Valkyria Chronicles

Valkyria Chronicles game rating
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Valkyria Chronicles (2014)

0 %
Judged by: 12 gamers
Epic Fail Bad Average Epic Legendary
Terrible Poor Fun Amazing Must Play

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Europe is divided and ruled by the Empire and the Federation. The Empire is all set to conquer a small colony, Gallia, for securing its natural resources. An unlikely hero, Welkin, and a group of soldiers of the Federation are fighting back against the Empire.

The game features over 100 customizable characters, a new tactical battle system, an epic storyline and over 30 new environments to explore!

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Zelda's picture

Zelda 4 years 9 months ago

I am so sad to see such a low score for such an artistically wonderful rpg. It is a unique turn-based strategy game, with a wonderful story. It was my favorite one in the series and I hope people are not judging it based on other games in the same series.

MaxwellDenton's picture

MaxwellDenton 6 years 4 months ago

I'm not sure why there's such a low score save for the fact that the people who voted just don't play these kinds of games. The turn-based strategy combined with Third-Person shooter genre was an interesting concept that I hadn't seen in any game before. Valkyria Chronicles delivers a great story about a war-torn country and the small squad tasked with saving it.