was the first time. I'm looking forward to hours, and hours, of game play to come.

GoodJobMr2Percent's picture

GoodJobMr2Percent 9 years 1 month ago

With their first foray into the modern free-roaming shooter Ubisoft has presented a great proof of concept with Watch Dogs. The gameplay mixes between driving, shooting and hacking mini-games that executed on well in the game’s main storyline, but in the side-quests they tend to fall flat. The characters that occupy the game range from bland to one dimensional and never seem to be fully fleshed out.

Falconero's picture

Falconero 9 years 1 month ago

Although its technical downgrade has initially been hard to accept, Watch Dogs offers an intense and fast paced experience during its 10-15 hour singleplayer campaign, and endless fun in its cleverly developed online multiplayer. Chances are you'll have serious problems getting away from Chicago...

jandrews's picture

jandrews 9 years 2 months ago

This game takes the usual format of a an action game, but adds a new twist. If you think yourself as something of a shadowy hacker-dude, you'll be in element. If you enjoy games like Tomb Raider or GTA, give it a try. You won't be disappointed.

RiotGirlAi's picture

RiotGirlAi 9 years 2 months ago

Watch Dogs is sort of like Grand Theft Auto, but using your hacking skills instead of your "physical" skills which made GTA very popular. Gameplay is quite similar. Just be a bit sneakier as compared to the guns ablazing approach with GTA. You ARE hacking all over the place and I don't think it would be a great idea to get caught in the act. The graphics, a bit more pleasing to look at, albeit a bit darker, than that of GTA , but hey, that's just me. :) Overall, 4 out of 5 stars.

ellonganiza's picture

ellonganiza 9 years 2 months ago

Someone asked, What if the main guy from GTA actually had morals and became a Hacker? BUM! enter WatchDogs, the freedom of GTA coupled with the capacity to control the city to your whim by hacking the single OS that runs everything. The story is good enough, the hacking mechanics are amazing and will have you charmed from the get go, the handling of vehicles could use a lot of works to make the game better. Even though it´s taxing on the pc most modest rigs can run it with moderate choppines.