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Thief (2014)

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The fourth installment in the Thief series of games, "Thief" takes players into the dark fantasy world of master thief Garett. Garret returns to his hometown after a long time, and discovers that it is now ruled by a tyrant called The Baron. The city is plagued by a disease, but the rich live in isolation and good fortune while the poor form mobs that rebel against the government. Garret intends to use this chaotic situation to his favor.

Execute heists, steal valuable treasures and uncover dark secrets not meant to be found as you use Garret's stealth skills at every turn to outwit enemies and tilt the balance in your favor.

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RKChauhan's picture

RKChauhan 7 years 9 months ago

It is a good and fun game, with its "thief" mechanics, gameplay and dark and murky setting and gameplay. However, for me it got a little boring after a while.

2Kris.P's picture

2Kris.P 8 years 5 months ago

Although this is apparently the fourth installment of the "Thief" series, it was the first that I've played, and I was impressed. The storyline and world is immersive, and the several different ways you could achieve a goal was a wonderful gimmick. I tended to opt toward the Ghost playstyle, seeing how stealthy I could be, until I discovered how to smack people with whatever I was currently holding. Predator became one of my more common playstyles after that. All in all, "Thief" was a fun game to immerse oneself in!